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      WIKA PGS43.100 PGS43.160 不銹鋼耐震膜片式微壓電接點壓力表

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      更新時間:2022-03-27 08:03:23瀏覽次數(shù):388次

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      WIKA PGS43.100 PGS43.160 不銹鋼耐震膜片式微壓電接點壓力表

      類型: 隔膜壓力表 聯(lián)接型式: G1/2
      型號: PGS43.100 PGS43.160 精度等級: 1.0
      品牌: WIKA/威卡 環(huán)境溫度: -40-70(℃)
      加工定制: 公稱直徑: 100 160(mm)
      測量范圍: 0-250mbar(MPa)    


      WIKA PGS43.100 PGS43.160
      Diaphragm pressure gauge with switch contacts
      Models PGS43.1x0, stainless steel version

      Diaphragm pressure gauge model PGS43.100 with
      switch contact model 831.21


           Control and regulation of industrial processes at measuring points with increased overpressure and scale ranges from 0 … 25 mbar
           Monitoring of plants and switching of electric circuits
           For gaseous and liquid, aggressive and highly viscous or contaminated media, also in aggressive ambience
           Process industry: Chemical, petrochemical, power plants, mining, on- and offshore, environmental technology, machine building and general plant construction

         Special features
           High reliability and long service life
           Wide choice of special materials
           Up to 4 switch contacts per instrument
           Also available with liquid-filled case for high dynamic pressure loads or vibrations
           Gauges with inductive contacts for use in hazardous areas with ATEX approval
           Gauges with electronic contact for PLC applications




          Wherever the process pressure has to be indicated locally, and, at the same time, circuits are to be made or broken, the model PGS43.1x0 switchGAUGE can be used.

          Switch contacts (electrical alarm contacts) make or break an electric control circuit dependent upon the position of the instrument pointer. The switch contacts are adjustable over the full extent of the scale range (see DIN 16085), and are
      mounted predominantly below the dial, though also partly on top of the dial. The instrument pointer (actual value pointer) moves freely across the entire scale range, independent of the setting.
          The set pointer can be adjusted using a removable adjustment key in the window.

      Switch contacts consisting of several contacts can also be set to a single set point. Contact actuation is made when the actual value pointer travels beyond or below the desired set point.

          The pressure gauge is manufactured in accordance with DIN 16085 and fulfils all requirements of the relevant standards (EN 837-3) and regulations for the on-site display of the working pressure of pressure vessels.
          As switch contacts magnetic snap-action contacts, reed switches, inductive contacts - for requirements to ATEX - or electronic contacts for triggering a PLC are available.
          For further information on the different switch contacts please see data sheet AC 08.01.


         Standard version

         Nominal size in mm
          100, 160

         Accuracy class

         Scale ranges
          0 ... 25 mbar to 0 ... 250 mbar (flange Ø 160 mm)
          0 ... 400 mbar to 0 ... 25 bar (flange Ø 100 mm)
          or all other equivalent vacuum or combined pressure and vacuum ranges

         Pressure limitation
          Steady: Full scale value
          Fluctuating: 0.9 x full scale value

         Overpressure safety
          5 x full scale value, however max. 40 bar

         Permissible temperature
          Ambient: -20 … +60 °C
          Medium: +100 °C maximum

         Temperature effect
          When the temperature of the measuring system deviates
          from the reference temperature (+20 °C):
          max. ±0.8 %/10 K of full scale value

         Process connection with lower measuring flange
          Stainless steel 316L, G ½ B (male), 22 mm flats

         Pressure element
          ≤ 0.25 bar: Stainless steel 316L
          > 0.25 bar: NiCr-alloy (Inconel)

         Pressure chamber sealing

          Stainless steel

          Aluminium, white, black lettering

          Instrument pointer: Aluminium, black
          Set pointer: red

         Case with upper measuring flange
          Stainless steel, with blow-out device in case back
          With safety version: With solid baffle wall (Solidfront) and
          blow-out back

          Laminated safety glass

         Bezel ring
          Cam ring (bayonet type), stainless steel


         Electrical connection
          Terminal box

         Ingress protection
          IP 54 per EN 60529 / IEC 529

         Switch contacts

         Magnetic snap-action contact model 821
           No control unit and no extra power supply required
           Direct switching up to 250 V, 1 A
           Up to 4 switch contacts per measuring instrument

         Inductive contact model 831
           Long service life due to non-contact sensor
           Additional control unit required (model 904.xx)
           With corresponding control unit suitable for use in zone 1 / 21 (2 GD) hazardous areas
           Low effect on the indication accuracy
           Fail-safe switching at high switching rates
           Insensitive to corrosion
           Up to 3 switch contacts per measuring instrument

         Electronic contact model 830 E
           For direct triggering of a programmable logic controller (PLC)
           2-wire system (option: 3-wire system)
           Long service life due to non-contact sensor
           Low effect on the indication accuracy
           Fail-safe switching at high switching rates
           Insensitive to corrosion
           Up to 3 switch contacts per measuring instrument

         Reed switch model 851
           No control unit and no extra power supply required
           Direct switching up to 250 V, 1 A
           Also suitable for direct triggering of a programmable logic controller (PLC)
           Free from wear as without contact
           Up to two change-over contacts per measuring instrument

         Switching function
          The switching function of the switch is indicated by function index 1, 2 or 3.
          Model 8xx.1: Contact makes (clockwise pointer motion)
          Model 8xx.2: Contact breaks (clockwise pointer motion)
          Models 821.3 and 851.3: Change over; one contact breaks
                                   and one contact makes simultaneously
                                   when pointer reaches set point
          For further information please see data sheet AC 08.01, electrical switch contacts


           Other process connection
           Sealings (model 910.17, see data sheet AC 09.08)
           Liquid filling (filling liquid silicone oil M50, ingress protection IP 65)
           Overpressure safety: 10 x full scale value, max. 40 bar
           Vacuum safe to -1 bar
           Max. medium temperature +200 °C
           Higher indication accuracy, class 1.0 and 0.6
           Open connecting flanges per DIN/ASME from DN 15 to DN 80 (preferred nominal widths DN 25 and 50 or DN 1" and 2"; see data sheet IN 00.10)
           Wetted parts lined/coated with special materials such as PTFE, Hasloy, Monel, nickel, tantalum, titanium, silver (gauges with accuracy class 2.5)
           Inductive contacts also in safety version (SN, S1N)


         Instruments with special approvals 1)
           Pressure switch per VdTÜV code of practice 100
           SIL2 approval
           DVGW declaration for the use in gas supply systems
           DIN/DVGW registration: Pressure switch per EN 1854
           Gost standard approval (Russia)
           Design approval for connection to hazardous zone 0
         1) Specification on request


         Dimensions in mm
          switchGAUGE model PGS43.100 with switch contact model 821, 831 or 830 E




              switchGAUGE model PGS43.100 (safety version) with switch contact model 821, 831 or830 E

          switchGAUGE model PGS43.160 with switch contact model 821, 831 or 830 E


          switchGAUGE model PGS43.160 (safety version) with switch contact model 821, 831 or 830 E


          switchGAUGE model PGS43.063 with switch contact model 851.3 or 851.33


          switchGAUGE model PGS43.160 with switch contact model 851.3 or 851.33


          Ordering information
          Model / Nominal size / Type of contact and switching function / Scale range / Connection size / Options














