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      SE11200025  Commander SE (Size 1), 0.33hp, 230Vac, 1? Input - 3? Output, 1.5A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1 
      SE11200037 Commander SE (Size 1), 0.50hp, 230Vac, 1? Input - 3? Output, 2.3A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1 
      SE11200055  Commander SE (Size 1), 0.75hp, 230Vac, 1? Input - 3? Output, 3.1A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1 
      SE11200075 Commander SE (Size 1), 1hp, 230Vac, 1? Input - 3? Output, 4.3A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1 
      SE232001-N1  Commander SE ExpressPak, 1hp, 230V - 3?, 3.8 Amps, Nema 1 
      SE232001-N12  Commander SE ExpressPak, 1hp, 230V - 3?, 3.8 Amps, Nema 12 
      SE232002-N1  Commander SE ExpressPak, 2hp, 230V - 3?, 5.6 Amps, Nema 1 
      SE232002-N12 Commander SE ExpressPak, 2hp, 230V - 3?, 5.6 Amps, Nema 12 
      SE232003-N1 Commander SE ExpressPak, 3hp, 230V - 3?, 9.5 Amps, Nema 1 
      SE232003-N12  Commander SE ExpressPak, 3hp, 230V - 3?, 9.5 Amps, Nema 12 
      SE23200400  Commander SE (Size 2), 5hp, 230V - 3?, 17A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1 
      SE232005-N1  Commander SE ExpressPak, 5hp, 230V - 3?, 12.0 Amps, Nema 1 
      SE232005-N12 Commander SE ExpressPak, 5hp, 230V - 3?, 12.0 Amps, Nema 12 
      SE23400075  Commander SE (Size 2), 1hp, 460V - 3?, 2.1A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1 
      SE23400150 Commander SE (Size 2), 2hp, 460V - 3?, 4.2A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      SE234001-N1 Commander SE ExpressPak, 1hp, 480V - 3?, 2.1 Amps, Nema 1 
      SE234001-N12 Commander SE ExpressPak, 1hp, 480V - 3?, 2.1 Amps, Nema 12 
      SE23400220  Commander SE (Size 2), 3hp, 460V - 3?, 5.8A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1 
      SE234002-N1 Commander SE ExpressPak, 2hp, 480V - 3?, 2.8 Amps, Nema 1 
      SE234002-N12  Commander SE ExpressPak, 2hp, 480V - 3?, 2.8 Amps, Nema 12 
      SE234003-N1 Commander SE ExpressPak, 3hp, 480V - 3?, 3.8 Amps, Nema 1 
      SE234003-N12 Commander SE ExpressPak, 3hp, 480V - 3?, 3.8 Amps, Nema 12 
      SE23400400  Commander SE (Size 2), 5hp, 460V - 3?, 9.5A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1 
      SE234005-N1  Commander SE ExpressPak, 5hp, 480V - 3?, 5.6 Amps, Nema 1 
      SE234005-N12  Commander SE ExpressPak, 5hp, 480V - 3?, 5.6 Amps, Nema 12 
      SE2D200075 Commander SE (Size 2), 1hp, 230Vac, 1? or 3? Input - 3? Output, 4.3A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1 
      SE2D200150 Commander SE (Size 2), 2hp, 230Vac, 1? or 3? Input - 3? Output, 7.5A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1 
      SE2D200220 Commander SE (Size 2), 3hp, 230Vac, 1? or 3? Input - 3? Output, 10.6A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1 
      SE2WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Commander SE - Size 2 
      SE33200550 Commander SE (Size 3), 7.5hp, 230V - 3?, 25A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1 
      SE33200750  Commander SE (Size 3), 10hp, 230V - 3?, 28.5A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1 
      SE332007-N1 Commander SE ExpressPak, 7.5hp, 230V - 3?, 16.0 Amps, Nema 1 
      SE332007-N12 Commander SE ExpressPak, 7.5hp, 230V - 3?, 16.0 Amps, Nema 12 
      SE332010-N1  Commander SE ExpressPak, 10hp, 230V - 3?, 25 Amps, Nema 1 
      SE332010-N12 Commander SE ExpressPak, 10hp, 230V - 3?, 25 Amps, Nema 12
      SE33400550 Commander SE (Size 3), 7.5hp, 460V - 3?, 13A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1 
      SE33400750  Commander SE (Size 3), 10hp, 460V - 3?, 16.5A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1 
      SE334007-N1 Commander SE ExpressPak, 7.5hp, 480V - 3?, 9.5 Amps, Nema 1 
      SE334007-N12  Commander SE ExpressPak, 7.5hp, 480V - 3?, 9.5 Amps, Nema 12 
      SE334010-N1  Commander SE ExpressPak, 10hp, 480V - 3?, 12 Amps, Nema 1
      SE334010-N12  Commander SE ExpressPak, 10hp, 480V - 3?, 12 Amps, Nema 12
      SE3WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Commander SE - Size 3 
      SE43401100 Commander SE (Size 4), 15hp, 460V - 3?, 24.5A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1 
      SE43401500 Commander SE (Size 4), 20hp, 460V - 3?, 30.5A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1 
      SE434015-N1  Commander SE ExpressPak, 15hp, 480V - 3?, 16 Amps, Nema 1 
      SE434015-N12 Commander SE ExpressPak, 15hp, 480V - 3?, 16 Amps, Nema 12 
      SE43401850 Commander SE (Size 4), 25hp, 460V - 3?, 37A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1 
      SE434020-N1 Commander SE ExpressPak, 20hp, 480V - 3?, 25 Amps, Nema 1 
      SE434020-N12 Commander SE ExpressPak, 20hp, 480V - 3?, 25 Amps, Nema 12 
      SE4WE  Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Commander SE - Size 4 
      SE51 Bi-polar speed reference input card (Commander SE) 
      SE51-UG  SE51 Card User Guide 
      SE53402200  Commander SE (Size 5), 30hp, 460V - 3?, 46A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      SE534025-N1 Commander SE ExpressPak, 25hp, 480V - 3?, 37 Amps, Nema 1 
      SE534025-N12 Commander SE ExpressPak, 25hp, 480V - 3?, 37 Amps, Nema 12 
      SE53403000  Commander SE (Size 5), 40hp, 460V - 3?, 60A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1 
      SE534030-N1 Commander SE ExpressPak, 30hp, 480V - 3?, 46 Amps, Nema 1
      SE534030-N12  Commander SE ExpressPak, 30hp, 480V - 3?, 46 Amps, Nema 12 
      SE53403700 Commander SE (Size 5), 50hp, 460V - 3?, 70A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1 
      SE534040-N1 Commander SE ExpressPak, 40hp, 480V - 3?, 60 Amps, Nema 1 
      SE534040-N12 Commander SE ExpressPak, 40hp, 480V - 3?, 60 Amps, Nema 12 
      SE534050-N1  Commander SE ExpressPak, 50hp, 480V - 3?, 70 Amps, Nema 1 
      SE534050-N12  Commander SE ExpressPak, 50hp, 480V - 3?, 70 Amps, Nema 12 
      SE55 Quickey / Cloning Module (Commander SE)
      SE73 Profibus-DP interface card (Commander SE) 
      SE73-UG SE73 (Profibus-DP) User Guide 
      SE74 Interbus-S interface card (Commander SE) 
      SE77CO  CANOpen interface card (Commander SE) 
      SE77CO-UG SE77CO (CANOpen) User Guide 
      SE77DN DeviceNet interface card (Commander SE) 
      SE77DN-UG SE77DN (DeviceNet) User Guide 
      SE-UG  Commander SE Users Guide 
      SM-CANOPEN  CANOpen Solutions Module 
      SM-CANOPEN  CANOpen Solutions Module 
      SM-CANOPEN CANOpen Solutions Module 
      SMCO-UG SM-CANOpen User Guide 
      SM-DAC SM Fan and Pump Duty-Assist Preprogrammed Option Module 
      SM-DEVICENET  DeviceNet Solutions Module 
      SM-DEVICENET DeviceNet Solutions Module 
      SM-DEVICENET DeviceNet Solutions Module 
      SMDN-UG SM-DeviceNet User Guide 
      SM-ENCODER PLUS Encoder Plus Solutions Module, provides an additional incremental encoder feedback port. 
      SMEP-UG SM-Encoder Plus User Guide 
      SM-ETC 15 Pin D Shell to 15 pin screw terminal break out board for servo and vector motor encoder feedback cable
      SM-ETHERNET Ethernet TCP/IP Solutions Module 
      SM-ETHERNET Ethernet TCP/IP Solutions Module
      SM-ETHERNET Ethernet TCP/IP Solutions Module 
      SM-EZMOTION  Motion Made Easy Solutions Module, Utilizing PowerTools programming software 
      SMEZ-UG  SM-EZMotion User Guide
      SM-FSC SM Flying Shear Control Preprogrammed Option Module 
      SM-HEATSINK DBR1 Braking Resistor, 75 Ohm, 50 Watt, Heatsink mount for Unidrive SP size 1 
      SM-HEATSINK DBR2  Braking Resistor, 37.5 Ohm, 100 Watt, Heatsink mount for Unidrive SP size 2 
      SM-I/O LITE I/O Lite Solutions Module - (1) +/- 10V Bi-polar or 4-20mA input, (3) digital inputs, (1) 0-10V or 4-20mA output, (1) relay output, (1) Incremental Encoder Speed Reference input 
      SM-I/O LITE  I/O Lite Solutions Module - (1) +/- 10V Bi-polar or 4-20mA input, (3) digital inputs, (1) 0-10V or 4-20mA output, (1) relay output, (1) Incremental Encoder Speed Reference input 
      SM-I/O LITE I/O Lite Solutions Module - (1) +/- 10V Bi-polar or 4-20mA input, (3) digital inputs, (1) 0-10V or 4-20mA output, (1) relay output, (1) Incremental Encoder Speed Reference input 
      SM-I/O PLUS I/O Solutions Module, High Performance, (2) +/- 10V analog input, (1) +/- 10V output, (3) digital inputs, (3) programmable digital I/O, (2) relay output, 
      SM-I/O TIMER I/O Lite Solutions Module w/real time clock for scheduling events, (1) +/- 10V Bi-polar or 4-20mA input, (3) digital inputs, (1) 0-10V or 4-20mA output, (1) relay output, (1) Incl Enc Spd Ref input 
      SM-I/O TIMER I/O Lite Solutions Module w/real time clock for scheduling events, (1) +/- 10V Bi-polar or 4-20mA input, (3) digital inputs, (1) 0-10V or 4-20mA output, (1) relay output, (1) Incl Enc Spd Ref input 
      SM-I/O TIMER  I/O Lite Solutions Module w/real time clock for scheduling events, (1) +/- 10V Bi-polar or 4-20mA input, (3) digital inputs, (1) 0-10V or 4-20mA output, (1) relay output, (1) Incl Enc Spd Ref input 
      SMIB-UG SM-Interbus-S User Guide 
      SM-INTERBUS Interbus-S Solutions Module 
      SM-INTERBUS Interbus-S Solutions Module 
      SM-INTERBUS Interbus-S Solutions Module 
      SM-KEYPAD LED Keypad, 7 digit LED data display, Configured for Unidrive SP 
      SM-KEYPAD PLUS  LCD Keypad, back-lit, dual language, on-screen help, remote mountable 
      SMPB-UG  SM-Profibus User Guide 
      SM-PELV PELV Solutions Module - Isolated I/O to NAMUR NE37 specification for chemical industry applications 
      SM-PELV  PELV Solutions Module - Isolated I/O to NAMUR NE37 specification for chemical industry applications
      SM-PELV  PELV Solutions Module - Isolated I/O to NAMUR NE37 specification for chemical industry applications 
      SM-PROFIBUS  Profibus-DP Solutions Module - Fieldbus Option Only 
      SM-PROFIBUS Profibus-DP Solutions Module - Fieldbus Option Only 
      SM-PROFIBUS Profibus-DP Solutions Module - Fieldbus Option Only 
      SM-RESOLVER Resolver Solutions Module, providing a resolver feedback port, w/simulated encoder output 
      SM-SERCOS SERCOS Solutions Module
      SM-SLM SLM Solutions Module
      SMUE-UG SM-Uni Encoder User Guide
      SM-UNI ENCODER Universal Encoder Plus Solutions Module, provides an additional increamental or Absolute encoder feedback port and simulated encoder output.
      SM-Winder SM Speed and Torque Based Centerwind Preprogrammed Option Module
      SNCDD-001.5 mso-spacerun: yes> Sync in/out cable, 7 Pin Mini-DIN connector on one end and an 8 Pin Mini -DIN connector on the other, 1.5 ft Length (FM3/4 to FM3/4)
      SP1201-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 5.2A (1.5hp), Heavy Duty - 4.3A (1hp)
      SP1201-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 5.2A (1.5hp), Heavy Duty - 4.3A (1hp)
      SP1201-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 5.2A (1.5hp), Heavy Duty - 4.3A (1hp)
      SP1202-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 6.8A (2hp), Heavy Duty - 5.8A (1.5hp)
      SP1202-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 6.8A (2hp), Heavy Duty - 5.8A (1.5hp)
      SP1202-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 6.8A (2hp), Heavy Duty - 5.8A (1.5hp)
      SP1203-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 9.6A (3hp), Heavy Duty - 7.5A (2hp)
      SP1203-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 9.6A (3hp), Heavy Duty - 7.5A (2hp)
      SP1203-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 9.6A (3hp), Heavy Duty - 7.5A (2hp)
      SP1204-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 11A (3hp), Heavy Duty - 10.6A (3hp)
      SP1204-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 11A (3hp), Heavy Duty - 10.6A (3hp)
      SP1204-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 11A (3hp), Heavy Duty - 10.6A (3hp)
      SP1401-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 2.8A (1.5hp), Heavy Duty - 2.1A (1hp)
      SP1401-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 2.8A (1.5hp), Heavy Duty - 2.1A (1hp)
      SP1401-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 2.8A (1.5hp), Heavy Duty - 2.1A (1hp)
      SP1402-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 3.8A (2hp), Heavy Duty - 3.0A (2hp)
      SP1402-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 3.8A (2hp), Heavy Duty - 3.0A (2hp)
      SP1402-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 3.8A (2hp), Heavy Duty - 3.0A (2hp)
      SP1403-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 5.0A (3hp), Heavy Duty - 4.2A (3hp)
      SP1403-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 5.0A (3hp), Heavy Duty - 4.2A (3hp)
      SP1403-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 5.0A (3hp), Heavy Duty - 4.2A (3hp)
      SP1404-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 6.9A (5hp), Heavy Duty - 5.8A (3hp)
      SP1404-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 6.9A (5hp), Heavy Duty - 5.8A (3hp)
      SP1404-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 6.9A (5hp), Heavy Duty - 5.8A (3hp)
      SP1405-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 8.8A (5hp), Heavy Duty - 7.6A (5hp)
      SP1405-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 8.8A (5hp), Heavy Duty - 7.6A (5hp)
      SP1405-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 8.8A (5hp), Heavy Duty - 7.6A (5hp)
      SP1406-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 11A (7.5hp), Heavy Duty - 9.5A (5hp)
      SP1406-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 11A (7.5hp), Heavy Duty - 9.5A (5hp)
      SP1406-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 11A (7.5hp), Heavy Duty - 9.5A (5hp)
      SP1WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Unidrive SP - Size 1
      SP2201-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 15.5A (5hp), Heavy Duty - 12.6A (3hp)
      SP2201-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 15.5A (5hp), Heavy Duty - 12.6A (3hp)
      SP2201-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 15.5A (5hp), Heavy Duty - 12.6A (3hp)
      SP2202-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 22A (7.5hp), Heavy Duty - 17A (5hp)
      SP2202-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 22A (7.5hp), Heavy Duty - 17A (5hp)
      SP2202-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 22A (7.5hp), Heavy Duty - 17A (5hp)
      SP2203-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 28A (10hp), Heavy Duty - 25A (7.5hp)
      SP2203-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 28A (10hp), Heavy Duty - 25A (7.5hp)
      SP2203-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 28A (10hp), Heavy Duty - 25A (7.5hp)
      SP2401-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 15.3A (10hp), Heavy Duty - 13A (10hp)
      SP2401-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 15.3A (10hp), Heavy Duty - 13A (10hp)
      SP2401-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 15.3A (10hp), Heavy Duty - 13A (10hp)
      SP2402-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 21A (15hp), Heavy Duty - 16.5A (10hp)
      SP2402-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 21A (15hp), Heavy Duty - 16.5A (10hp)
      SP2402-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 21A (15hp), Heavy Duty - 16.5A (10hp)
      SP2403-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 29A (20hp), Heavy Duty - 25A (20hp)
      SP2403-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 29A (20hp), Heavy Duty - 25A (20hp)
      SP2403-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 29A (20hp), Heavy Duty - 25A (20hp)
      SP2WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Unidrive SP - Size 2
      SP3201-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 42A (15hp), Heavy Duty - 31A (10hp)
      SP3201-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 42A (15hp), Heavy Duty - 31A (10hp)
      SP3201-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 42A (15hp), Heavy Duty - 31A (10hp)
      SP3202-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 54A (20hp), Heavy Duty - 42A (15hp)
      SP3202-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 54A (20hp), Heavy Duty - 42A (15hp)
      SP3202-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 54A (20hp), Heavy Duty - 42A (15hp)
      SP3401-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 35A (25hp), Heavy Duty - 32A (25hp)
      SP3401-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 35A (25hp), Heavy Duty - 32A (25hp)
      SP3401-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 35A (25hp), Heavy Duty - 32A (25hp)
      SP3402-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 43A (30hp), Heavy Duty - 40A (30hp)
      SP3402-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 43A (30hp), Heavy Duty - 40A (30hp)
      SP3402-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 43A (30hp), Heavy Duty - 40A (30hp)
      SP3403-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 56A (40hp), Heavy Duty - 46A (30hp)
      SP3403-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 56A (40hp), Heavy Duty - 46A (30hp)
      SP3403-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 56A (40hp), Heavy Duty - 46A (30hp)
      SP3501-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 575Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 5.4A (3hp), Heavy Duty - 4.1A (2hp)
      SP3501-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 575Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 5.4A (3hp), Heavy Duty - 4.1A (2hp)
      SP3501-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 575Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 5.4A (3hp), Heavy Duty - 4.1A (2hp)
      SP3502-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 575Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 6.1A (5hp), Heavy Duty - 5.4A (3hp)
      SP3502-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 575Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 6.1A (5hp), Heavy Duty - 5.4A (3hp)
      SP3502-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 575Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 6.1A (5hp), Heavy Duty - 5.4A (3hp)
      SP3503-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 575Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 8.4A (7.5hp), Heavy Duty - 6.1A (5hp)
      SP3503-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 575Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 8.4A (7.5hp), Heavy Duty - 6.1A (5hp)
      SP3503-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 575Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 8.4A (7.5hp), Heavy Duty - 6.1A (5hp)
      SP3504-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 575Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 11A (10hp), Heavy Duty - 9.5A (7.5hp)
      SP3504-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 575Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 11A (10hp), Heavy Duty - 9.5A (7.5hp)
      SP3504-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 575Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 11A (10hp), Heavy Duty - 9.5A (7.5hp)
      SP3505-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 575Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 16A (15hp), Heavy Duty - 12A (10hp)
      SP3505-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 575Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 16A (15hp), Heavy Duty - 12A (10hp)
      SP3505-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 575Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 16A (15hp), Heavy Duty - 12A (10hp)
      SP3506-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 575Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 22A (20hp), Heavy Duty - 18A (15hp)
      SP3506-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 575Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 22A (20hp), Heavy Duty - 18A (15hp)
      SP3506-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 575Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 22A (20hp), Heavy Duty - 18A (15hp)
      SP3507-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 575Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 27A (25hp), Heavy Duty - 22A (20hp)
      SP3507-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 575Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 27A (25hp), Heavy Duty - 22A (20hp)
      SP3507-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 575Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 27A (25hp), Heavy Duty - 22A (20hp)
      SP3WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Unidrive SP - Size 3
      SP4201-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 68A (25hp), Heavy Duty - 56A (20hp)
      SP4201-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 68A (25hp), Heavy Duty - 56A (20hp)
      SP4201-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 68A (25hp), Heavy Duty - 56A (20hp)
      SP4202-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 80A (30hp), Heavy Duty - 68A (25hp)
      SP4202-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 80A (30hp), Heavy Duty - 68A (25hp)
      SP4202-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 80A (30hp), Heavy Duty - 68A (25hp)
      SP4203-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 104A (40hp), Heavy Duty - 80A (30hp)
      SP4203-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 104A (40hp), Heavy Duty - 80A (30hp)
      SP4203-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 104A (40hp), Heavy Duty - 80A (30hp)
      SP4401-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 480Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 68A (50hp), Heavy Duty - 60A (50hp)
      SP4401-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 480Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 68A (50hp), Heavy Duty - 60A (50hp)
      SP4401-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 480Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 68A (50hp), Heavy Duty - 60A (50hp)
      SP4402-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 480Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 83A (60hp), Heavy Duty - 74A (60hp)
      SP4402-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 480Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 83A (60hp), Heavy Duty - 74A (60hp)
      SP4402-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 480Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 83A (60hp), Heavy Duty - 74A (60hp)
      SP4403-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 480Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty -104A (75hp), Heavy Duty -96A (75hp)
      SP4403-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 480Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty -104A (75hp), Heavy Duty -96A (75hp)
      SP4403-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 480Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty -104A (75hp), Heavy Duty -96A (75hp)
      SP4601-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 22A (20/25hp), Heavy Duty - 18A (15/20hp)
      SP4601-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 22A (20/25hp), Heavy Duty - 18A (15/20hp)
      SP4601-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 22A (20/25hp), Heavy Duty - 18A 15/20hp)
      SP4602-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 27A (25/30hp), Heavy Duty - 22A (20/25hp)
      SP4602-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 27A (25/30hp), Heavy Duty - 22A (20/25hp)
      SP4602-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 27A (25/30hp), Heavy Duty - 22A (20/25hp)
      SP4603-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 36A (30/40hp), Heavy Duty - 27A (25/30hp)
      SP4603-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 36A (30/40hp), Heavy Duty - 27A (25/30hp)
      SP4603-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 36A (30/40hp), Heavy Duty - 27A (25/30hp)
      SP4604-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 43A (40/50hp), Heavy Duty - 36A (40hp)
      SP4604-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 43A (40/50hp), Heavy Duty - 36A (30/40hp)
      SP4604-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 43A (40/50hp), Heavy Duty - 36A (30/40hp)
      SP4605-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 52A (50/60hp), Heavy Duty - 43A (40/50hp)
      SP4605-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 52A (50/60hp), Heavy Duty - 43A (40/50hp)
      SP4605-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 52A (50/60hp), Heavy Duty - 43A (40/50hp)
      SP4606-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 62A (60/74hp), Heavy Duty - 52A (50/60hp)
      SP4606-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 62A (60/74hp), Heavy Duty - 52A (50/60hp)
      SP4606-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 62A (60/75hp), Heavy Duty - 52A (50/60hp)
      SP4WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Unidrive SP - Size 4
      SP5401-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 480Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty -138A (100P), Heavy Duty -124A (100hp)
      SP5401-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 480Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty -138A (100P), Heavy Duty -124A (100hp)
      SP5401-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 480Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty -138A (100P), Heavy Duty -124A (100hp)
      SP5402-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 480Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty -168A (125P), Heavy Duty -156A (125hp)
      SP5402-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 480Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty -168A (125P), Heavy Duty -156A (125hp)
      SP5402-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 480Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty -168A (125P), Heavy Duty -156A (125hp)
      SP5601-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 84A (75/100hp), Heavy Duty - 62A (75hp)
      SP5601-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 84A (75/100hp), Heavy Duty - 62A (60/75hp)
      SP5601-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 84A (75/100hp), Heavy Duty - 62A (60/75hp)
      SP5602-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 99A (100/125hp), Heavy Duty - 84A (100hp)
      SP5602-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 99A (100/125hp), Heavy Duty - 84A (100hp)
      SP5602-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 99A (100/125hp), Heavy Duty - 84A (75/100hp)
      SX13200075PB Commander SX, 1.0hp, 230Vac, 3 Input - 3 Output, 4.4A Cont. Output Current, Nema 4X
      SX13400075PB Commander SX, 1.0hp, 460Vac, 3 Input - 3 Output, 2.2A Cont. Output Current, Nema 4X
      SX13400150PB Commander SX, 2.0hp, 460Vac, 3 Input - 3 Output, 4.4A Cont. Output Current, Nema 4X
      SX1WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Commander SX - Size 1
      SX23200150PB Commander SX, 2.0hp, 230Vac, 3 Input - 3 Output, 8.0A Cont. Output Current, Nema 4X
      SX23200220PB Commander SX, 3.0hp, 230Vac, 3 Input - 3 Output, 10.0A Cont. Output Current, Nema 4X
      SX23400220PB Commander SX, 3.0hp, 460Vac, 3 Input - 3 Output, 6.1A Cont. Output Current, Nema 4X
      SX23400400PB Commander SX, 5.0hp, 460Vac, 3 Input - 3 Output, 10.0A Cont. Output Current, Nema 4X
      SX2WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Commander SX - Size 2
      SX33200400PB Commander SX, 5.0hp, 230Vac, 3 Input - 3 Output, 16.9A Cont. Output Current, Nema 4X
      SX33400550PB Commander SX, 7.5hp, 460Vac, 3 Input - 3 Output, 13.6A Cont. Output Current, Nema 4X
      SX33400750PB Commander SX, 10.0hp, 460Vac, 3 Input - 3 Output, 16.9A Cont. Output Current, Nema 4X
      SX3WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Commander SX - Size 3
      SXSOFT Windows based configuration tool for the Commander SX
      SYPT-LITE Programming tool for drive's with built in PLC capability and SM-Apps Lite Module
      SYPT-LITE Programming tool for drive's with built in PLC capability and SM-Apps Lite Module
      SYPTPRO Coprocessor module programming and CTNet system configuration tool, Software registration required
      SYPTPRO Coprocessor module programming and CTNet system configuration tool, Software registration required
      T-21 Data Entry Terminal - used w/ either FX or PCM 535 for editing and displaying simple motion parameters
      T-60 PC based operator interface keyboard and display terminal, 8 I/O, mso-spacerun: yes>  9-32 VDC, 9 pin comm. conn. 64k Std
      T-61 mso-spacerun: yes> Enhanced PC based operator interface keyboard and display terminal, 24 I/O, mso-spacerun: yes>  95-145 Vac, 25 pin communication connector 32k Standard
      TD-10 RS-232, DB-9 male to DB-9 male, 10 ft Length
      TD-25 RS-232, DB-9 male to DB-9 male, 25 ft Length
      TD-50 RS-232, DB-9 male to DB-9 male, 50 ft Length
      TD-xxx RS-232, DB-9 male to DB-9 male, Custom Length - 1 ft increments
      TERM-H Terminator Block for head of serial string (EN,Epsilon, MDS)
      TERM-T Terminator Block for tail of serial string (EN, Epsilon, MDS)
      TIA-10 RS232 Serial Interface Molded Cable, DB9-S on computer end, DB9-P on drive end, 10 ft Length (EN, Epsilon, MDS to PC, HMI, PLC {Modbus Master})
      TIA-25 RS232 Serial Interface Molded Cable, DB9-S on computer end, DB9-P on drive end, 25 ft Length (EN, Epsilon, MDS to PC, HMI, PLC {Modbus Master})
      TIA-50 RS232 Serial Interface Molded Cable, DB9-S on computer end, DB9-P on drive end, 50 ft Length (EN, Epsilon, MDS to PC, HMI, PLC {Modbus Master})
      TIA-ECE-xxx External FX to PC
      TIA-ICE-xxx Internal FX to PC
      TIA-xxx RS232 Serial Interface Molded Cable, DB9-S on computer end, DB9-P on drive end, Custom Length - 1 ft increments (EN, Epsilon, MDS to PC, HMI, PLC {Modbus Master})
      UD50 Extended I/O, Small Option Module (Unidrive)
      UD50-UG UD50 Module User Guide
      UD51 Second Encoder Feedback, Small Option Module (Unidrive)
      UD51-UG UD51 Module User Guide
      UD52 SIN/COS (Absolute - Hiperface Protocol) Encoder Feedback, Small Option Module (Unidrive)
      UD52-UG UD52 Module User Guide
      UD53 Resolver Feedback, Small Option Module (Undrive)
      UD53-UG UD53 Module User Guide
      UD55 Memory Cloning, Small Option Module (Unidrive)
      UD55-UG UD55 Module User Guide
      UD70 Application Coprocessor with Modbus RTU, Large Option module (Unidrive)
      UD70/MD29-UG UD70 and MD29 User Guide
      UD70-DAC Duty-Assist, Preprogrammed Large Option Module with Modbus RTU (Unidrive)
      UD70-DMW Dual Mode Winder, Preprogrammed Large Option Module with Modbus RTU (Unidrive)
      UD70-FSC Flying Shear Control, Preprogrammed Large Option Module with Modbus RTU (Unidrive)
      UD71 RS-232/485, Large Option Module (Unidrive)
      UD71-UG UD71 Module User Guide
      UD73 Application Coprocessor with Profibus-DP, Large Option module (Unidrive)
      UD73-COM Profibus-DP, Large Option Module - Communications Only (Unidrive)
      UD73-DAC Duty-Assist, Preprogrammed Large Option Module with Profibus-DP (Unidrive)
      UD73-DMW Dual Mode Winder, Preprogrammed Large Option Module with Profibus-DP (Unidrive)
      UD73-FSC Flying Shear Control, Preprogrammed Large Option Module with Profibus-DP (Unidrive)
      UD73-UG UD73 Module (Profibus-DP) User Guide
      UD74 Application Coprocessor with InterBus-S, Large Option module (Unidrive)
      UD74-COM InterBus-S, Large Option Module - Communications Only (Unidrive)
      UD74-DAC Duty-Assist, Preprogrammed Large Option Module with Interbus-S (Unidrive)
      UD74-DMW Dual Mode Winder, Preprogrammed Large Option Module with Interbus-S (Unidrive)
      UD74-FSC Flying Shear Control, Preprogrammed Large Option Module with Interbus-S (Unidrive)
      UD74-UG UD74 Module (Interbus-S) User Guide
      UD75 Application Coprocessor with CTNet (Not compatible with UD75-RevD Module), Large Option module (Unidrive)
      UD75-DAC Duty-Assist, Preprogrammed Large Option Module with CTNet (Unidrive)
      UD75-DMW Dual Mode Winder, Preprogrammed Large Option Module with CTNet (Unidrive)
      UD75-FSC Flying Shear Control, Preprogrammed Large Option Module with CTNet (Unidrive)
      UD75-REVD Application Coprocessor with CTNet Rev D (Current Version of CTNet), Large Option module (Unidrive)
      UD76 Application Coprocessor with Modbus Plus, Large Option module (Unidrive)
      UD76-COM Modbus Plus, Large Option Module - Communications Only (Unidrive)
      UD76-UG UD76 Module (Modbus Plus) User Guide
      UD77CO Application Coprocessor with CANopen, Large Option module (Unidrive)
      UD77CO-COM CANOpen, Large Option Module - Communications Only (Unidrive)
      UD77-DAC Duty-Assist, Preprogrammed Large Option Module with DeviceNet (Unidrive)
      UD77-DMW Dual Mode Winder, Preprogrammed Large Option Module with DeviceNet (Unidrive)
      UD77DN Application Coprocessor with DeviceNet, Large Option module (Unidrive)
      UD77DN-COM DeviceNet, Large Option Module - Communications Only (Unidrive)
      UD77-FSC Flying Shear Control, Preprogrammed Large Option Module with DeviceNet (Unidrive)
      UD77-UG UD77 Module (DeviceNet) User Guide
      UD78 Precision Analog Input, 24VDC Back-up Supply Connection, Large Option Module (Unidrive)
      UD78-UG UD78 Module User Guide
      UDBV1 Screw terminal to 15 pin break out board for servo motor encoder feedback cable (Unidrive)
      UDBV3 Screw terminal to 8 pin break out board for vector motor encoder feedback cable (Unidrive)
      UFCS-005 Motor Feedback Cable, Connectors on both ends, 5 ft Length (Unidrive, Unidrive SP to NT, MG, MH)
      UFCS-015 Motor Feedback Cable, Connectors on both ends, 15 ft Length (Unidrive, Unidrive SP to NT, MG, MH)
      UFCS-025 Motor Feedback Cable, Connectors on both ends, 25 ft Length (Unidrive, Unidrive SP to NT, MG, MH)
      UFCS-050 Motor Feedback Cable, Connectors on both ends, 50 ft Length (Unidrive, Unidrive SP to NT, MG, MH)
      UFCS-100 Motor Feedback Cable, Connectors on both ends, 100 ft Length (Unidrive, Unidrive SP to NT, MG, MH)
      UFCS-xxx Motor Feedback Cable, Connectors at both ends, Custom Length - 1 ft increments (Unidrive, Unidrive SP to NT, MG, MH)
      UNI1203LV Unidrive (Size 1), 1hp, 230V - 3, 3.8A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI1203VTCLV Unidrive VTC (Size 1), 1hp, 230V - 3, 3.8 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI1204LV Unidrive (Size 1), 1.5hp, 230V - 3, 5.6A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI1204VTCLV Unidrive VTC (Size 1), 1.5hp, 230V - 3, 5.6 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI1205LV Unidrive (Size 1), 3hp, 230V - 3, 9.5A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI1205VTCLV Unidrive VTC (Size 1), 3hp, 230V - 3, 9.5 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI1401 Unidrive (Size 1), 1hp, 460V - 3, 2.1A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI1401LFT Unidrive LFT, 1hp, 460V - 3, 2.1 Amps, Nema 1
      UNI1401-N1 Unidrive ExpressPak, 1hp, 460V - 3, 2.1 Amps, Nema 1
      UNI1401-N12 Unidrive ExpressPak, 1hp, 460V - 3, 2.1 Amps, Nema 12
      UNI1401VTC Unidrive VTC (Size 1), 1hp, 460V - 3, 2.1 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI1402 Unidrive (Size 1), 1.5hp, 460V - 3, 2.8A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI1402LFT Unidrive LFT, 1.5hp, 460V - 3, 2.8 Amps, Nema 1
      UNI1402-N1 Unidrive ExpressPak, 1.5hp, 460V - 3, 2.8 Amps, Nema 1
      UNI1402-N12 Unidrive ExpressPak, 1.5hp, 460V - 3, 2.8 Amps, Nema 12
      UNI1402VTC Unidrive VTC (Size 1), 1.5hp, 460V - 3, 2.8 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI1403 Unidrive (Size 1), 2hp, 460V - 3, 3.8A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI1403LFT Unidrive LFT, 2hp, 460V - 3, 3.8 Amps, Nema 1
      UNI1403-N1 Unidrive ExpressPak, 2hp, 460V - 3, 3.8 Amps, Nema 1
      UNI1403-N12 Unidrive ExpressPak, 2hp, 460V - 3, 3.8 Amps, Nema 12
      UNI1403VTC Unidrive VTC (Size 1), 2hp, 460V - 3, 3.8 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI1404 Unidrive (Size 1), 3hp, 460V - 3, 5.6A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI1404LFT Unidrive LFT, 3hp, 460V - 3, 5.6 Amps, Nema 1
      UNI1404-N1 Unidrive ExpressPak, 3hp, 460V - 3, 5.6 Amps, Nema 1
      UNI1404-N12 Unidrive ExpressPak, 3hp, 460V - 3, 5.6 Amps, Nema 12
      UNI1404VTC Unidrive VTC (Size 1), 3hp, 460V - 3, 5.6 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI1405 Unidrive (Size 1), 5hp, 460V - 3, 9.5A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI1405LFT Unidrive LFT, 5hp, 460V - 3, 9.5 Amps, Nema 1
      UNI1405-N1 Unidrive ExpressPak, 5hp, 460V - 3, 9.5 Amps, Nema 1
      UNI1405-N12 Unidrive ExpressPak, 5hp, 460V - 3, 9.5 Amps, Nema 12
      UNI1405VTC Unidrive VTC (Size 1), 5hp, 460V - 3, 9.5 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI1WE >Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Unidrive - Size 1
      UNI2201LV Unidrive (Size 2), 3hp, 230V - 3, 12.0A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI2201VTCLV Unidrive VTC (Size 2), 3hp, 230V - 3, 12 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI2202LV Unidrive (Size 2), 5hp, 230V - 3, 16.0A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI2202VTCLV Unidrive VTC (Size 2), 5hp, 230V - 3, 16 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI2203LV Unidrive (Size 2), 7.5hp, 230V - 3, 25A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI2203VTCLV Unidrive VTC (Size 2), 7.5hp, 230V - 3, 25 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI2401 Unidrive (Size 2), 7.5hp, 460V - 3, 12A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI2401LFT Unidrive LFT, 7.5hp, 460V - 3, 12 Amps, Nema 1
      UNI2401-N1 Unidrive ExpressPak, 7.5hp, 460V - 3, 12 Amps, Nema 1
      UNI2401-N12 Unidrive ExpressPak, 7.5hp, 460V - 3, 12 Amps, Nema 12
      UNI2401VTC Unidrive VTC (Size 2), 7.5hp, 460V - 3, 12 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI2402 Unidrive (Size 2), 10hp, 460V - 3, 16A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI2402LFT Unidrive LFT, 10hp, 460V - 3, 16 Amps, Nema 1
      UNI2402-N1 Unidrive ExpressPak, 10hp, 460V - 3, 16 Amps, Nema 1
      UNI2402-N12 Unidrive ExpressPak, 10hp, 460V - 3, 16 Amps, Nema 12
      UNI2402VTC Unidrive VTC (Size 2), 10hp, 460V - 3, 16 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI2403 Unidrive (Size 2), 15hp, 460V - 3, 25A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI2403LFT Unidrive LFT, 15hp, 460V - 3, 25 Amps, Nema 1
      UNI2403-N1 Unidrive ExpressPak, 15hp, 460V - 3, 25 Amps, Nema 1
      UNI2403-N12 Unidrive ExpressPak, 15hp, 460V - 3, 25 Amps, Nema 12
      UNI2403VTC Unidrive VTC (Size 2), 15hp, 460V - 3, 25 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI2WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Unidrive - Size 2
      UNI3201LV Unidrive (Size 3), 10hp, 230V - 3, 34A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI3201VTCLV Unidrive VTC (Size 3), 10hp, 230V - 3, 34 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI3202LV Unidrive (Size 3), 15hp, 230V - 3, 46A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI3202VTCLV Unidrive VTC (Size 3), 15hp, 230V - 3, 46A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI3203LV Unidrive (Size 3), 20hp, 230V - 3, 60A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI3203VTCLV Unidrive VTC (Size 3), 20hp, 230V - 3, 60A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI3204LV Unidrive (Size 3), 25hp (30hp), 230V - 3, 70A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI3204VTCLV Unidrive VTC (Size 3), 25hp / 30hp, 230V - 3, 70A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI3401 Unidrive (Size 3), 25hp, 460V - 3, 34A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI3401LFT Unidrive LFT, 20hp, 460V - 3, 34 Amps, Nema 1
      UNI3401-N1 Unidrive ExpressPak, 25hp, 460V - 3, 34 Amps, Nema 1
      UNI3401-N12 Unidrive ExpressPak, 25hp, 460V - 3, 34 Amps, Nema 12
      UNI3401VTC Unidrive VTC (Size 3), 25hp, 460V - 3, 34 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI3402 Unidrive (Size 3), 30hp, 460V - 3, 40A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI3402LFT Unidrive LFT, 25hp, 460V - 3, 40 Amps, Nema 1
      UNI3402-N1 Unidrive ExpressPak, 30hp, 460V - 3, 40 Amps, Nema 1
      UNI3402-N12 Unidrive ExpressPak, 30hp, 460V - 3, 40 Amps, Nema 12
      UNI3402VTC Unidrive VTC (Size 3), 30hp, 460V - 3, 40 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI3403 Unidrive (Size 3), 30hp, 460V - 3, 46A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI3403LFT Unidrive LFT, 30hp, 460V - 3, 46 Amps, Nema 1
      UNI3403-N1 Unidrive ExpressPak, 30hp, 460V - 3, 46 Amps, Nema 1
      UNI3403-N12 Unidrive ExpressPak, 30hp, 460V - 3, 46 Amps, Nema 12
      UNI3403VTC Unidrive VTC (Size 3), 30hp, 460V - 3, 46 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI3404 Unidrive (Size 3), 40hp, 460V - 3, 60A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI3404LFT Unidrive LFT, 40hp, 460V - 3, 60 Amps, Nema 1
      UNI3404-N1 Unidrive ExpressPak, 40hp, 460V - 3, 60 Amps, Nema 1
      UNI3404-N12 Unidrive ExpressPak, 40hp, 460V - 3, 60 Amps, Nema 12
      UNI3404VTC Unidrive VTC (Size 3), 40hp, 460V - 3, 60 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI3405 Unidrive (Size 3), 50hp, 460V - 3, 70A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI3405LFT Unidrive LFT, 50hp, 460V - 3, 70 Amps, Nema 1
      UNI3405-N1 Unidrive ExpressPak, 50hp, 460V - 3, 70 Amps, Nema 1
      UNI3405-N12 Unidrive ExpressPak, 50hp, 460V - 3, 70 Amps, Nema 12
      UNI3405VTC Unidrive VTC (Size 3), 50hp, 460V - 3, 70 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI3WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Unidrive - Size 3
      UNI4401 Unidrive (Size 4), 75hp, 460V - 3, 96A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI4401LFT Unidrive LFT, 60hp, 460V - 3, 96 Amps, Nema 1
      UNI4401-N1 Unidrive ExpressPak, 75hp, 460V - 3, 96 Amps, Nema 1
      UNI4401-N12 Unidrive ExpressPak, 75hp, 460V - 3, 96 Amps, Nema 12
      UNI4401VTC Unidrive VTC (Size 4), 75hp, 460V - 3, 96A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI4402 Unidrive (Size 4), 100hp, 460V - 3, 124A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI4402LFT Unidrive LFT, 75hp, 460V - 3, 124 Amps, Nema 1
      UNI4402-N1 Unidrive ExpressPak, 100hp, 460V - 3, 124 Amps, Nema 1
      UNI4402-N12 Unidrive ExpressPak, 100hp, 460V - 3, 124 Amps, Nema 12
      UNI4402VTC Unidrive VTC (Size 4), 100hp, 460V - 3, 124A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI4403 Unidrive (Size 4), 125hp, 460V - 3, 156A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI4403LFT Unidrive LFT, 100hp, 460V - 3, 156 Amps, Nema 1
      UNI4403-N1 Unidrive ExpressPak, 125hp, 460V - 3, 156 Amps, Nema 1
      UNI4403-N12 Unidrive ExpressPak, 125hp, 460V - 3, 156 Amps, Nema 12
      UNI4403VTC  Unidrive VTC (Size 4), 125hp, 460V - 3, 156A Output Current, Nema 1 
      UNI4404  Unidrive (Size 4), 150hp, 460V - 3, 180A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI4404LFT Unidrive LFT, 125hp, 460V - 3, 180 Amps, Nema 1 
      UNI4404-N1 Unidrive ExpressPak, 150hp, 460V - 3, 180 Amps, Nema 1
      UNI4404-N12 Unidrive ExpressPak, 150hp, 460V - 3, 180 Amps, Nema 12
      UNI4404VTC Unidrive VTC (Size 4), 150hp, 460V - 3, 180A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI4405  Unidrive (Size 4), 150hp, 460V - 3, 202A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      UNI4405LFT Unidrive LFT, 150hp, 460V - 3, 202 Amps, Nema 1 
      UNI4405VTC Unidrive VTC (Size 4), 150hp, 460V - 3, 202A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1 
      UNI4WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Unidrive - Size 4 
      UNI5401CT020 Unidrive, 200hp, 480Vac - 3, 240A Cont. Output Current, 6 Pulse, Nema 1
      UNI5401CT025-12 Unidrive, 250hp, 480Vac - 3, 300A Cont. Output Current, 12 Pulse, Nema 1 
      UNI5401VT025 Unidrive, 250hp, 480Vac - 3, 300A Cont. Output Current, 6 Pulse, Nema 1
      UNI5402CT025 Unidrive, 250hp, 480Vac - 3, 300A Cont. Output Current, 6 Pulse, Nema 1
      UNI5402CT030 Unidrive, 300hp, 480Vac - 3, 360A Cont. Output Current, 6 Pulse, Nema 1
      UNI5402CT030-12 Unidrive, 300hp, 480Vac - 3, 360A Cont. Output Current, 12 Pulse, Nema 1
      UNI5402CT035 Unidrive, 350hp, 480Vac - 3, 420A Cont. Output Current, 6 Pulse, Nema 1
      UNI5402CT035-12 Unidrive, 350hp, 480Vac - 3, 420A Cont. Output Current, 12 Pulse, Nema 1
      UNI5402CT040 Unidrive, 400hp, 480Vac - 3, 480A Cont. Output Current, 6 Pulse, Nema 1
      UNI5402CT040-12 Unidrive, 400hp, 480Vac - 3, 480A Cont. Output Current, 12 Pulse, Nema 1
      UNI5402VT030 Unidrive, 300hp, 480Vac - 3, 360A Cont. Output Current, 6 Pulse, Nema 1
      UNI5402VT030-12 Unidrive, 300hp, 480Vac - 3, 360A Cont. Output Current, 12 Pulse, Nema 1
      UNI5402VT035 Unidrive, 350hp, 480Vac - 3, 420A Cont. Output Current, 6 Pulse, Nema 1
      UNI5402VT035-12 Unidrive, 350hp, 480Vac - 3, 420A Cont. Output Current, 12 Pulse, Nema 1
      UNI5402VT040 Unidrive, 400hp, 480Vac - 3, 480A Cont. Output Current, 6 Pulse, Nema 1
      UNI5402VT040-12 Unidrive, 400hp, 480Vac - 3, 480A Cont. Output Current, 12 Pulse, Nema 1 
      UNI5402VT050 Unidrive, 500hp, 480Vac - 3, 600A Cont. Output Current, 6 Pulse, Nema 1
      UNI5403CT050 Unidrive, 500hp, 480Vac - 3, 600A Cont. Output Current, 6 Pulse, Nema 1
      UNI5403CT060 Unidrive, 600hp, 480Vac - 3, 720A Cont. Output Current, 6 Pulse, Nema 1
      UNI5403VT060 Unidrive, 600hp, 480Vac - 3, 720A Cont. Output Current, 6 Pulse, Nema 1
      UNI5403VT075 Unidrive, 750hp, 480Vac - 3, 900A Cont. Output Current, 6 Pulse, Nema 1
      UNI5404CT050-12 Unidrive, 500hp, 480Vac - 3, 600A Cont. Output Current, 12 Pulse, Nema 1
      UNI5404CT060-12 Unidrive, 600hp, 480Vac - 3, 720A Cont. Output Current, 12 Pulse, Nema 1
      UNI5404CT080 Unidrive, 800hp, 480Vac - 3, 960A Cont. Output Current, 6 Pulse, Nema 1
      UNI5404CT080-12 Unidrive, 800hp, 480Vac - 3, 960A Cont. Output Current, 12 Pulse, Nema 1
      UNI5404VT050-12 Unidrive, 500hp, 480Vac - 3, 600A Cont. Output Current, 12 Pulse, Nema 1
      UNI5404VT060-12 Unidrive, 600hp, 480Vac - 3, 720A Cont. Output Current, 12 Pulse, Nema 1
      UNI5404VT075-12 Unidrive, 750hp, 480VAC - 3, 900A Cont. Output Current, 12 Pulse, Nema 1
      UNI5404VT100 Unidrive, 1000hp, 480VAC - 3, 1200A Cont. Output Current, 6 Pulse, Nema 1
      UNI5404VT100-12 Unidrive, 1000hp, 480VAC - 3, 1200A Cont. Output Current, 12 Pulse, Nema 1
      UNI5404VT125-12 Unidrive, 1250hp, 480VAC - 3, 1500A Cont. Output Current, 12 Pulse, Nema 1 
      UNI5405CT100 Unidrive, 1000hp, 480VAC - 3, 1200A Cont. Output Current, 6 Pulse, Nema 1
      UNI5405VT125 Unidrive, 1250hp, 480VAC - 3, 1500A Cont. Output Current, 6 Pulse, Nema 1 
      UNI5406CT100-12 Unidrive, 1000hp, 480VAC - 3, 1200A Cont. Output Current, 12 Pulse, Nema 1
      UNI54CPOD Unidrive Size 5 Power Module Controller (Control Pod), 1 required per drive assembly 
      UNI54PMF12 Unidrive Size 5 Power Module: 240 Amps Constant Torque - 300 Amps Variable Torque. Up to 8 units can be paralled. 
      UNI54PMF12-IF Unidrive Size 5 Power Module with Input Fuses: 240 Amps Constant Torque - 300 Amps Variable Torque.mso-spacerun: yes>  Up to 8 units can be paralled.
      UNI5DB Unidrive Size 5 Dynamic Braking Transistor Module (Braking resistor sold separay)
      UNI5WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Unidrive - Size 5
      UNIBAF1 Required for through-panel mounting of size 1 Unidrive 
      UNIBAF2 Required for through-panel mounting of size 2 Unidrive 
      UNIBAF3 Required for through-panel mounting of size 3 Unidrive 
      UNIBAF4 Required for through-panel mounting of size 4 Unidrive 
      UNIDEMO Unidrive Demo includes: Unidrive with Control Panel in demo case, UniSoft and motor
      UNIDEMO SP  UNIDEMO SP includes: 460VAC Unidrive SP, SyPT, SM-Applications Processor Module, SM-Universal Encoder Plus Module, CTIU-110, Servo Motor, Vector Motor and associated cables 
      UNIDEMO SP-LITE  UNIDEMO SP-Lite includes one each of the following: 460VAC Unidrive SP, Sm-Applications Processor Module, SM-Universal Encoder Plus Module, CTIU-110, SyPT and programming cables 
      UNIDEMO SP-RETRO  UNIDEMO SP-Retro includes the following modifications to exisiting Unidemo: 460VAC Unidrive SP, SM-Applications Processor Module and SM-Universal Encoder Plus Module 
      UNIREG1203-N1 Unidrive Regen, 1hp, 230V - 3, 3.8 Amps, Nema 1
      UNIREG1203-P0 Unidrive Regen, 1hp, 230V - 3, 3.8 Amps, Panel Mount
      UNIREG1204-N1 Unidrive Regen, 1.5hp, 230V - 3, 5.6 Amps, Nema 1
      UNIREG1204-P0 Unidrive Regen, 1.5hp, 230V - 3, 5.6 Amps, Panel Mount 
      UNIREG1205-N1 Unidrive Regen, 2hp, 230V - 3, 12 Amps, Nema 1 
      UNIREG1205-P0 Unidrive Regen, 2hp, 230V - 3, 12 Amps, Panel Mount 
      UNIREG1401-N1 Unidrive Regen, 1hp, 480V - 3, 2.1 Amps, Nema 1 
      UNIREG1401-P0 Unidrive Regen, 1hp, 480V - 3, 2.1 Amps, Panel Mount 
      UNIREG1402-N1 Unidrive Regen, 1.5hp, 480V - 3, 2.8 Amps, Nema 1 
      UNIREG1402-P0 Unidrive Regen, 1.5hp, 480V - 3, 2.8 Amps, Panel Mount 
      UNIREG1403-N1 Unidrive Regen, 2hp, 480V - 3, 3.8 Amps, Nema 1 
      UNIREG1403-P0 Unidrive Regen, 2hp, 480V - 3, 3.8 Amps, Panel Mount 
      UNIREG1404-N1 Unidrive Regen, 3hp, 480V - 3, 5.6 Amps, Nema 1 
      UNIREG1404-P0 Unidrive Regen, 3hp, 480V - 3, 5.6 Amps, Panel Mount 
      UNIREG1405-N1 Unidrive Regen, 5hp, 480V - 3, 9.5 Amps, Nema 1 
      UNIREG1405-P0 Unidrive Regen, 5hp, 480V - 3, 9.5 Amps, Panel Mount 
      UNIREG2201-N1 Unidrive Regen, 3hp, 230V - 3, 12 Amps, Nema 1
      UNIREG2201-P0 Unidrive Regen, 3hp, 230V - 3, 12 Amps, Panel Mount 
      UNIREG2202-N1 Unidrive Regen, 5hp, 230V - 3, 16 Amps, Nema 1
      UNIREG2202-P0 Unidrive Regen, 5hp, 230V - 3, 16 Amps, Panel Mount
      UNIREG2203-N1 Unidrive Regen, 7.5hp, 230V - 3, 25 Amps, Nema 1 
      UNIREG2203-P0 Unidrive Regen, 7.5hp, 230V - 3, 25 Amps, Panel Mount
      UNIREG2401-N1 Unidrive Regen, 7.5hp, 480V - 3, 12 Amps, Nema 1
      UNIREG2401-P0 Unidrive Regen, 7.5hp, 480V - 3, 12 Amps, Panel Mount
      UNIREG2402-N1 Unidrive Regen, 10hp, 480V - 3, 16 Amps, Nema 1
      UNIREG2402-P0 Unidrive Regen, 10hp, 480V - 3, 16 Amps, Panel Mount 
      UNIREG2403-N1 Unidrive Regen, 15hp, 480V - 3, 25 Amps, Nema 1
      UNIREG2403-P0 Unidrive Regen, 15hp, 480V - 3, 25 Amps, Panel Mount
      UNIREG3201-N1 Unidrive Regen, 10hp, 230V - 3, 34 Amps, Nema 1
      UNIREG3201-P0 Unidrive Regen, 10hp, 230V - 3, 34 Amps, Panel Mount
      UNIREG3202-N1 Unidrive Regen, 15hp, 230V - 3, 46 Amps, Nema 1
      UNIREG3202-P0 Unidrive Regen, 15hp, 230V - 3, 46 Amps, Panel Mount 
      UNIREG3203-N1 Unidrive Regen, 20hp, 230V - 3, 60 Amps, Nema 1 
      UNIREG3203-P0 Unidrive Regen, 20hp, 230V - 3, 60 Amps, Panel Mount
      UNIREG3204-N1 Unidrive Regen, 25hp, 230V - 3, 70 Amps, Nema 1
      UNIREG3204-P0 Unidrive Regen, 25hp, 230V - 3, 70 Amps, Panel Mount
      UNIREG3401-N1 Unidrive Regen, 25hp, 480V - 3, 34 Amps, Nema 1
      UNIREG3401-P0 Unidrive Regen, 25hp, 480V - 3, 34 Amps, Panel Mount
      UNIREG3402-N1 Unidrive Regen, 30hp, 480V - 3, 40 Amps, Nema 1 
      UNIREG3402-P0 Unidrive Regen, 30hp, 480V - 3, 40 Amps, Panel Mount 
      UNIREG3404-N1 Unidrive Regen, 40hp, 480V - 3, 60 Amps, Nema 1
      UNIREG3404-P0 Unidrive Regen, 40hp, 480V - 3, 60 Amps, Panel Mount
      UNIREG3405-N1 Unidrive Regen, 50hp, 480V - 3, 70 Amps, Nema 1
      UNIREG3405-P0 Unidrive Regen, 50hp, 480V - 3, 70 Amps, Panel Mount
      UNIREG4401-N1 Unidrive Regen, 75hp, 480V - 3, 96 Amps, Nema 1
      UNIREG4401-P0 Unidrive Regen, 75hp, 480V - 3, 96 Amps, Panel Mount 
      UNIREG4402-N1 Unidrive Regen, 100hp, 480V - 3, 124 Amps, Nema 1
      UNIREG4402-P0 Unidrive Regen, 100hp, 480V - 3, 124 Amps, Panel Mount 
      UNIREG4403-N1 Unidrive Regen, 125hp, 480V - 3, 156 Amps, Nema 1
      UNIREG4403-P0 Unidrive Regen, 125hp, 480V - 3, 156 Amps, Panel Mount
      UNIREG4404-N1 Unidrive Regen, 150hp, 480V - 3, 180 Amps, Nema 1
      UNIREG4404-P0 Unidrive Regen, 150hp, 480V - 3, 180 Amps, Panel Mount 
      UNISOFT Windows based Configuration Tool for Unidrive
      UNISP-AUG Advanced User Guide: Unidrive SP
      UNISP-UG Unidrive SP User Guide
      UNIV3-AUG Advanced User Guide: Unidrive V3 
      UNIV3-UG Unidrive V3 User Guide
      UNIWIN Windows based programming software for use with MD03R-02/MD02R-04.
      VTC1WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Unidrive VTC - Size 1 
      VTC2WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Unidrive VTC - Size 2
      VTC3WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Unidrive VTC - Size 3 
      VTC4WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Unidrive VTC - Size 4
      VTCSoft Windows based Configuration Tool for Unidrive VTC
      XIOR-32 I/O Expansion connection board-rack for 32 G4 narrow type modules only 
      XPRESSKEY Cloning / copying key, Commander SX Series 
      More Parts Page2, Page3, Page4, Page5 
       9500-8608 Quantum III Drive, 100hp @ 230Vac, 200hp @ 460Vac, 338 A Cont. Output Current, Regen
      9500-8608WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Quantum 9500-8608 Model
      9500-8609 Quantum III Drive, 125hp @ 230Vac, 250hp @ 460Vac, 428 A Cont. Output Current, Regen
      9500-8609WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Quantum 9500-8609 Model
      9500-8610 Quantum III Drive, 150hp @ 230Vac, 300hp @ 460Vac, 508 A Cont. Output Current, Regen
      9500-8610WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Quantum 9500-8610 Model
      9500-8611 Quantum III Drive, 200hp @ 230Vac, 400hp @ 460Vac, 675 A Cont. Output Current, Regen
      9500-8611WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Quantum 9500-8611 Model
      9500-8615 Quantum III Drive, 250hp @ 230Vac, 500 hp @ 460Vac, 820 A Cont. Output Current, Regen
      9500-8615WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Quantum 9500-8615 Model
      9500-8616 Quantum III Drive, 300hp @ 230Vac, 600 hp @ 460Vac, 985 A Cont. Output Current, Regen
      9500-8616WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Quantum 9500-8616 Model
      9500-8617 Quantum III Drive, 700hp @ 460Vac, 1150 A Cont. Output Current, Regen
      9500-8617WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Quantum 9500-8617 Model
      9500-8618 Quantum III Drive, 400hp @ 240Vac, 800hp @ 460Vac, 1250 A Cont. Output Current, Regen
      9500-8618WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Quantum 9500-8618 Model
      9500-8619 Quantum III Drive, 900hp @ 460Vac, 1470 A Cont. Output Current, Regen
      9500-8619WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Quantum 9500-8619 Model
      9500-8620 Quantum III Drive, 500hp @ 230Vac, 1000hp @ 460Vac, 1850 A Cont. Output Current, Regen
      9500-8620WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Quantum 9500-8620 Model
      9500-9032 50 Amp Field Regulator
      9500-9033 90 Amp Field Regulator
      9500-9035 20 Amp Field Regulator (FXM-5)
      9500-9100 Modbus Plus interface card (Mentor II, Quantum III)
      95DSA300CAAAA DutymAx Brushless Servo Motor, Rated Voltage: 460Vac, Rated Speed: 3000rpm, Feedback: Resolver, Brake: No
      95DSA300HAAAA DutymAx Brushless Servo Motor, Rated Voltage: 460Vac, Rated Speed: 3000rpm, Feedback: Resolver, Brake: No
      95DSA301CAAAA DutymAx Brushless Servo Motor, Rated Voltage: 460Vac, Rated Speed: 3000rpm, Feedback: Resolver, Brake: 24Vdc
      95DSA301HAAAA DutymAx Brushless Servo Motor, Rated Voltage: 460Vac, Rated Speed: 3000rpm, Feedback: Resolver, Brake: 24Vdc
      95DSB300CAAAA DutymAx Brushless Servo Motor, Rated Voltage: 460Vac, Rated Speed: 3000rpm, Feedback: Resolver, Brake: No
      95DSB300HAAAA DutymAx Brushless Servo Motor, Rated Voltage: 460Vac, Rated Speed: 3000rpm, Feedback: Resolver, Brake: No
      95DSB301CAAAA DutymAx Brushless Servo Motor, Rated Voltage: 460Vac, Rated Speed: 3000rpm, Feedback: Resolver, Brake: 24Vdc
      95DSB301HAAAA DutymAx Brushless Servo Motor, Rated Voltage: 460Vac, Rated Speed: 3000rpm, Feedback: Resolver, Brake: 24Vdc
      95DSC300CAAAA DutymAx Brushless Servo Motor, Rated Voltage: 460Vac, Rated Speed: 3000rpm, Feedback: Resolver, Brake: No
      95DSC300HAAAA DutymAx Brushless Servo Motor, Rated Voltage: 460Vac, Rated Speed: 3000rpm, Feedback: Resolver, Brake: No
      95DSC301CAAAA DutymAx Brushless Servo Motor, Rated Voltage: 460Vac, Rated Speed: 3000rpm, Feedback: Resolver, Brake: 24Vdc
      95DSC301HAAAA DutymAx Brushless Servo Motor, Rated Voltage: 460Vac, Rated Speed: 3000rpm, Feedback: Resolver, Brake: 24Vdc
      95DSD300CAAAA DutymAx Brushless Servo Motor, Rated Voltage: 460Vac, Rated Speed: 3000rpm, Feedback: Resolver, Brake: No
      95DSD300HAAAA DutymAx Brushless Servo Motor, Rated Voltage: 460Vac, Rated Speed: 3000rpm, Feedback: Resolver, Brake: No
      95DSD301CAAAA DutymAx Brushless Servo Motor, Rated Voltage: 460Vac, Rated Speed: 3000rpm, Feedback: Resolver, Brake: 24Vdc
      95DSD301HAAAA DutymAx Brushless Servo Motor, Rated Voltage: 460Vac, Rated Speed: 3000rpm, Feedback: Resolver, Brake: 24Vdc
      95DSE300CAAAA DutymAx Brushless Servo Motor, Rated Voltage: 460Vac, Rated Speed: 3000rpm, Feedback: Resolver, Brake: No
      95DSE300HAAAA DutymAx Brushless Servo Motor, Rated Voltage: 460Vac, Rated Speed: 3000rpm, Feedback: Resolver, Brake: No
      95DSE301CAAAA DutymAx Brushless Servo Motor, Rated Voltage: 460Vac, Rated Speed: 3000rpm, Feedback: Resolver, Brake: 24Vdc
      95DSE301HAAAA DutymAx Brushless Servo Motor, Rated Voltage: 460Vac, Rated Speed: 3000rpm, Feedback: Resolver, Brake: 24Vdc
      95EZB300CACAA 95mm Frame Brushless Servo Motor, 38.1 lb-in Cont. Torque, 230Vac, Connectorized, 3000RPM Max Speed, Incremental Encoder
      95EZB301CACAA 95mm Frame Brushless Servo Motor, 38.1 lb-in Cont. Torque, 230Vac, Connectorized, 3000RPM Max Speed, Incremental Encoder, 24VDC Brake
      95EZD300CACAA 95mm Frame Brushless Servo Motor, 66.4 lb-in Cont. Torque, 230Vac, Connectorized, 3000RPM Max Speed, Incremental Encoder
      95EZD301CACAA 95mm Frame Brushless Servo Motor, 66.4 lb-in Cont. Torque, 230Vac, Connectorized, 3000RPM Max Speed, Incremental Encoder, 24VDC Brake
      95UMB300CACAA 95mm Frame Brushless Servo Motor, 38.1 lb-in Cont. Torque, 460Vac, Connectorized, 3000 RPM Max Speed, Incremental Encoder
      95UMB301CACAA 95mm Frame Brushless Servo Motor, 38.1 lb-in Cont. Torque, 460Vac, Connectorized, 3000 RPM Max Speed, Incremental Encoder, 24VDC Brake
      95UMD300CACAA 95mm Frame Brushless Servo Motor, 66.4 lb-in Cont. Torque, 460Vac, Connectorized, 3000 RPM Max Speed, Incremental Encoder
      95UMD301CACAA 95mm Frame Brushless Servo Motor, 66.4 lb-in Cont. Torque, 460Vac, Connectorized, 3000 RPM Max Speed, Incremental Encoder, 24VDC Brake
      960304-01 AC Line Filter, 3?, 16 amp, 240 Vac (EN-214)
      960305-01 AC Line Filter, 1?, 16 amp, 240 Vac (EN-204, EN-208)
      960307-01 AC Line Filter, 1?, 10 amp, 240 Vac (Epsilon)
      9650-8118 Braking Resistor, Enclosed with Thermostat, 10% (15 sec on max) for 150hp motor @ 460Vac
      9650-8268 Braking Resistor, Enclosed with Thermostat, 25% (30 sec on max) for 150hp motor @ 460Vac
      9650-8348 Braking Resistor, Enclosed with Thermostat, 33% (40 sec on max) for 150hp motor @ 460Vac
      9729-9000 MD29, 32 Bit Coprocessor with Modbus RTU (Mentor II, Quantum III)
      9729-9001 MD29 with S-ramp accel / decel profiling
      9729-9002 MD29 with Digital lock with adjustable ratio control
      9729-9003 MD29 with Spindle orientation
      9729-9004 MD29 with CTCW - Constant tension, center wind
      9729-9005 MD29 with PID control for load cell tension or dancer position
      9729-9006 MD29 with Power calculator
      9729-9008 MD29 with Dual Mode Winder
      9729-9501 MD29AN-RevD with S-ramp accel/decel profiling
      9729-9502 MD29AN-RevD with Digital lock with adjustable ratio control
      9729-9503 MD29AN-RevD with Spindle orientation
      9729-9504 MD29AN-RevD with CTCW - Constant tension, center wind
      9729-9505 MD29AN-RevD with PID control for load cell tension or dancer position
      9729-9506 MD29AN-RevD with Power calculator
      9729-9508 MD29AN-RevD with Dual Mode Winder
      ALP-130 30 watt auxiliary logic backup power supply, supports one EN Drive
      ALP-430 4x20 watt auxiliary logic backup power supply, supports four EN Drives
      AX-2000-00-00-00C Axima 2000, 2 axis controller w/ 2 auxiliary encoder inputs
      AX-4000-00-00-00C Axima 4000, 4 axis controller
      AX4-CEN-002 Command Cable, 45° angle connector on both ends, 2 ft Length (EN, Epsilon, MDS to AXIMA 2/4000)
      AX4-CEN-004 Command Cable, 45° angle connector on both ends, 4 ft Length (EN, Epsilon, MDS to AXIMA 2/4000)
      AX4-CEN-010 Command Cable, 45° angle connector on both ends, Custom Length - 10 ft Length (EN, Epsilon, MDS to AXIMA 2/4000)
      AX4-CEN-A-xxx Command Cable, 45° angle connector on both ends, Custom Length - 1 ft increments (EN, Epsilon, MDS to AXIMA 2/4000)
      AX4-ED-005 Command Cable for AXIMA encoder output to AXIMA encoder input, connectorized at both ends, 5 ft Length
      AX4-ED-010 Command Cable for AXIMA encoder output to AXIMA encoder input, connectorized at both ends, 10 ft Length
      AX4-ED-015 Command Cable for AXIMA encoder output to AXIMA encoder input, connectorized at both ends, 15 ft Length
      AX4-ED-xxx Command Cable for AXIMA encoder output to AXIMA encoder input, connectorized at both ends, Non Std Length
      AX4-ENC-015 AXIMA to SCSLD Encoder Feedback Cable, MS Connector on encoder end, DB25 Connector on drive end, 15 ft Length
      AX4-ENC-025 AXIMA to SCSLD Encoder Feedback Cable, MS Connector on encoder end, DB25 Connector on drive end, 25 ft Length
      AX4-ENC-050 AXIMA to SCSLD Encoder Feedback Cable, MS Connector on encoder end, DB25 Connector on drive end, 50 ft Length
      AX4-ENC-xxx AXIMA to SCSLD Encoder Feedback Cable, MS Connector on encoder end, DB25 Connector on drive end, Custom Length - 1 ft increments
      AX4-GP-005 Command Cable for controller to open wire, 5 ft Length
      AX4-GP-010 Command Cable for controller to open wire,10 ft Length
      AX4-GP-015 Command Cable for controller to open wire,15 ft Length
      AX4-GP-xxx Command Cable for controller to open wire, Non Std Length
      AX4-MX-005 Command Cable for MX Series Drive , connectorized at both ends, 5 ft Length
      AX4-MX-010 Command Cable for MX Series Drive , connectorized at both ends, 10 ft Length
      AX4-MX-015 Command Cable for MX Series Drive , connectorized at both ends, 15 ft Length
      AX4-MX-xxx Command Cable for MX Series Drive , connectorized at both ends, Non Std Length
      AX4-XIOC-000.5 Ribbon Cable to AXIMA External I/O board/rack 0.5 ft
      AX4-XIOC-001.5 Ribbon Cable to AXIMA Ext I/O board/rack, 1.5 ft
      AX4-XIOC-002 Ribbon Cable to AXIMA Ext I/O board/rack, 2 ft
      Axima 2000 Option To upgrade an AXIMA unit already in the field, with one of the options listed above. This price does not include the option.
      AXIMA Classic Opti To upgrade an AXIMA unit already in the field, with one of the options listed above. This price does not include the option.
      AXIMA-00-00-0-X0 (X=1) See Catalog Number System Adder for: Digital I/O Expansion (32 in and 32 out)
      AXIMA-00-00-1-00 (X=1) See Catalog Number System Adder for: Analog Inputs (8 Channels)
      AXIMA-00-XX-0-00 (XX=0D) See Catalog Number System Adder for: Data Highway Plus Communications
      AXIMA-00-XX-0-00 (XX=0M) See Catalog Number System Adder for: Modbus Communications
      AXIMA-02-00 Axima Classic Base Controller, 2 Axis
      AXIMA-04-00 Axima Classic Base Controller, 4 Axis
      AXIMA-06-00 Axima Classic Base Controller, 6 Axis
      AXIMA-08-00 Axima Classic Base Controller, 8 Axis
      DSC-006 Connector on both ends, 6 ft Length
      DSC-010 Connector on both ends, 10 ft Length
      DXE-208C DX 2" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 8 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, Connectorized, 5000 RPM Max Speed
      DXE-208C-090 DX 2" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 8 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, Connectorized, 5000 RPM Max Speed, CE rated
      DXE-208CB DX 2" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 8 in-lbs Cont. Torque, Connectorized, 5000 RPM Max Speed, Brake
      DXE-208CB-090 DX 2" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 8 in-lbs Cont. Torque, Connectorized, 5000 RPM Max Speed, Brake, CE Rated
      DXE-316C DX 3" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 16 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240VC, Connectorized, 4000 RPM Max Speed
      DXE-316CB DX 3" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 16 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, Connectorized, 4000 RPM Max Speed, Brake
      DXE-316W DX 3" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 16 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, without connectors, Splashproof, 4000 RPM Max Speed
      DXE-316WB DX 3" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 16 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, without connectors, Splashproof, 4000 RPM Max Speed, Brake
      DXE-4120C DX 4" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 120 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, Connectorized, 3000 RPM Max Speed
      DXE-4120CB DX 4" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 120 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, Connectorized, 3000 RPM Max Speed, Brake
      DXE-4120W DX 4" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 120 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, without connectors, Splashproof, 3000 RPM Max Speed
      DXE-4120WB DX 4" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 120 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, without connectors, Splashproof, 3000 RPM Max Speed, Brake
      DXE-455C DX 4" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 55 in-lbs Cont.Torque, 240Vac, Connectorized, 3000 RPM Max Speed
      DXE-455CB DX 4" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 55 in-lbs Cont.Torque, 240Vac, Connectorized, 3000 RPM Max Speed, Brake
      DXE-455W DX 4" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 55 in-lbs Cont.Torque, 240Vac, without connectors, Splashproof, 3000 RPM Max Speed
      DXE-455WB DX 4" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 55 in-lbs Cont.Torque, 240Vac, without connectors, Splashproof, 3000 RPM Max Speed, Brake
      DXE-490C DX 4" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 90 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, Connectorized, 3000 RPM Max Speed
      DXE-490CB DX 4" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 90 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, Connectorized, 3000 RPM Max Speed, Brake
      DXE-490W DX 4" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 90 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, without connectors, Splashproof, 3000 RPM Max Speed
      DXE-490WB DX 4" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 90 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, without connectors, Splashproof, 3000 RPM Max Speed, Brake
      DXM-208C DX 2" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 8 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, Connectorized, 5000 RPM Max Speed
      DXM-208C-090 DX 2" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 8 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, Connectorized, 5000 RPM Max Speed, CE Rated
      DXM-208CB DX 2" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 8 in-lbs Cont. Torque, Connectorized, 5000 RPM Max Speed, Brake
      DXM-208CB-090 DX 2" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 8 in-lbs Cont. Torque, Connectorized, 5000 RPM Max Speed, Brake, CE Rated
      DXM-316C DX 3" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 16 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, Connectorized, 4000 RPM Max Speed
      DXM-316CB DX 3" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 16 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, Connectorized, 4000 RPM Max Speed, Brake
      DXM-316W DX 3" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 16 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, without connectors, Splashproof, 4000 RPM Max Speed
      DXM-316WB DX 3" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 16 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, without connectors, Splashproof, 4000 RPM Max Speed, Brake
      DXM-340C DX 3" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 40 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, Connectorized, 4000 RPM Max Speed
      DXM-340CB DX 3" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 40 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, Connectorized, 4000 RPM Max Speed, Brake
      DXM-340W DX 3" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 40 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, without connectors, Splashproof, 4000 RPM Max Speed
      DXM-340WB DX 3" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 40 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, without connectors, Splashproof, 4000 RPM Max Speed, Brake
      DXM-4120C DX 4" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 120 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, Connectorized, 3000 RPM Max Speed
      DXM-4120CB DX 4" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 120 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, Connectorized, 3000 RPM Max Speed, Brake
      DXM-4120W DX 4" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 120 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, without connectors, Splashproof, 3000 RPM Max Speed
      DXM-4120WB DX 4" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 120 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, without connectors, Splashproof, 3000 RPM Max Speed, Brake
      DXM-455C DX 4" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 55 in-lbs Cont.Torque, 240Vac, Connectorized, 3000 RPM Max Speed
      DXM-455CB DX 4" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 55 in-lbs Cont.Torque, 240Vac, Connectorized, 3000 RPM Max Speed, Brake
      DXM-455W DX 4" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 55 in-lbs Cont.Torque, 240Vac, without connectors, Splashproof, 3000 RPM Max Speed
      DXM-455WB DX 4" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 55 in-lbs Cont.Torque, 240Vac, without connectors, Splashproof, 3000 RPM Max Speed, Brake
      DXM-490C DX 4" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 90 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, Connectorized, 3000 RPM Max Speed
      DXM-490CB DX 4" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 90 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, Connectorized, 3000 RPM Max Speed, Brake
      DXM-490W DX 4" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 90 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, without connectors, Splashproof, 3000 RPM Max Speed
      DXM-490WB DX 4" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 90 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, without connectors, Splashproof, 3000 RPM Max Speed, Brake
      DXM-6120W DX 6" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 120 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, without connectors, Splashproof, 3000 RPM Max Speed
      DXM-6120WB DX 6" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 120 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, without connectors, Splashproof, 3000 RPM Max Speed, Brake
      Express Pack, HiHP Options Expess Pack Options PDF File Goes Here
      Express Pack, Mentor II Options Expess Pack Options PDF File Goes Here
      Express Pack, Unidrive Options Expess Pack Options PDF File Goes Here
      F3ACT AC Tachometer Input Board
      F3DB0524 Dynamic Braking Kit, 0.5hp @ 240V
      F3DB112 Dynamic Braking Kit, 0.75 to 1hp @ 120V
      F3DB124 Dynamic Braking Kit, 0.75 to 1hp @ 240V
      F3DB1524 Dynamic Braking Kit, 0.25 to 0.33hp @ 120V & 1.5hp @ 240V
      F3DB224 Dynamic Braking Kit, 0.5hp @ 120V & 2hp @ 240V
      F3DB324 Dynamic Braking Kit, 3hp @ 240V
      F3DB524 Dynamic Braking Kit, 5hp @ 240V
      F3LE Large (5hp), NEMA 4/12 enclosure kit
      F3M112 "M" Contactor Kit, 0.25 to 1hp @ 120V
      F3M224 "M" Contactor Kit, 0.50 to 2hp @ 240V
      F3M524 "M" Contactor Kit, 3 to 5hp @ 240V
      F3N2C Focus 3, 1/4 to 2hp, 120/240V-1? input, Open Chassis, Non-Regen
      F3N2E Focus 3, 1/4 to 2hp, 120/240V-1? input, NEMA 4/12, Non-Regen
      F3N5C Focus 3, 3 to 5hp, 240V-1? input, Open Chassis, Non-Regen
      F3N5E Focus 3, 3 to 5hp, 120/240V-1? input, NEMA 4/12, Non-Regen
      F3NSBD Signal Isolation Board
      F3R2C Focus 3, 1/4 to 2hp, 120/240V-1? input, Open Chassis, Regen
      F3R2E Focus 3, 1/4 to 2hp, 120/240V-1? input, NEMA 4/12, Regen
      F3R5C Focus 3, 3 to 5hp, 240V-1? input, Open Chassis, Regen
      F3R5E Focus 3, 3 to 5hp, 120/240V-1? input, NEMA 4/12, Regen
      F3SE Small (2hp), NEMA 4/12 enclosure kit
      F3TS Contains 1 each of the following Toggle Switches: Run / Jog, Forward / Reverse (regen only) and Auto / Manual
      FK6S-120 BL and DX 6xxx Series, 6" motor
      FK8K-120 BL and DX 8xxx Series, 8" motor
      FM-2 FM-2, Indexing Module
      FM-3 FM-3, Programming Module
      FM-3DN FM-3DN, Programming Module with DeviceNet
      FM-3E FM-3E, Programming Module with Ethernet
      FM-3PB FM-3PB, Programming Module with Profibus
      FM-4 FM-4, Advanced Programming Module
      FM-4DN FM-4DN, Advanced Programming Module with DeviceNet
      FM-4E FM-4E, Advanced Programming Module with Ethernet
      FM-4PB FM-4PB, Advanced Programming Module with Profibus
      FS 6376-16-07 IP66 RFI filter, Commander SX Series
      FX-208 FX Servo Drive, 230Vac, 10 amp, 8 lb-in to 16 in-lb Motor Torque
      FX-208CE FX Servo Drive, 10 amp, 8 lb-in to 16 in-lb Motor Torque, CE Mark
      FX-316 FX Servo Drive, 230Vac, 10 amp, 16 in-lb to 32 in-lb Motor Torque
      FX-316CE FX Servo Drive, 10 amp, 16 in-lb to 32 in-lb Motor Torque, CE Mark
      FX-340 FX Servo Drive, 230Vac, 15 amp, 40 in-lb to 80 in-lb Motor Torque
      FX-340CE FX Servo Drive, 15 amp, 40 in-lb to 80 in-lb Motor Torque, CE Mark
      FX-4120 FX Servo Drive, 230Vac, 20 amp, 120 in-lb to 240 in-lb Motor Torque
      FX-4120CE FX Servo Drive, 20 amp, 120 in-lb to 240 in-lb Motor Torque, CE Mark
      FX-455 FX Servo Drive, 230Vac, 15 amp, 55 in-lb to 110 in-lb Motor Torque
      FX-455CE FX Servo Drive, 15 amp, 55 in-lb to 110 in-lb Motor Torque, CE Mark
      FX-490 FX Servo Drive, 230Vac, 20 amp, 90 in-lb to 180 in-lb Motor Torque
      FX-490CE FX Servo Drive, 20 amp, 90 in-lb to 180 in-lb Motor Torque, CE Mark
      FX-6120 FX Servo Drive, 230Vac, 20 amp, 120 in-lb to 240 in-lb Motor Torque
      FX-6120CE FX Servo Drive, 20 amp, 120 in-lb to 240 in-lb Motor Torque, CE Mark
      FX-6210 FX Servo Drive, 460Vac, 30 amp, 210 in-lb to 390 in-lb Motor Torque
      FX-6310 FX Servo Drive, 460Vac, 30 amp, 310 in-lb to 550 in-lb Motor Torque
      FX-81000 FX Servo Drive, 460Vac, 50 amp, 1000 in-lb to 2000 in-lb Motor Torque
      FX-8500 FX Servo Drive, 460Vac, 30 amp, 530 in-lb to 1000 in-lb Motor Torque
      FX-8800 FX Servo Drive, 460Vac, 50 amp, 800 in-lb to 1600 in-lb Motor Torque
      FXM5-UG 9500-9035 Field Regulator (FXM5) User Guide
      GP1WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Commander GP - Size 1
      GP2WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Commander GP - Size 2
      GP3WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Commander GP - Size 3
      GPD1203LV Commander GP (Size 1), 1hp, 230V - 3?, 3.8 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD1204LV Commander GP (Size 1), 1.5hp, 230V - 3?, 5.6 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD1205LV Commander GP (Size 1), 3hp, 230V - 3?, 9.5 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD1401 Commander GP (Size 1), 1hp, 460V - 3?, 2.1 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD1402 Commander GP (Size 1), 1.5hp, 460V - 3?, 2.8 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD1403 Commander GP (Size 1), 2hp, 460V - 3?, 3.8 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD1404 Commander GP (Size 1), 3hp, 460V - 3?, 5.6 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD1405 Commander GP (Size 1), 5hp, 460V - 3?, 9.5 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD2201LV Commander GP (Size 2), 3hp, 230V - 3?, 12 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD2202LV Commander GP (Size 2), 5hp, 230V - 3?, 16 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD2203LV Commander GP (Size 2), 7.5hp, 230V - 3?, 25 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD2401 Commander GP (Size 2), 7.5hp, 460V - 3?, 12 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD2402 Commander GP (Size 2), 10hp, 460V - 3?, 16 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD2403 Commander GP (Size 2), 15hp, 460V - 3?, 25 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD3201LV Commander GP (Size 3), 10hp, 230V - 3?, 34 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD3202LV Commander GP (Size 3), 15hp, 230V - 3?, 46A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD3203LV Commander GP (Size 3), 20hp, 230V - 3?, 60A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD3204LV Commander GP (Size 3), 25hp / 30hp, 230V - 3?, 70A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD3401 Commander GP (Size 3), 25hp, 460V - 3?, 34 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD3402 Commander GP (Size 3), 30hp, 460V - 3?, 40 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD3403 Commander GP (Size 3), 30hp, 460V - 3?, 46 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD3404 Commander GP (Size 3), 40hp, 460V - 3?, 60 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD3405 Commander GP (Size 3), 50hp, 460V - 3?, 70 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD4401 Commander GP (Size 4), 75hp, 460V - 3?, 96A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD4402 Commander GP (Size 4), 100hp, 460V - 3?, 124A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD4403 Commander GP (Size 4), 125hp, 460V - 3?, 156A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD4404 Commander GP (Size 4), 150hp, 460V - 3?, 180A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD4405 Commander GP (Size 4), 150hp, 460V - 3?, 202A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      IAC-24-G4 AC input module for use w/ XIOR-32 (90-140 Vac)
      IBC-003 Connector at both ends, 3 ft Length
      IBC-006 Connector at both ends, 6 ft Length
      Connector at both ends, 10 ft Length
      IBC-ECE-xxx External IBS to IBS
      IBC-ICE-xxx Internal IBS to IBS
      IBC-xxx Connector at both ends, Custom Length - 1 ft increments
      IBS-11 InterBus-S Motion Controller
      IBS-15 InterBus-S Ratio Controller w/ Analog I/O
      IDC-24-G4 DC input module for use w/ XIOR-32 (10-32 VDC)
      IM/0022/KI Spare incremental encoder feedback mating connector: for 75-190 frame motors
      IM/0023/KI Spare sincos or resolver feedback mating connector: for 75-190 frame motors
      IM/0039/KI Spare power mating connector: for 75-142 frame motors
      IM/0053/KI Spare power mating connector: for 190A&B frame motors, rated at 54 Amps
      IM/0054/KI Spare power mating connector: for High Power 190C&D frame motors, rated at 70 Amps
      IOM-1 Input / Output Expander Module
      JMP-12 I/O Jumper Strip (Qty 10)
      LDR2-L-004-C Output Load Reactor, 230Vac, 4.2A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR2-L-006-C Output Load Reactor, 230Vac, 6.0A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR2-L-010-C Output Load Reactor, 230Vac, 9.6A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR2-L-015-C Output Load Reactor, 230Vac, 15.2A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR2-L-022-C Output Load Reactor, 230Vac, 22A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR2-L-028-C Output Load Reactor, 230Vac, 28A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR2-L-042-C Output Load Reactor, 230Vac, 42A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR2-L-054-C Output Load Reactor, 230Vac, 54A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR2-L-068-C Output Load Reactor, 230Vac, 68A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR2-L-080-C Output Load Reactor, 230Vac, 80A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR2-L-104-C Output Load Reactor, 230Vac, 104A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR2-L-130-C Output Load Reactor, 230Vac, 130A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR2-L-154-C Output Load Reactor, 230Vac, 154A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR2-L-192-C Output Load Reactor, 230Vac, 192A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR2-L-248-C Output Load Reactor, 230Vac, 248A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR2-L-312-C Output Load Reactor, 230Vac, 312A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR2-L-360-C Output Load Reactor, 230Vac, 360A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR2-L-480-C Output Load Reactor, 230Vac, 480A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR4-L-003-C Output Load Reactor, 460Vac, 3A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR4-L-005-C Output Load Reactor, 460Vac, 4.8A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR4-L-008-C Output Load Reactor, 460Vac, 7.6A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR4-L-011-C Output Load Reactor, 460Vac, 11A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR4-L-014-C Output Load Reactor, 460Vac, 14A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR4-L-021-C Output Load Reactor, 460Vac, 21A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR4-L-027-C Output Load Reactor, 460Vac, 27A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR4-L-034-C Output Load Reactor, 460Vac, 34A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR4-L-040-C Output Load Reactor, 460Vac, 40A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR4-L-052-C Output Load Reactor, 460Vac, 52A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR4-L-065-C Output Load Reactor, 460Vac, 65A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR4-L-077-C Output Load Reactor, 460Vac, 77A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR4-L-096-C Output Load Reactor, 460Vac, 96A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR4-L-124-C Output Load Reactor, 460Vac, 124A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR4-L-156-C Output Load Reactor, 460Vac, 156A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR4-L-180-C Output Load Reactor, 230Vac, 192A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR4-L-240-C Output Load Reactor, 460Vac, 240A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR4-L-302-C Output Load Reactor, 460Vac, 302A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR5-L-006-C Output Load Reactor, 575Vac, 6.1A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR5-L-009-C Output Load Reactor, 575Vac, 9A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR5-L-011-C Output Load Reactor, 575Vac, 11A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR5-L-017-C Output Load Reactor, 575Vac, 17A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR5-L-022-C Output Load Reactor, 575Vac, 22A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR5-L-027-C Output Load Reactor, 575Vac, 27A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LF1A 1? 240V, 12 amp, for FX-208 - FX-455
      LF3A 3? 480V, 16 amp, for FX-490 - FX-6120
      LOGICSTICK The logicStick plugs into the front of the SK series drive and enables you to program PLC functions within the drive.
      LR2-L-010-C Input Line Reactor, 230Vac, 9.6A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR2-L-015-C Input Line Reactor, 230Vac, 15.2A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR2-L-022-C Input Line Reactor, 230Vac, 22A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR2-L-028-C Input Line Reactor, 230Vac, 28A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR2-L-042-C Input Line Reactor, 230Vac, 42A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR2-L-054-C Input Line Reactor, 230Vac, 54A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR2-L-068-C Input Line Reactor, 230Vac, 68A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR2-L-080-C Input Line Reactor, 230Vac, 80A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR2-L-104-C Input Line Reactor, 230Vac, 104A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR2-L-130-C Input Line Reactor, 230Vac, 130A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR2-L-154-C Input Line Reactor, 230Vac, 154A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR2-L-192-C Input Line Reactor, 230Vac, 192A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR2-L-248-C Input Line Reactor, 230Vac, 248A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR2-L-312-C Input Line Reactor, 230Vac, 312A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR2-L-360-C Input Line Reactor, 230Vac, 360A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR2-L-480-C Input Line Reactor, 230Vac, 480A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR4-L-005-C Input Line Reactor, 460Vac, 4.8A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR4-L-008-C Input Line Reactor, 460Vac, 7.6A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR4-L-011-C Input Line Reactor, 460Vac, 11A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR4-L-014-C Input Line Reactor, 460Vac, 14A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR4-L-021-C Input Line Reactor, 460Vac, 21A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR4-L-027-C Input Line Reactor, 460Vac, 27A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR4-L-034-C Input Line Reactor, 460Vac, 34A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR4-L-040-C Input Line Reactor, 460Vac, 40A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR4-L-052-C Input Line Reactor, 460Vac, 52A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR4-L-065-C Input Line Reactor, 460Vac, 65A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR4-L-077-C Input Line Reactor, 460Vac, 77A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR4-L-096-C Input Line Reactor, 460Vac, 96A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR4-L-124-C Input Line Reactor, 460Vac, 124A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR4-L-156-C Input Line Reactor, 460Vac, 156A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR4-L-180-C Input Line Reactor, 460Vac, 180A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR4-L-240-C Input Line Reactor, 460Vac, 240A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR4-L-302-C Input Line Reactor, 460Vac, 302A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR4-L-361-C Input Line Reactor, 460Vac, 361A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR4-L-414-C Input Line Reactor, 460Vac, 414A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR4-L-477-C Input Line Reactor, 460Vac, 477A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR5-L-009-C Input Line Reactor, 575Vac, 9A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR5-L-011-C Input Line Reactor, 575Vac, 11A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR5-L-017-C Input Line Reactor, 575Vac, 17A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR5-L-022-C Input Line Reactor, 575Vac, 22A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR5-L-027-C Input Line Reactor, 575Vac, 27A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LYNX 8 Lynx DC Analogue Controller, 2.2kW @ 380-440Vac single phase, 1.1kW @ 220-240AC single phase, Open Chassis
      LYNX16 Lynx DC Analogue Controller, 4kW @ 380-440Vac single phase, 2kW @ 220-240AC single phase, Open Chassis
      LYNX30 Lynx DC Analogue Controller, 7.5kW @ 380-440Vac single phase, 3.75kW @ 220-240AC single phase, Open Chassis
      M105-14M Mentor II Drive, 20 to 35 hp @ 208-240Vac Input, 40 to 50 hp @ 380-480Vac Input, Non-Regen
      M105R-14M Mentor II Drive, 20 to 35 hp @ 208-240Vac Input, 40 to 50hp @ 380-480Vac Input, Regen
      M105WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Mentor II - 105A Model
      M1200-14M Mentor II Drive, 300 to 350 hp @ 208-240Vac Input, 600 to 700 hp @ 380-480Vac Input, Non-Regen
      M1200-14M660 Mentor II Drive, 575-660Vac Input, 1200A Cont. Output Current, Non-Regen (208-480Vac Control Power Required)
      M1200R-14M Mentor II Drive, 300 to 350 hp @ 208-240Vac Input, 600 to 700 hp @ 380-480Vac Input, Regen
      M1200R-14M660 Mentor II Drive, 575-660Vac Input, 1200A Cont. Output Current, Regen (208-480Vac Control Power Required)
      M1200WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Mentor II - 1200A Model
      M155-14M Mentor II Drive, 30 hp @ 208-240Vac Input, 60 to 75 hp @ 380-480Vac Input, Non-Regen
      M155R-14M Mentor II Drive, 30 hp @ 208-240Vac Input, 60 to 75 hp @ 380-480Vac Input, Regen
      M155WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Mentor II - 155A Model
      M1850-14M Mentor II Drive, 400 to 500 hp @ 208-240Vac Input, 800 to 1000hp @ 380-480Vac Input, Non-Regen
      M1850-14M660 Mentor II Drive, 575-660Vac Input, 1850A Cont. Output Current, Non-Regen (208-480Vac Control Power Required)
      M1850R-14M Mentor II Drive, 400 to 500 @ 208-240Vac Input, 800 to 1000 hp @ 380-480Vac Input, Regen
      M1850R-14M660 Mentor II Drive, 575-660Vac Input, 1850A Cont. Output Current, Regen (208-480Vac Control Power Required)
      M1850WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Mentor II - 1850A Model
      M210-14M Mentor II Drive, 40 to 50 hp @ 208-240Vac Input, 100 hp @ 380-480Vac Input, Non-Regen
      M210R-14M Mentor II Drive, 40 to 50 hp @ 208-240Vac Input, 100 hp @ 380-480Vac Input, Regen
      M210WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Mentor II - 210A Model
      M25-14M Mentor II Drive, 3 to 7 hp @ 208-240Vac Input, 5 to 10 hp @ 380-480Vac Input, Non-Regen
      M25R-14M Mentor II Drive, 3 to 7 hp @ 208-240Vac Input, 5 to 10 hp @ 380-480Vac Input, Regen
      M25WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Mentor II - 25A Model
      M350-14M Mentor II Drive, 75 hp @ 208-240Vac Input, 150 hp @ 380-480Vac Input, Non-Regen
      M350-14M660 Mentor II Drive, 575-660Vac Power Input, 350A Cont. Output Current, Non-Regen (208-480Vac Control Power Required)
      M350R-14M Mentor II Drive, 75 hp @ 208-240Vac Input, 350hp @ 380-480Vac Input, Regen
      M350R-14M660 Mentor II Drive, 575-660Vac Input, 350A Cont. Output Current, Regen (208-480Vac Control Power Required)
      M350WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Mentor II - 350A Model
      M420-14M Mentor II Drive, 100 hp @ 208-240Vac Input, 200 hp @ 380-480Vac Input, Non-Regen
      M420-14M660 Mentor II Drive, 575-660Vac Input, 420A Cont. Output Current, Non-Regen (208-480Vac Control Power Required)
      M420R-14M Mentor II Drive, 100 hp @ 208-240Vac Input, 200 hp @ 380-480Vac Input, Regen
      M420R-14M660 Mentor II Drive, 575-660Vac Input, 420A Cont. Output Current, Regen (208-480Vac Control Power Required)
      M420WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Mentor II - 420A Model
      M45-14M Mentor II Drive, 7.5 to 10 hp @ 208-240Vac Input, 15 to 20 hp @ 380-480Vac Input, Non-Regen 
       9500-8608 Quantum III Drive, 100hp @ 230Vac, 200hp @ 460Vac, 338 A Cont. Output Current, Regen
      9500-8608WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Quantum 9500-8608 Model
      9500-8609 Quantum III Drive, 125hp @ 230Vac, 250hp @ 460Vac, 428 A Cont. Output Current, Regen
      9500-8609WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Quantum 9500-8609 Model
      9500-8610 Quantum III Drive, 150hp @ 230Vac, 300hp @ 460Vac, 508 A Cont. Output Current, Regen
      9500-8610WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Quantum 9500-8610 Model
      9500-8611 Quantum III Drive, 200hp @ 230Vac, 400hp @ 460Vac, 675 A Cont. Output Current, Regen
      9500-8611WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Quantum 9500-8611 Model
      9500-8615 Quantum III Drive, 250hp @ 230Vac, 500 hp @ 460Vac, 820 A Cont. Output Current, Regen
      9500-8615WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Quantum 9500-8615 Model
      9500-8616 Quantum III Drive, 300hp @ 230Vac, 600 hp @ 460Vac, 985 A Cont. Output Current, Regen
      9500-8616WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Quantum 9500-8616 Model
      9500-8617 Quantum III Drive, 700hp @ 460Vac, 1150 A Cont. Output Current, Regen
      9500-8617WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Quantum 9500-8617 Model
      9500-8618 Quantum III Drive, 400hp @ 240Vac, 800hp @ 460Vac, 1250 A Cont. Output Current, Regen
      9500-8618WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Quantum 9500-8618 Model
      9500-8619 Quantum III Drive, 900hp @ 460Vac, 1470 A Cont. Output Current, Regen
      9500-8619WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Quantum 9500-8619 Model
      9500-8620 Quantum III Drive, 500hp @ 230Vac, 1000hp @ 460Vac, 1850 A Cont. Output Current, Regen
      9500-8620WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Quantum 9500-8620 Model
      9500-9032 50 Amp Field Regulator
      9500-9033 90 Amp Field Regulator
      9500-9035 20 Amp Field Regulator (FXM-5)
      9500-9100 Modbus Plus interface card (Mentor II, Quantum III)
      95DSA300CAAAA DutymAx Brushless Servo Motor, Rated Voltage: 460Vac, Rated Speed: 3000rpm, Feedback: Resolver, Brake: No
      95DSA300HAAAA DutymAx Brushless Servo Motor, Rated Voltage: 460Vac, Rated Speed: 3000rpm, Feedback: Resolver, Brake: No
      95DSA301CAAAA DutymAx Brushless Servo Motor, Rated Voltage: 460Vac, Rated Speed: 3000rpm, Feedback: Resolver, Brake: 24Vdc
      95DSA301HAAAA DutymAx Brushless Servo Motor, Rated Voltage: 460Vac, Rated Speed: 3000rpm, Feedback: Resolver, Brake: 24Vdc
      95DSB300CAAAA DutymAx Brushless Servo Motor, Rated Voltage: 460Vac, Rated Speed: 3000rpm, Feedback: Resolver, Brake: No
      95DSB300HAAAA DutymAx Brushless Servo Motor, Rated Voltage: 460Vac, Rated Speed: 3000rpm, Feedback: Resolver, Brake: No
      95DSB301CAAAA DutymAx Brushless Servo Motor, Rated Voltage: 460Vac, Rated Speed: 3000rpm, Feedback: Resolver, Brake: 24Vdc
      95DSB301HAAAA DutymAx Brushless Servo Motor, Rated Voltage: 460Vac, Rated Speed: 3000rpm, Feedback: Resolver, Brake: 24Vdc
      95DSC300CAAAA DutymAx Brushless Servo Motor, Rated Voltage: 460Vac, Rated Speed: 3000rpm, Feedback: Resolver, Brake: No
      95DSC300HAAAA DutymAx Brushless Servo Motor, Rated Voltage: 460Vac, Rated Speed: 3000rpm, Feedback: Resolver, Brake: No
      95DSC301CAAAA DutymAx Brushless Servo Motor, Rated Voltage: 460Vac, Rated Speed: 3000rpm, Feedback: Resolver, Brake: 24Vdc
      95DSC301HAAAA DutymAx Brushless Servo Motor, Rated Voltage: 460Vac, Rated Speed: 3000rpm, Feedback: Resolver, Brake: 24Vdc
      95DSD300CAAAA DutymAx Brushless Servo Motor, Rated Voltage: 460Vac, Rated Speed: 3000rpm, Feedback: Resolver, Brake: No
      95DSD300HAAAA DutymAx Brushless Servo Motor, Rated Voltage: 460Vac, Rated Speed: 3000rpm, Feedback: Resolver, Brake: No
      95DSD301CAAAA DutymAx Brushless Servo Motor, Rated Voltage: 460Vac, Rated Speed: 3000rpm, Feedback: Resolver, Brake: 24Vdc
      95DSD301HAAAA DutymAx Brushless Servo Motor, Rated Voltage: 460Vac, Rated Speed: 3000rpm, Feedback: Resolver, Brake: 24Vdc
      95DSE300CAAAA DutymAx Brushless Servo Motor, Rated Voltage: 460Vac, Rated Speed: 3000rpm, Feedback: Resolver, Brake: No
      95DSE300HAAAA DutymAx Brushless Servo Motor, Rated Voltage: 460Vac, Rated Speed: 3000rpm, Feedback: Resolver, Brake: No
      95DSE301CAAAA DutymAx Brushless Servo Motor, Rated Voltage: 460Vac, Rated Speed: 3000rpm, Feedback: Resolver, Brake: 24Vdc
      95DSE301HAAAA DutymAx Brushless Servo Motor, Rated Voltage: 460Vac, Rated Speed: 3000rpm, Feedback: Resolver, Brake: 24Vdc
      95EZB300CACAA 95mm Frame Brushless Servo Motor, 38.1 lb-in Cont. Torque, 230Vac, Connectorized, 3000RPM Max Speed, Incremental Encoder
      95EZB301CACAA 95mm Frame Brushless Servo Motor, 38.1 lb-in Cont. Torque, 230Vac, Connectorized, 3000RPM Max Speed, Incremental Encoder, 24VDC Brake
      95EZD300CACAA 95mm Frame Brushless Servo Motor, 66.4 lb-in Cont. Torque, 230Vac, Connectorized, 3000RPM Max Speed, Incremental Encoder
      95EZD301CACAA 95mm Frame Brushless Servo Motor, 66.4 lb-in Cont. Torque, 230Vac, Connectorized, 3000RPM Max Speed, Incremental Encoder, 24VDC Brake
      95UMB300CACAA 95mm Frame Brushless Servo Motor, 38.1 lb-in Cont. Torque, 460Vac, Connectorized, 3000 RPM Max Speed, Incremental Encoder
      95UMB301CACAA 95mm Frame Brushless Servo Motor, 38.1 lb-in Cont. Torque, 460Vac, Connectorized, 3000 RPM Max Speed, Incremental Encoder, 24VDC Brake
      95UMD300CACAA 95mm Frame Brushless Servo Motor, 66.4 lb-in Cont. Torque, 460Vac, Connectorized, 3000 RPM Max Speed, Incremental Encoder
      95UMD301CACAA 95mm Frame Brushless Servo Motor, 66.4 lb-in Cont. Torque, 460Vac, Connectorized, 3000 RPM Max Speed, Incremental Encoder, 24VDC Brake
      960304-01 AC Line Filter, 3?, 16 amp, 240 Vac (EN-214)
      960305-01 AC Line Filter, 1?, 16 amp, 240 Vac (EN-204, EN-208)
      960307-01 AC Line Filter, 1?, 10 amp, 240 Vac (Epsilon)
      9650-8118 Braking Resistor, Enclosed with Thermostat, 10% (15 sec on max) for 150hp motor @ 460Vac
      9650-8268 Braking Resistor, Enclosed with Thermostat, 25% (30 sec on max) for 150hp motor @ 460Vac
      9650-8348 Braking Resistor, Enclosed with Thermostat, 33% (40 sec on max) for 150hp motor @ 460Vac
      9729-9000 MD29, 32 Bit Coprocessor with Modbus RTU (Mentor II, Quantum III)
      9729-9001 MD29 with S-ramp accel / decel profiling
      9729-9002 MD29 with Digital lock with adjustable ratio control
      9729-9003 MD29 with Spindle orientation
      9729-9004 MD29 with CTCW - Constant tension, center wind
      9729-9005 MD29 with PID control for load cell tension or dancer position
      9729-9006 MD29 with Power calculator
      9729-9008 MD29 with Dual Mode Winder
      9729-9501 MD29AN-RevD with S-ramp accel/decel profiling
      9729-9502 MD29AN-RevD with Digital lock with adjustable ratio control
      9729-9503 MD29AN-RevD with Spindle orientation
      9729-9504 MD29AN-RevD with CTCW - Constant tension, center wind
      9729-9505 MD29AN-RevD with PID control for load cell tension or dancer position
      9729-9506 MD29AN-RevD with Power calculator
      9729-9508 MD29AN-RevD with Dual Mode Winder
      ALP-130 30 watt auxiliary logic backup power supply, supports one EN Drive
      ALP-430 4x20 watt auxiliary logic backup power supply, supports four EN Drives
      AX-2000-00-00-00C Axima 2000, 2 axis controller w/ 2 auxiliary encoder inputs
      AX-4000-00-00-00C Axima 4000, 4 axis controller
      AX4-CEN-002 Command Cable, 45° angle connector on both ends, 2 ft Length (EN, Epsilon, MDS to AXIMA 2/4000)
      AX4-CEN-004 Command Cable, 45° angle connector on both ends, 4 ft Length (EN, Epsilon, MDS to AXIMA 2/4000)
      AX4-CEN-010 Command Cable, 45° angle connector on both ends, Custom Length - 10 ft Length (EN, Epsilon, MDS to AXIMA 2/4000)
      AX4-CEN-A-xxx Command Cable, 45° angle connector on both ends, Custom Length - 1 ft increments (EN, Epsilon, MDS to AXIMA 2/4000)
      AX4-ED-005 Command Cable for AXIMA encoder output to AXIMA encoder input, connectorized at both ends, 5 ft Length
      AX4-ED-010 Command Cable for AXIMA encoder output to AXIMA encoder input, connectorized at both ends, 10 ft Length
      AX4-ED-015 Command Cable for AXIMA encoder output to AXIMA encoder input, connectorized at both ends, 15 ft Length
      AX4-ED-xxx Command Cable for AXIMA encoder output to AXIMA encoder input, connectorized at both ends, Non Std Length
      AX4-ENC-015 AXIMA to SCSLD Encoder Feedback Cable, MS Connector on encoder end, DB25 Connector on drive end, 15 ft Length
      AX4-ENC-025 AXIMA to SCSLD Encoder Feedback Cable, MS Connector on encoder end, DB25 Connector on drive end, 25 ft Length
      AX4-ENC-050 AXIMA to SCSLD Encoder Feedback Cable, MS Connector on encoder end, DB25 Connector on drive end, 50 ft Length
      AX4-ENC-xxx AXIMA to SCSLD Encoder Feedback Cable, MS Connector on encoder end, DB25 Connector on drive end, Custom Length - 1 ft increments
      AX4-GP-005 Command Cable for controller to open wire, 5 ft Length
      AX4-GP-010 Command Cable for controller to open wire,10 ft Length
      AX4-GP-015 Command Cable for controller to open wire,15 ft Length
      AX4-GP-xxx Command Cable for controller to open wire, Non Std Length
      AX4-MX-005 Command Cable for MX Series Drive , connectorized at both ends, 5 ft Length
      AX4-MX-010 Command Cable for MX Series Drive , connectorized at both ends, 10 ft Length
      AX4-MX-015 Command Cable for MX Series Drive , connectorized at both ends, 15 ft Length
      AX4-MX-xxx Command Cable for MX Series Drive , connectorized at both ends, Non Std Length
      AX4-XIOC-000.5 Ribbon Cable to AXIMA External I/O board/rack 0.5 ft
      AX4-XIOC-001.5 Ribbon Cable to AXIMA Ext I/O board/rack, 1.5 ft
      AX4-XIOC-002 Ribbon Cable to AXIMA Ext I/O board/rack, 2 ft
      Axima 2000 Option To upgrade an AXIMA unit already in the field, with one of the options listed above. This price does not include the option.
      AXIMA Classic Opti To upgrade an AXIMA unit already in the field, with one of the options listed above. This price does not include the option.
      AXIMA-00-00-0-X0 (X=1) See Catalog Number System Adder for: Digital I/O Expansion (32 in and 32 out)
      AXIMA-00-00-1-00 (X=1) See Catalog Number System Adder for: Analog Inputs (8 Channels)
      AXIMA-00-XX-0-00 (XX=0D) See Catalog Number System Adder for: Data Highway Plus Communications
      AXIMA-00-XX-0-00 (XX=0M) See Catalog Number System Adder for: Modbus Communications
      AXIMA-02-00 Axima Classic Base Controller, 2 Axis
      AXIMA-04-00 Axima Classic Base Controller, 4 Axis
      AXIMA-06-00 Axima Classic Base Controller, 6 Axis
      AXIMA-08-00 Axima Classic Base Controller, 8 Axis
      DSC-006 Connector on both ends, 6 ft Length
      DSC-010 Connector on both ends, 10 ft Length
      DXE-208C DX 2" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 8 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, Connectorized, 5000 RPM Max Speed
      DXE-208C-090 DX 2" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 8 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, Connectorized, 5000 RPM Max Speed, CE rated
      DXE-208CB DX 2" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 8 in-lbs Cont. Torque, Connectorized, 5000 RPM Max Speed, Brake
      DXE-208CB-090 DX 2" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 8 in-lbs Cont. Torque, Connectorized, 5000 RPM Max Speed, Brake, CE Rated
      DXE-316C DX 3" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 16 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240VC, Connectorized, 4000 RPM Max Speed
      DXE-316CB DX 3" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 16 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, Connectorized, 4000 RPM Max Speed, Brake
      DXE-316W DX 3" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 16 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, without connectors, Splashproof, 4000 RPM Max Speed
      DXE-316WB DX 3" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 16 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, without connectors, Splashproof, 4000 RPM Max Speed, Brake
      DXE-4120C DX 4" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 120 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, Connectorized, 3000 RPM Max Speed
      DXE-4120CB DX 4" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 120 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, Connectorized, 3000 RPM Max Speed, Brake
      DXE-4120W DX 4" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 120 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, without connectors, Splashproof, 3000 RPM Max Speed
      DXE-4120WB DX 4" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 120 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, without connectors, Splashproof, 3000 RPM Max Speed, Brake
      DXE-455C DX 4" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 55 in-lbs Cont.Torque, 240Vac, Connectorized, 3000 RPM Max Speed
      DXE-455CB DX 4" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 55 in-lbs Cont.Torque, 240Vac, Connectorized, 3000 RPM Max Speed, Brake
      DXE-455W DX 4" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 55 in-lbs Cont.Torque, 240Vac, without connectors, Splashproof, 3000 RPM Max Speed
      DXE-455WB DX 4" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 55 in-lbs Cont.Torque, 240Vac, without connectors, Splashproof, 3000 RPM Max Speed, Brake
      DXE-490C DX 4" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 90 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, Connectorized, 3000 RPM Max Speed
      DXE-490CB DX 4" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 90 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, Connectorized, 3000 RPM Max Speed, Brake
      DXE-490W DX 4" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 90 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, without connectors, Splashproof, 3000 RPM Max Speed
      DXE-490WB DX 4" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 90 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, without connectors, Splashproof, 3000 RPM Max Speed, Brake
      DXM-208C DX 2" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 8 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, Connectorized, 5000 RPM Max Speed
      DXM-208C-090 DX 2" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 8 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, Connectorized, 5000 RPM Max Speed, CE Rated
      DXM-208CB DX 2" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 8 in-lbs Cont. Torque, Connectorized, 5000 RPM Max Speed, Brake
      DXM-208CB-090 DX 2" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 8 in-lbs Cont. Torque, Connectorized, 5000 RPM Max Speed, Brake, CE Rated
      DXM-316C DX 3" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 16 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, Connectorized, 4000 RPM Max Speed
      DXM-316CB DX 3" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 16 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, Connectorized, 4000 RPM Max Speed, Brake
      DXM-316W DX 3" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 16 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, without connectors, Splashproof, 4000 RPM Max Speed
      DXM-316WB DX 3" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 16 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, without connectors, Splashproof, 4000 RPM Max Speed, Brake
      DXM-340C DX 3" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 40 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, Connectorized, 4000 RPM Max Speed
      DXM-340CB DX 3" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 40 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, Connectorized, 4000 RPM Max Speed, Brake
      DXM-340W DX 3" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 40 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, without connectors, Splashproof, 4000 RPM Max Speed
      DXM-340WB DX 3" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 40 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, without connectors, Splashproof, 4000 RPM Max Speed, Brake
      DXM-4120C DX 4" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 120 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, Connectorized, 3000 RPM Max Speed
      DXM-4120CB DX 4" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 120 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, Connectorized, 3000 RPM Max Speed, Brake
      DXM-4120W DX 4" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 120 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, without connectors, Splashproof, 3000 RPM Max Speed
      DXM-4120WB DX 4" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 120 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, without connectors, Splashproof, 3000 RPM Max Speed, Brake
      DXM-455C DX 4" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 55 in-lbs Cont.Torque, 240Vac, Connectorized, 3000 RPM Max Speed
      DXM-455CB DX 4" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 55 in-lbs Cont.Torque, 240Vac, Connectorized, 3000 RPM Max Speed, Brake
      DXM-455W DX 4" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 55 in-lbs Cont.Torque, 240Vac, without connectors, Splashproof, 3000 RPM Max Speed
      DXM-455WB DX 4" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 55 in-lbs Cont.Torque, 240Vac, without connectors, Splashproof, 3000 RPM Max Speed, Brake
      DXM-490C DX 4" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 90 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, Connectorized, 3000 RPM Max Speed
      DXM-490CB DX 4" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 90 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, Connectorized, 3000 RPM Max Speed, Brake
      DXM-490W DX 4" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 90 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, without connectors, Splashproof, 3000 RPM Max Speed
      DXM-490WB DX 4" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 90 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, without connectors, Splashproof, 3000 RPM Max Speed, Brake
      DXM-6120W DX 6" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 120 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, without connectors, Splashproof, 3000 RPM Max Speed
      DXM-6120WB DX 6" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 120 in-lbs Cont. Torque, 240Vac, without connectors, Splashproof, 3000 RPM Max Speed, Brake
      Express Pack, HiHP Options Expess Pack Options PDF File Goes Here
      Express Pack, Mentor II Options Expess Pack Options PDF File Goes Here
      Express Pack, Unidrive Options Expess Pack Options PDF File Goes Here
      F3ACT AC Tachometer Input Board
      F3DB0524 Dynamic Braking Kit, 0.5hp @ 240V
      F3DB112 Dynamic Braking Kit, 0.75 to 1hp @ 120V
      F3DB124 Dynamic Braking Kit, 0.75 to 1hp @ 240V
      F3DB1524 Dynamic Braking Kit, 0.25 to 0.33hp @ 120V & 1.5hp @ 240V
      F3DB224 Dynamic Braking Kit, 0.5hp @ 120V & 2hp @ 240V
      F3DB324 Dynamic Braking Kit, 3hp @ 240V
      F3DB524 Dynamic Braking Kit, 5hp @ 240V
      F3LE Large (5hp), NEMA 4/12 enclosure kit
      F3M112 "M" Contactor Kit, 0.25 to 1hp @ 120V
      F3M224 "M" Contactor Kit, 0.50 to 2hp @ 240V
      F3M524 "M" Contactor Kit, 3 to 5hp @ 240V
      F3N2C Focus 3, 1/4 to 2hp, 120/240V-1? input, Open Chassis, Non-Regen
      F3N2E Focus 3, 1/4 to 2hp, 120/240V-1? input, NEMA 4/12, Non-Regen
      F3N5C Focus 3, 3 to 5hp, 240V-1? input, Open Chassis, Non-Regen
      F3N5E Focus 3, 3 to 5hp, 120/240V-1? input, NEMA 4/12, Non-Regen
      F3NSBD Signal Isolation Board
      F3R2C Focus 3, 1/4 to 2hp, 120/240V-1? input, Open Chassis, Regen
      F3R2E Focus 3, 1/4 to 2hp, 120/240V-1? input, NEMA 4/12, Regen
      F3R5C Focus 3, 3 to 5hp, 240V-1? input, Open Chassis, Regen
      F3R5E Focus 3, 3 to 5hp, 120/240V-1? input, NEMA 4/12, Regen
      F3SE Small (2hp), NEMA 4/12 enclosure kit
      F3TS Contains 1 each of the following Toggle Switches: Run / Jog, Forward / Reverse (regen only) and Auto / Manual
      FK6S-120 BL and DX 6xxx Series, 6" motor
      FK8K-120 BL and DX 8xxx Series, 8" motor
      FM-2 FM-2, Indexing Module
      FM-3 FM-3, Programming Module
      FM-3DN FM-3DN, Programming Module with DeviceNet
      FM-3E FM-3E, Programming Module with Ethernet
      FM-3PB FM-3PB, Programming Module with Profibus
      FM-4 FM-4, Advanced Programming Module
      FM-4DN FM-4DN, Advanced Programming Module with DeviceNet
      FM-4E FM-4E, Advanced Programming Module with Ethernet
      FM-4PB FM-4PB, Advanced Programming Module with Profibus
      FS 6376-16-07 IP66 RFI filter, Commander SX Series
      FX-208 FX Servo Drive, 230Vac, 10 amp, 8 lb-in to 16 in-lb Motor Torque
      FX-208CE FX Servo Drive, 10 amp, 8 lb-in to 16 in-lb Motor Torque, CE Mark
      FX-316 FX Servo Drive, 230Vac, 10 amp, 16 in-lb to 32 in-lb Motor Torque
      FX-316CE FX Servo Drive, 10 amp, 16 in-lb to 32 in-lb Motor Torque, CE Mark
      FX-340 FX Servo Drive, 230Vac, 15 amp, 40 in-lb to 80 in-lb Motor Torque
      FX-340CE FX Servo Drive, 15 amp, 40 in-lb to 80 in-lb Motor Torque, CE Mark
      FX-4120 FX Servo Drive, 230Vac, 20 amp, 120 in-lb to 240 in-lb Motor Torque
      FX-4120CE FX Servo Drive, 20 amp, 120 in-lb to 240 in-lb Motor Torque, CE Mark
      FX-455 FX Servo Drive, 230Vac, 15 amp, 55 in-lb to 110 in-lb Motor Torque
      FX-455CE FX Servo Drive, 15 amp, 55 in-lb to 110 in-lb Motor Torque, CE Mark
      FX-490 FX Servo Drive, 230Vac, 20 amp, 90 in-lb to 180 in-lb Motor Torque
      FX-490CE FX Servo Drive, 20 amp, 90 in-lb to 180 in-lb Motor Torque, CE Mark
      FX-6120 FX Servo Drive, 230Vac, 20 amp, 120 in-lb to 240 in-lb Motor Torque
      FX-6120CE FX Servo Drive, 20 amp, 120 in-lb to 240 in-lb Motor Torque, CE Mark
      FX-6210 FX Servo Drive, 460Vac, 30 amp, 210 in-lb to 390 in-lb Motor Torque
      FX-6310 FX Servo Drive, 460Vac, 30 amp, 310 in-lb to 550 in-lb Motor Torque
      FX-81000 FX Servo Drive, 460Vac, 50 amp, 1000 in-lb to 2000 in-lb Motor Torque
      FX-8500 FX Servo Drive, 460Vac, 30 amp, 530 in-lb to 1000 in-lb Motor Torque
      FX-8800 FX Servo Drive, 460Vac, 50 amp, 800 in-lb to 1600 in-lb Motor Torque
      FXM5-UG 9500-9035 Field Regulator (FXM5) User Guide
      GP1WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Commander GP - Size 1
      GP2WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Commander GP - Size 2
      GP3WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Commander GP - Size 3
      GPD1203LV Commander GP (Size 1), 1hp, 230V - 3?, 3.8 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD1204LV Commander GP (Size 1), 1.5hp, 230V - 3?, 5.6 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD1205LV Commander GP (Size 1), 3hp, 230V - 3?, 9.5 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD1401 Commander GP (Size 1), 1hp, 460V - 3?, 2.1 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD1402 Commander GP (Size 1), 1.5hp, 460V - 3?, 2.8 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD1403 Commander GP (Size 1), 2hp, 460V - 3?, 3.8 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD1404 Commander GP (Size 1), 3hp, 460V - 3?, 5.6 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD1405 Commander GP (Size 1), 5hp, 460V - 3?, 9.5 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD2201LV Commander GP (Size 2), 3hp, 230V - 3?, 12 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD2202LV Commander GP (Size 2), 5hp, 230V - 3?, 16 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD2203LV Commander GP (Size 2), 7.5hp, 230V - 3?, 25 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD2401 Commander GP (Size 2), 7.5hp, 460V - 3?, 12 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD2402 Commander GP (Size 2), 10hp, 460V - 3?, 16 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD2403 Commander GP (Size 2), 15hp, 460V - 3?, 25 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD3201LV Commander GP (Size 3), 10hp, 230V - 3?, 34 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD3202LV Commander GP (Size 3), 15hp, 230V - 3?, 46A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD3203LV Commander GP (Size 3), 20hp, 230V - 3?, 60A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD3204LV Commander GP (Size 3), 25hp / 30hp, 230V - 3?, 70A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD3401 Commander GP (Size 3), 25hp, 460V - 3?, 34 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD3402 Commander GP (Size 3), 30hp, 460V - 3?, 40 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD3403 Commander GP (Size 3), 30hp, 460V - 3?, 46 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD3404 Commander GP (Size 3), 40hp, 460V - 3?, 60 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD3405 Commander GP (Size 3), 50hp, 460V - 3?, 70 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD4401 Commander GP (Size 4), 75hp, 460V - 3?, 96A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD4402 Commander GP (Size 4), 100hp, 460V - 3?, 124A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD4403 Commander GP (Size 4), 125hp, 460V - 3?, 156A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD4404 Commander GP (Size 4), 150hp, 460V - 3?, 180A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      GPD4405 Commander GP (Size 4), 150hp, 460V - 3?, 202A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
      IAC-24-G4 AC input module for use w/ XIOR-32 (90-140 Vac)
      IBC-003 Connector at both ends, 3 ft Length
      IBC-006 Connector at both ends, 6 ft Length
      Connector at both ends, 10 ft Length
      IBC-ECE-xxx External IBS to IBS
      IBC-ICE-xxx Internal IBS to IBS
      IBC-xxx Connector at both ends, Custom Length - 1 ft increments
      IBS-11 InterBus-S Motion Controller
      IBS-15 InterBus-S Ratio Controller w/ Analog I/O
      IDC-24-G4 DC input module for use w/ XIOR-32 (10-32 VDC)
      IM/0022/KI Spare incremental encoder feedback mating connector: for 75-190 frame motors
      IM/0023/KI Spare sincos or resolver feedback mating connector: for 75-190 frame motors
      IM/0039/KI Spare power mating connector: for 75-142 frame motors
      IM/0053/KI Spare power mating connector: for 190A&B frame motors, rated at 54 Amps
      IM/0054/KI Spare power mating connector: for High Power 190C&D frame motors, rated at 70 Amps
      IOM-1 Input / Output Expander Module
      JMP-12 I/O Jumper Strip (Qty 10)
      LDR2-L-004-C Output Load Reactor, 230Vac, 4.2A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR2-L-006-C Output Load Reactor, 230Vac, 6.0A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR2-L-010-C Output Load Reactor, 230Vac, 9.6A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR2-L-015-C Output Load Reactor, 230Vac, 15.2A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR2-L-022-C Output Load Reactor, 230Vac, 22A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR2-L-028-C Output Load Reactor, 230Vac, 28A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR2-L-042-C Output Load Reactor, 230Vac, 42A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR2-L-054-C Output Load Reactor, 230Vac, 54A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR2-L-068-C Output Load Reactor, 230Vac, 68A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR2-L-080-C Output Load Reactor, 230Vac, 80A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR2-L-104-C Output Load Reactor, 230Vac, 104A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR2-L-130-C Output Load Reactor, 230Vac, 130A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR2-L-154-C Output Load Reactor, 230Vac, 154A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR2-L-192-C Output Load Reactor, 230Vac, 192A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR2-L-248-C Output Load Reactor, 230Vac, 248A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR2-L-312-C Output Load Reactor, 230Vac, 312A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR2-L-360-C Output Load Reactor, 230Vac, 360A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR2-L-480-C Output Load Reactor, 230Vac, 480A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR4-L-003-C Output Load Reactor, 460Vac, 3A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR4-L-005-C Output Load Reactor, 460Vac, 4.8A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR4-L-008-C Output Load Reactor, 460Vac, 7.6A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR4-L-011-C Output Load Reactor, 460Vac, 11A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR4-L-014-C Output Load Reactor, 460Vac, 14A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR4-L-021-C Output Load Reactor, 460Vac, 21A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR4-L-027-C Output Load Reactor, 460Vac, 27A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR4-L-034-C Output Load Reactor, 460Vac, 34A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR4-L-040-C Output Load Reactor, 460Vac, 40A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR4-L-052-C Output Load Reactor, 460Vac, 52A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR4-L-065-C Output Load Reactor, 460Vac, 65A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR4-L-077-C Output Load Reactor, 460Vac, 77A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR4-L-096-C Output Load Reactor, 460Vac, 96A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR4-L-124-C Output Load Reactor, 460Vac, 124A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR4-L-156-C Output Load Reactor, 460Vac, 156A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR4-L-180-C Output Load Reactor, 230Vac, 192A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR4-L-240-C Output Load Reactor, 460Vac, 240A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR4-L-302-C Output Load Reactor, 460Vac, 302A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR5-L-006-C Output Load Reactor, 575Vac, 6.1A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR5-L-009-C Output Load Reactor, 575Vac, 9A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR5-L-011-C Output Load Reactor, 575Vac, 11A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR5-L-017-C Output Load Reactor, 575Vac, 17A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR5-L-022-C Output Load Reactor, 575Vac, 22A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LDR5-L-027-C Output Load Reactor, 575Vac, 27A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LF1A 1? 240V, 12 amp, for FX-208 - FX-455
      LF3A 3? 480V, 16 amp, for FX-490 - FX-6120
      LOGICSTICK The logicStick plugs into the front of the SK series drive and enables you to program PLC functions within the drive.
      LR2-L-010-C Input Line Reactor, 230Vac, 9.6A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR2-L-015-C Input Line Reactor, 230Vac, 15.2A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR2-L-022-C Input Line Reactor, 230Vac, 22A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR2-L-028-C Input Line Reactor, 230Vac, 28A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR2-L-042-C Input Line Reactor, 230Vac, 42A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR2-L-054-C Input Line Reactor, 230Vac, 54A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR2-L-068-C Input Line Reactor, 230Vac, 68A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR2-L-080-C Input Line Reactor, 230Vac, 80A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR2-L-104-C Input Line Reactor, 230Vac, 104A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR2-L-130-C Input Line Reactor, 230Vac, 130A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR2-L-154-C Input Line Reactor, 230Vac, 154A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR2-L-192-C Input Line Reactor, 230Vac, 192A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR2-L-248-C Input Line Reactor, 230Vac, 248A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR2-L-312-C Input Line Reactor, 230Vac, 312A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR2-L-360-C Input Line Reactor, 230Vac, 360A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR2-L-480-C Input Line Reactor, 230Vac, 480A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR4-L-005-C Input Line Reactor, 460Vac, 4.8A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR4-L-008-C Input Line Reactor, 460Vac, 7.6A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR4-L-011-C Input Line Reactor, 460Vac, 11A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR4-L-014-C Input Line Reactor, 460Vac, 14A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR4-L-021-C Input Line Reactor, 460Vac, 21A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR4-L-027-C Input Line Reactor, 460Vac, 27A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR4-L-034-C Input Line Reactor, 460Vac, 34A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR4-L-040-C Input Line Reactor, 460Vac, 40A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR4-L-052-C Input Line Reactor, 460Vac, 52A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR4-L-065-C Input Line Reactor, 460Vac, 65A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR4-L-077-C Input Line Reactor, 460Vac, 77A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR4-L-096-C Input Line Reactor, 460Vac, 96A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR4-L-124-C Input Line Reactor, 460Vac, 124A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR4-L-156-C Input Line Reactor, 460Vac, 156A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR4-L-180-C Input Line Reactor, 460Vac, 180A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR4-L-240-C Input Line Reactor, 460Vac, 240A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR4-L-302-C Input Line Reactor, 460Vac, 302A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR4-L-361-C Input Line Reactor, 460Vac, 361A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR4-L-414-C Input Line Reactor, 460Vac, 414A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR4-L-477-C Input Line Reactor, 460Vac, 477A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR5-L-009-C Input Line Reactor, 575Vac, 9A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR5-L-011-C Input Line Reactor, 575Vac, 11A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR5-L-017-C Input Line Reactor, 575Vac, 17A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR5-L-022-C Input Line Reactor, 575Vac, 22A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LR5-L-027-C Input Line Reactor, 575Vac, 27A Reactor Current, Low Impedance, Open Chassis
      LYNX 8 Lynx DC Analogue Controller, 2.2kW @ 380-440Vac single phase, 1.1kW @ 220-240AC single phase, Open Chassis
      LYNX16 Lynx DC Analogue Controller, 4kW @ 380-440Vac single phase, 2kW @ 220-240AC single phase, Open Chassis
      LYNX30 Lynx DC Analogue Controller, 7.5kW @ 380-440Vac single phase, 3.75kW @ 220-240AC single phase, Open Chassis
      M105-14M Mentor II Drive, 20 to 35 hp @ 208-240Vac Input, 40 to 50 hp @ 380-480Vac Input, Non-Regen
      M105R-14M Mentor II Drive, 20 to 35 hp @ 208-240Vac Input, 40 to 50hp @ 380-480Vac Input, Regen
      M105WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Mentor II - 105A Model
      M1200-14M Mentor II Drive, 300 to 350 hp @ 208-240Vac Input, 600 to 700 hp @ 380-480Vac Input, Non-Regen
      M1200-14M660 Mentor II Drive, 575-660Vac Input, 1200A Cont. Output Current, Non-Regen (208-480Vac Control Power Required)
      M1200R-14M Mentor II Drive, 300 to 350 hp @ 208-240Vac Input, 600 to 700 hp @ 380-480Vac Input, Regen
      M1200R-14M660 Mentor II Drive, 575-660Vac Input, 1200A Cont. Output Current, Regen (208-480Vac Control Power Required)
      M1200WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Mentor II - 1200A Model
      M155-14M Mentor II Drive, 30 hp @ 208-240Vac Input, 60 to 75 hp @ 380-480Vac Input, Non-Regen
      M155R-14M Mentor II Drive, 30 hp @ 208-240Vac Input, 60 to 75 hp @ 380-480Vac Input, Regen
      M155WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Mentor II - 155A Model
      M1850-14M Mentor II Drive, 400 to 500 hp @ 208-240Vac Input, 800 to 1000hp @ 380-480Vac Input, Non-Regen
      M1850-14M660 Mentor II Drive, 575-660Vac Input, 1850A Cont. Output Current, Non-Regen (208-480Vac Control Power Required)
      M1850R-14M Mentor II Drive, 400 to 500 @ 208-240Vac Input, 800 to 1000 hp @ 380-480Vac Input, Regen
      M1850R-14M660 Mentor II Drive, 575-660Vac Input, 1850A Cont. Output Current, Regen (208-480Vac Control Power Required)
      M1850WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Mentor II - 1850A Model
      M210-14M Mentor II Drive, 40 to 50 hp @ 208-240Vac Input, 100 hp @ 380-480Vac Input, Non-Regen
      M210R-14M Mentor II Drive, 40 to 50 hp @ 208-240Vac Input, 100 hp @ 380-480Vac Input, Regen
      M210WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Mentor II - 210A Model
      M25-14M Mentor II Drive, 3 to 7 hp @ 208-240Vac Input, 5 to 10 hp @ 380-480Vac Input, Non-Regen
      M25R-14M Mentor II Drive, 3 to 7 hp @ 208-240Vac Input, 5 to 10 hp @ 380-480Vac Input, Regen
      M25WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Mentor II - 25A Model
      M350-14M Mentor II Drive, 75 hp @ 208-240Vac Input, 150 hp @ 380-480Vac Input, Non-Regen
      M350-14M660 Mentor II Drive, 575-660Vac Power Input, 350A Cont. Output Current, Non-Regen (208-480Vac Control Power Required)
      M350R-14M Mentor II Drive, 75 hp @ 208-240Vac Input, 350hp @ 380-480Vac Input, Regen
      M350R-14M660 Mentor II Drive, 575-660Vac Input, 350A Cont. Output Current, Regen (208-480Vac Control Power Required)
      M350WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Mentor II - 350A Model
      M420-14M Mentor II Drive, 100 hp @ 208-240Vac Input, 200 hp @ 380-480Vac Input, Non-Regen
      M420-14M660 Mentor II Drive, 575-660Vac Input, 420A Cont. Output Current, Non-Regen (208-480Vac Control Power Required)
      M420R-14M Mentor II Drive, 100 hp @ 208-240Vac Input, 200 hp @ 380-480Vac Input, Regen
      M420R-14M660 Mentor II Drive, 575-660Vac Input, 420A Cont. Output Current, Regen (208-480Vac Control Power Required)
      M420WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Mentor II - 420A Model
      M45-14M Mentor II Drive, 7.5 to 10 hp @ 208-240Vac Input, 15 to 20 hp @ 380-480Vac Input, Non-Regen













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