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      深圳灣邊貿(mào)易優(yōu)勢進(jìn)口美國Amptek X射線探測系統(tǒng)*

      參  考  價:面議





      更新時間:2016-08-20 16:59:50瀏覽次數(shù):2682次

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      XR-100CR Si-PIN X-Ray Detector
      XR-100CRX-Ray Detector with Si-PIN Detector
      Exact part number for ordering:
      XY-FSG32MD-G3SP: 6 mm2/500 µm/1 mil Be/ML
      XY-FSG32MD-G2SP: 6 mm2/500 µm/0.5 mil Be/ML



      美國火星探測器,中國航天設(shè)備均配有Amptek X射線探測系統(tǒng).


      深圳灣邊貿(mào)易進(jìn)口代理Amptek X射線探測器*!Amptek X射探測系統(tǒng),Amptek X光檢測儀,  Amptek手執(zhí)X射線探測器*!





      XR-100CR Si-PIN X-Ray Detector 
      XR-100CRX-Ray Detector with Si-PIN Detector
       Exact part number for ordering:
       XY-FSG32MD-G3SP: 6 mm2/500 µm/1 mil Be/ML
       XY-FSG32MD-G2SP: 6 mm2/500 µm/0.5 mil Be/ML
       XY-FS432MD-G3SP: 13 mm2/500 µm/1 mil Be/ML
       XY-FSJ32MD-G3SP: 25 mm2/500 µm/1 mil Be/ML
      PX5Digital Pulse Processor, MCA, and Power Supply for use with all Amptek detectors
      XR-100SDD Silicon Drift X-Ray Detector 
      XR-100SDDX-Ray Detector with Silicon Drift Detector (SDD)
       Exact part number for ordering:
       XY-GSJ3AMD-G2SP: SDD 25 mm2/500 µm/0.5 mil Be/ML
       XY-GSJ3AMD-E1SP: SDD 25 mm2/500 µm/0.3 mil Be/ML
       XY-GSJ3AMD-UOEA: SDD 25 mm2/500 µm/C1 Window/ML
       XY-GSJ3AMD-E6EA: SDD 25 mm2/500 µm/C2 Window/ML
      XR100FASTSDDX-Ray Detector with FAST SDD™
       Exact part number for ordering:
       XY-HSJ3AMD-G2SP: FAST SDD™ 25 mm2/500 µm/0.5 mil Be/ML
       XY-HSJ3AMD-E1SP: FAST SDD™ 25 mm2/500 µm/0.3 mil Be/ML
       XY-HSJ3AMD-UOEA: FAST SDD™ 25 mm2/500 µm/C1 Window/ML
       XY-HSJ3AMD-E6EA: FAST SDD™ 25 mm2/500 µm/C2 Window/ML
      PX5Digital Pulse Processor, MCA, and Power Supply for use with all Amptek detectors
      XR-100T-CdTeX-Ray and Gamma Ray Detector with Cadmium luride (CdTe)
       Exact part number for ordering:
       XY-TC2470D-G4BB: CdTe 9 mm2/1 mm/4 mil Be
       XY-TC5470D-G4BB: CdTe 25 mm2/1 mm/4 mil Be (add $900 to price)
      PX5Digital Pulse Processor, MCA, and Power Supply for use with all Amptek detectors
      X-123 Si-PIN Complete X-Ray Spectrometer 
      X-123Complete X-Ray Spectrometer with Si-PIN Detector
       Exact part number for ordering:
       ZY-FSG32MD-G3SP: Si-PIN 6 mm2/500 µm/1 mil Be/ML
       ZY-FSG32MD-G2SP: Si-PIN 6 mm2/500 µm/0.5 mil Be/ML
       ZY-FS432MD-G3SP: Si-PIN 13 mm2/500 µm/1 mil Be/ML
       ZY-FSJ32MD-G3SP: Si-PIN 25 mm2/500 µm/1 mil Be/ML
      X-123SDD Complete X-Ray Spectrometer 
      X-123SDDComplete X-Ray Spectrometer with Silicon Drift Detector (SDD)
       Exact part number for ordering:
       ZY-GSJ3AMD-G2SP: SDD 25 mm2/500 µm/0.5 mil Be/ML
       ZY-GSJ3AMD-E1SP: SDD 25 mm2/500 µm/0.3 mil Be/ML
       ZY-GSJ3AMD-UOEA: SDD 25 mm2/500 µm/C1 Window/ML
       ZY-GSJ3AMD-E6EA: SDD 25 mm2/500 µm/C2 Window/ML
      X-123FASTSDDComplete X-Ray Spectrometer with FAST SDD™
       Exact part number for ordering:
       ZY-HSJ3AMD-G2SP: FAST SDD™ 25 mm2/500 µm/0.5 mil Be/ML
       ZY-HSJ3AMD-E1SP: FAST SDD™ 25 mm2/500 µm/0.3 mil Be/ML
       ZY-HSJ3AMD-UOEA: FAST SDD™ 25 mm2/500 µm/C1 Window/ML
       ZY-HSJ3AMD-E6EA: FAST SDD™ 25 mm2/500 µm/C2 Window/ML
      X-123CdTe Complete X-Ray and Gamma Ray Spectrometer 
      X-123CdTeComplete X-Ray and Gamma Ray Spectrometer with Cadmium luride (CdTe) Detector
       Exact part number for ordering:
       ZY-TC2470D-G4BB: CdTe 9 mm2/1 mm/4 mil Be
       ZY-TC5470D-G4BB: CdTe 25 mm2/1 mm/4 mil Be
      OEM Detectors 
      AXR Si-PIN with PA210 or PA230Si-PIN AXR detector element with PA210 or PA230 OEM Preamplifier, 1 mil Be window
      AXRSDD with PA210SDD or PA230SDDSDD AXRSDD detector element with PA210SDD or PA230SDD OEM Preamplifier, 0.5 mil Be window
      Detector Accessories 
      EXVCCollimator Kit for Medical or High Countrate Applications, please specify standard box, EXV5, or EXV9
      EXVC-W-SPACERTungsten (W) spacer/collimator for high energy X-rays above 150 keV, 35mm thick/300µm hole
      EXVC-LONGLong version of EXVC Collimator Kit, can accomodate up to 3 EXVC-W SPACERs ordered separay
      Vacuum Applications 
      EXV55 inch detector vacuum extension for the XR-100 or X-123 (add to cost of detectors above)
      EXV99 inch detector vacuum extension for the XR-100 or X-123 (add to cost of detectors above)
      CP75Vacuum feedthrough coupling on 2.75" SS Conflat (for use with EXV5/9); metric equivalent DN40CF
      9DVF9 Pin D-Vacuum Feedthrough Connector on a 2.75" SS Conflat; metric equivalent DN40CF
      TF33 foot vacuum cable (XR-100 to 9DVF)
      CF55 foot, 9 Pin D extension cable (9DVF to PX2)
      MP1XRF Mounting Plate for use with XR-100 or X-123 detectors with the Mini-X x-ray tube.
      PA-210 HousingHousing for the PA-210 preamplifier.
      PA-230 HousingHousing for the PA-230 preamplifier.
      Complete OEM Packaged System with Si-PIN Option 1 
      Complete OEM Packaged System with Si-PIN Option 4 
      Complete OEM Packaged System with SDD Option 1 
      Complete OEM Packaged System with SDD Option 4 
      XRF Kit with Si-PINExperimenter's XRF Kit with X-123 and 6 mm2/500 µm 1 mil Be Si-PIN detector
       (Includes a 10% package discount)
      XRF Kit with SDDExperimenter's XRF Kit with X-123 and 25 mm2/500 µm 0.5 mil SDD detector
       (Includes a 10% package discount)
      Call Amptek for other detector options including thinner Be windows. 
      COOL-XX-Ray Generator with Pyroelectric Crystal
      Mini-X-AgMiniature X-Ray Tube and Controller with Silver (Ag) Target
      Mini-X-AuMiniature X-Ray Tube and Controller with Gold (Au) Target
      Mini-X-OEMOEM Miniature X-Ray Tube
      CP125Vacuum feedthrough coupling on 2.75" SS Conflat (for use with Mini-X)
      DP5Enhanced Digital Pulse Processor for OEMs
      PC5XR100 Power Board for use with the DP5
       (NOTE: The PC5 provides the power supplies for Amptek detectors. It is not required with the DP5 if the DP5 is used with non-Amptek detectors.)
      DP5GDigital Pulse Processor for OEMs for use with Scintillation Detectors.
       Includes PCG power and connector board.
      PX5Enhanced Laboratory Digital Pulse Processor, MCA, and Power Supply for use with all Amptek detectors and other manufacturers' detectors
      PX5-HPGeDigital Pulse Processor and Power Supply for High Purity Germanium Detectors (HPGe)
      PX5 Digital I/O Breakout CablePX5 Digital I/O 15-Pin Breakout Cable
      DP4/PX4 Firmware UpgradeDP4/PX4 firmware upgrade for Windows Vista 64-bit and Windows 7 64-bit
       See this document for more information or contact Amptek.
      MCA8000A Upgrade for USB ConvertersUpgrade MCA8000A for compatibility with USB to RS232 converters. Includes USB to RS232 converter cable. This only applies to MCA8000A serial numbers 3659 and lower. Units with SN#3660 and higher already have this upgrade.
      MCA8000DContents: MCA8000D multichannel analyzer, AC Power Adapte, BNC signal cable (1 meter length), USB cable, RS232 cable, Software Installation CD. For use in nuclear instrumentation applications.
      MCA8000DContents: All MCA8000D contents (see above) PLUS modification to facilitate airborne and suspended particle sizing (100k input impedance), NIST traceable calibration and certificate. For use in airborne and suspended particle applications only. Not for use in nuclear instrumentation applications..
      Option PA 
      Option PA CalibrationPeriodic Calibration for Option PA as required (recommended every 12 months).
      GAMMA-RAD5Ruggedized 76 mm x 76 mm NaI(Tl) Scintillation Detector & Digital Pulse Processor (DP5G)
      GAMMA-RAD5Ruggedized 76 mm x 152 mm NaI(Tl) Scintillation Detector & Digital Pulse Processor (DP5G)
      XRF-FPQuantitative Analysis Software for X-Ray Fluorescence (for use with Amptek detectors and electronics)
      EPXAQuantitative Analysis Software for Electron Probe Excitation (for use with Amptek detectors and electronics)
      HYBRIDS (Includes Amptek High Reliability Screening)
      A101Charge Sensitive Preamplifier & Discriminator
      A111Charge Sensitive Preamplifier & Discriminator
      A111FLow Profile SIP A111
      A121Preamplifier & Discriminator
      A150Pulse Amplitude Discriminator
      A203Charge Sensitive Preamplifier & Shaper
      A206Pulse Amplifier & Discriminator
      A225Charge Sensitive Preamplifier & Shaper
      A225FLow Profile SIP A225
      A250Charge Sensitive Preamplifier
      A250CF"CoolFET" Charge Sensitive Preamplifier
      A250F or A250F/NFLow Profile SIP A250
      A275Pulse Amplifier
      A275FC or A275FNLow Profile SIP A275
      BLR1Baseline Restorer
      PH300Peak-Hold Detector
      Above Prices For Quantities 1-24. 
      Call For Quantity Pricing or click on PDF file below 
      TEST BOARDS FOR HYBRIDS (recommended for first time users)
      PC11 for A101 
      PC121 for A121 
      PC21 for A111 or A111F 
      PC236 for A203 & A206 
      PC25 for A225 & A206 
      PC250 for A250 
      PC250F for the A250F or A250F/NF 
      PC275 for A275 & BLR1

      NORMATEC PULSE體能快速恢復(fù)系統(tǒng)

      NORMATEC PULSE體能快速恢復(fù)系統(tǒng),Normatec為一款能



      美國Hitec Products應(yīng)力計電組絲

      美國Hitec Products應(yīng)力計電組絲$r$n深圳市灣邊貿(mào)易有限














