Electrify Smart Grid Investment with Asset Management
Smart Grid, Asset Management, Predictive Maintenance, Power Equipment, Substation Automation, Transmission & Distribution, Transformers, Restoration, Cable Faults, Circuit Breakers, Regulators
Everyone agrees that the Smart Grid can enable consumers to conserve and reduce energy costs. However, this also goes against the incentives (earnings per share) of every independent energy supplier. Conceivably, utilities can lose additional revenue with every smart meter installed. Without a compelling business case for electric power transmission and distribution (T&D) companies,
the smart electric grid will not be sustainable. The benefits of predictive asset management, which can reduce outages, restoration time, and maintenance costs for distributed assets, provide compelling value that can help mitigate the high cost of smart grid automation and spur adoption of the Obama Smart Grid initiative.
Electric Power T&D Needs to Get Involved
Despite huge automation investments in the power generation industry, T&D has yet to deploy substation automation in a significant way. The little automation deployed typically uses proprietary SCADA systems. These systems may talk with ISOs, but can't easily talk with each other, inhibiting communication between different T&D companies and creating islands of automation. Without integrated open automation systems and the associated infrastructure, T&D cannot enjoy access to information to improve productivity and reduce cost. The T&D industry needs to collaborate with automation and equipment suppliers and understand how to benefit from automation and infrastructure investments to meet future demand.
For more than two decades, there has been too little in the way of T&D investment, resulting in a decaying infrastructure driven to its limits; an infrastructure that is prone to fail at the slightest hint of increasing peak electrical demands. This, combined with an inexperienced workforce, unreliable power equipment, environmental impact, increasing information needs, and the recent availability of government funds for smart grid development, means that T&D companies should be investing now. However, response has been mixed.
The Smart Grid by itself does not necessarily provide long-term financial benefits for power T&D companies. On the other hand, commercial and industrial customers that are willing to take the time to learn how to exploit the technology can benefit by reducing electric consumption and lowering their monthly bills. However, more incentives are clearly needed to drive electric power T&D investment.
Hidden Value of Asset Management Provide Incentives
Electric power T&D utilities companies should evaluate smart grid investments in conjunction with T&D automation and control and asset management. Combining these elements in a single initiative makes the smart grid a more compelling investment opportunity for T&D utilities.
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