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      英國歐陸EurothermI/O 模 件

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      更新時間:2022-02-09 15:21:17瀏覽次數:1884次

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      I/O模件均為密封的模塊化結構。● I/O模件采用表面貼裝*技術,防塵、防潮濕、防鹽霧、防電磁干擾?!?性能穩(wěn)定,抗*力強?!?單塊模擬量I/O模件的點數不超過8點,數字量模塊不超過16點?!?獨立的模件和通道狀態(tài)指示,故障診斷可到通道級。


      - AI2二通道模擬量輸入卡,可冗余或單重配置
      - AI3三通道模擬量輸入卡,可冗余或單重配置
      - AI4四通道模擬量輸入卡,可冗余或單重配置

      AI2 analogue input - 2 channel
      This analogue input module is used to monitor analogue signals from a wide range of plant sensors, The mA and TC inputs each require the appropriate Thermal Unit. The second channel of the A12 has a special high impedance range for use with the zirconia probe inputs.

      No of channels: 2
      Input types: TC, RTD, Volts, mA, mV, Potentiometer, Pyrometer, Zirconia probe
      mV range: -150mV to +150mV at input impedance >100MΩ
      mA range: -22mA to +22mA with 5Ω burden in the terminal unit
      Volts range: -10.2V to +10.2V at input impedance 303kΩ
      RTD support: Support for 2, 3 and 4 wire resistance thermometer devices
      Ohms range: 0 to 600Ω 3- or 4-wire lead compensation
      Hi Ohms range: 0 to 5kΩ 3- or 4-wire lead compensation
      Pot range: 5% to 95% ‘rotation’ of 100Ω to 5kΩ pot

      AI3 analogue input - 3 channel
      Provides three isolated current input channels specifically designed to meet the requirements of modern two wire transmitters. Each channel has its own isolated 24V supply for 3-wire transmitter excitation. Each channel is protected against short circuit (with 24V dc supply on) and utilises a sophisticated trip and try system where the module senses over current and cuts the power, after a period the circuit checks for continued circuit malfunction. The module can be optionally fitted with disconnects to allow isolation of an individual input to allow work on the loop to continue safely.

      No of channels: 3

      Input range: -28mA to +28mA

      AI4 analogue input - 4 channel
      This analogue input module is used to monitor analogue signals from a wide range of plant sensors. The mA and TC inputs each require the appropriate Terminal Unit.

      No of channels: 4
      Input types: TC, mV, mA, Pyrometer
      mV range: -150 - +150mV at input impedance >100MΩ
      mA range: -22 - +22mA with 5Ω burden in the terminal unit





      AO2 analogue output - 2 channel

      This analogue output module provides two isolated analogue output channels. Each output may be independently configured for current or voltage mode. The module can be optionally fitted with disconnects to allow isolation of an individual output to allow work on the individual loop to continue safely.

      No of channels: 2
      Current output: -0.1 to 20.5mA; 10V dc maximum compliance
      with total burden less than 500Ω
      Voltage output: 0 to 10V dc; 20mA maximum compliance with
      total load greater than 500ohms
      -0.5 to 10.5 V dc; 20mA maximum compliance
      with total load greater than 1500Ω



      DI4 2500 四通道開關量輸入 (邏輯輸入)
      DI8_LG 2500 八通道開關量輸入 (邏輯輸入)
      DI8_CO 2500 八通道開關量輸入 (接點輸入)
      DI6_MV 2500 六通道開關量輸入 (交流電輸入, 115V rms)
      DI6_HV 2500 六通道開關量輸入 (交流電輸入, 230V rms)


      DI4 digital input - 4 channel

      This digital input module accepts four logic inputs, and may be wired either for voltage input (either polarity) or for contact closure.

      No of channels: 4
      Input functions: On/Off, pulse and de-bounce

      DI8 logic input - 8 channel

      This eight channel digital input module accepts eight logic inputs and is available in two factory option formats for voltage or contact-closure input.

      No of channels: 8
      Input functions: On/Off. pulse and de-bounce inputs with input invert

      DI6 AC voltage input - 6 channel

      The six channel digital input module accepts AC voltage inputs and is available in two factory options optimized for 115V ac or 230V ac ranges.

      No of channels: 6
      Input functions: On/Off or de-bounce
      Frequency: 47Hz-63Hz



      DO4_LG 2500 四通道開關量輸出 (外部供電, 10mA)
      DO4_24 2500 四通道開關量輸出 (外部供電, 100mA)
      RLY4 2500 四通道繼電器輸出 (6A/260Vac;3常開接點,1對常開/常閉接點)
      RLY4(N) 新型四通道繼電器輸出6A/260Vac;3常開接點1對常開/常閉接點 )
      DO8(N) 新型八通道開關量輸出

      DO4 logic output - 4 channel

      This digital output module provides four logic outputs and is available in two factory option formats for standard or high-current output.

      No of channels: 4
      Logic Variant
      Voltage supply: 18 <Vs <30V dc
      Output current: >8mA high drive per channel (Current limited)
      Output Voltage: At least Voltage supply (Vs) -3V switch drop
      24 Variant
      External supply: 12 <Vs <30V dc
      Output current: 100mA maximum high drive per channel
      (Current & Temperature limited)
      Output voltage: At least Voltage supply (Vs) -3V switch drop

      DO8 - digital output - 8 channel

      The DO8 provides higher packing density and lower cost per channel. The eight digital output module provides eight logic outputs, which are typically used for control, alarms or events outputs. Each channel a 24V output with 0.75A capability (subject of a maximum of 4A total per module) can be used for driving solenoids, relays, lamps, fans, thyristor units, single phase Solid State Relays (SSRs) or some three phase SSRs.
      Voltage supply (external): 18-30V dc to plant devices Vs

      RLY4 - relay output - 4 channel

      This digital output module provides four relay outputs. The relay contacts are all fitted with removable snubber circuits to reduce contact arcing and prolong contact life.

      No of channels: 4 (3 normally open + 1 changeover)
      Max current rating: 2A at up to 240V ac; 0.5A at 200V dc,
      ncreasing to 2A at 50V dc (resistive


      英國歐陸Eurotherm/NETWORK-6000 集散控制系統(tǒng)

      NETWORK-6000 分散控制系統(tǒng)(DCS)由系統(tǒng)網絡(Ether

      英國歐陸EurothermI/O 模 件

      I/O模件均為密封的模塊化結構。● I/O模件采用表面貼裝*技術,防塵


      策略引擎● 現場總線控制系統(tǒng)(FCS)應用● 支持冗余處理器模件自動無













