: novosor : www.novosor.com
業(yè)代理德Platthaus GmbH 變壓器 過濾器 輸入模塊
We manufacture transformers for various applications and to our customers needs. Our products are used as well in the field of regenerative energy as in the inverter technology and mechanical engineering. Air-Core transformers are produced up to a power of 450 kVA. On request we are also in the position to offer complete solutions. As f.e. installations in cabinets with the corresponding wiring.
We manufacture du/dt filter which reduce voltage rises < 500V/µs. This value is independent from the motor leads and will never be exceeded. Our standard filters are in a range up to 3x690V and a nominal current of 2000A. The filters are constructed in a way, that the resonant frequency is far above the clock frequency.
The filter-transformer unit is used in combination with an inverter as input for regenerative energy sources. Filter and transformer are internally wired. Only a connection to the inverter and the mains has to been taken care for.
With this range of products we have succeeded in achieving a very high efficiency despite a very compact construction. This units have already gained a high reputation in the field of photovoltaics.
Our sin filter are constructed such way that between the phases at the output almost sine shaped voltage curves appear. The switch mode output voltage of the inverter is smoothed with a very high du/dt. High voltage peaks, that can occur due to reflections are prevented.
The product range includes sine filter with a max. nominal voltage of 3x 690V and a nominal current up to 2000 A. Unlike the du/dt filters is the cable length for our sine filter not particular significant. Applications with line length up to 2000 m have already been realised.