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Maximize operations management, improveproduction performance, and drive product quality Modern ManufacturingExecution System software to maximize operational effectiveness
Plant Applications from GE Digital is apowerful operations management solution for process, hybrid and discretemanufacturers, such as food and beverage, consumer packaged goods andelectronic manufacturing that collects and analyzes data, and helps managehighly automated fast-moving processes.
In its second decade as a leader in manufacturingexecution system (MES) software, Plant Applications automates and integratesthe information-related activities for managing production execution andperformance optimization holistically. It helps balance the tradeoffs betweencompeting priorities of production operations for maximized operationaleffectiveness and profitability.
01 Efficiency Management
Efficiency Management tracks and monitorsoverall equipment effectiveness (OEE) and other critical key performanceindicators, downtime, waste, and production counts, MTBF, MTTR, and more.
? Automatically or manually associateevents with causes and then analyze to identify root causes ? Summarize andanalyze data by context
? Correlate events and reasons to actual production parameters. Utilizestandard reports, ad-hoc reports, and dashboards for real-time decision-making
02 Production Management
Define and revision control the route andoperations required to make a specific product on a specific line. ProductionManagement oversees production operations, including functions to controlproduct flow between equipment, develop product genealogy reports, and makeschedule changes to reduce excess inventory. It supports production scheduleexecution and product tracking against scheduled completion times withadjustments to optimize efficiencies. Production Management supports fulltraceability of individual products through every step of the manufacturingprocess allowing for auditable genealogy and production reporting.
03 Quality Management
Quality Management ensures consistent qualityin your products, providing real-time trends, statistics, and notifications tocontrol quality levels while keeping up with the speed of your business. Itintegrates process, inspection, and test data from both manual and automatedsources and houses this information in one, integrated place. QualityManagement also attaches operator comments, specifications, recipes, andprocedure documents to this information.
04 Batch Analysis
With our unique layered applicationsapproach and interface to standards-based commercially available batchexecution systems, Batch Analysis is agreat fit for both new and existing systems. It supports ISA-88 recipe analysisfor products as formulation (BOM), procedures, and equipment. Batch Analysisalso provides analysis of scheduled and completed recipes and generateselectronic batch records to help increase the overall quality and consistencyof products.
Clearly shows the biggest areas andcauses of productivity losses such asdefects, waste, and downtime
? Common MES platform for multi modalmanufacturing - continuous, discrete and hybrid manufacturing
? Translates raw production data intoperformance metrics that the system monitors automatically and managesconsistently
? Operations performance management bestpractices from the world’s leading companies
? Standards-based (S95) unifiedmanufacturing database
? Frees operators from the non value-addwork of collecting, logging, and interpreting information manually
? Extensive reporting and analysis toolshelp find problems and drive the right activities for performance improvements
? Service oriented architecture for easierenterprise connectivity and rapid solution development & deployment
? Familiar user interface with advancedfeatures designed for future growth