產品 BNG8030-ZN防爆防水智能控制柜用于易燃易爆場所*工作,用于各種室內,外工作場所,中國煤炭行業(yè),中石油,中石化,中海油,電力,治金,鐵路,鋼鐵,船舶,*,航空航天,*消防,化工,政府部門,場館,交通運輸,及大型企業(yè)適用需要。 | BNG8030-ZN適用范圍 .1區(qū) 2區(qū)危險場所. .IIA IIB IIC類爆炸性氣體環(huán)境. .溫度組別;T1-T6, Application 。Can be used in Zone l and Zone 2 dangerous places. 。Can be used in IIA IIB IIC group explosive gas environment. 。Temperatur classes;T1-T6 | | BNG8030-ZN型號含義 Model Meaning BNG8030-ZN主要技術數(shù)據(jù) Main Technical Parameters 防爆標志 | 防護等級Protectio class | Exd ll BT4 ExP ll T4 | IP66 | BNG8030-ZN概述 防爆智能控制柜采用雙體式結構,外柜采用GGD柜體 內柜采用鋼板焊接而成,具有較好的防水 防塵能力 可適用于多塵水等惡劣環(huán)境下 工作,內裝PCL或LCL,可編程控制器,工業(yè)控制機,并可配有鍵盤操作和打印輸出.可實現(xiàn)對復雜工藝的控制,監(jiān)測 預警及自動處理,還可 根據(jù)要求裝設電壓表 電流表 斷路器 指示燈,轉換開關 按鈕等電器元件 外形尺寸可根據(jù)用戶要求定制. lntroduction The inligent control cabinet is of double-body structure,enclisure of the cabinet is GGD type which is welded by steel plate with functions os water-proofing and dust-proofing lt can operate in dusty and washy, abominable environments.lnside is installed PCL or LCL,programmable controller,ind-ustrial controller, keyboard and printer The cabinet can do away with complicated control inspection pre-alarm and autom-atical disposal of them Voltmeter ammeter CB indicator selector button etc can be selected to be installed The out-line can be determined by user 訂貨須知 用戶須提供完整的電氣系統(tǒng)圖 控制圖 內裝材料清單.我公司根據(jù)用戶資料,進行設計制造 User shall offer complete electrical drawing drawing,control drawing and inner material list And our company designs according to offerde document. BNG8030-ZN外形舉例 Outline example |