Phantom Body
Material . . . . . . . Acrylic
Phantom Dimensions . . . . . . . 4.5x10.2x10.8 cm (HWD) (1.75x4x4.25 in)
Acrylic Base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 cm (1.3 in) thick
Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.3 cm (0.12 in) thick
Acrylic Disk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 mm thick x 1 cm diameter
Test Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Nylon fibrils (1.56, 1.12, 0.89, 0.75, 0.54 and
0.40 mm nylon fibers)
Simulated microcalcifications.(0.54, 0.40, 0.32, 0.24 and 0.16 mm specks)
Tumor-like masses . . . . . . . . .(2.00, l.00, 0.75, 0.50, 0.25 and 0.16 mm specks)
Included is a film, which is a contact image of the wax insert of your Gammex 156
The Mammographic Accreditation Phantom Model 156 is
designed to test the performance of a mammographic
system by evaluation of the system’s ability to image
small structures similar to those found clinically. Objects
within the phantom were designed to simulate micro-calcifications,
fibrous structures in ducts, and tumor-like masses,
small structures that are important in the early detection
of breast cancer. Test objects within the phantom
range in size from those that should be visible on any system
to objects that will be difficult to see even on the best
mammographic systems.
Storage and Handling
Store the Mammographic Accreditation Phantom Model
156 in a cool dry area avoiding temperature extreme such
as intense heat and direct sunlight, or freezing temperatures.
Impact stress may cause breakage.
Product Description
The Mammographic Phantom is made up of a wax block
containing 16 various sets of test objects, a 3.3 cm (1.3
in.) thick acrylic base, a tray for placement of the wax
block, and a 0.3 cm (0.12 in.) thick cover. All of this
together approximates a 4.2 cm compressed breast. Five
groups of simulated micro-calcifications, six different size
nylon fibers simulate fibrous structures, and five different
size tumor-like masses are included in the wax insert.
Figure 1 lists the sizes of the test objects and their position
in relation to the notched corner of the wax block.
2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16
Figure 1: Location of the test objects in the wax insert.
Note: Numbers are for reference only.
Region Materials
1. 1.56 mm nylon fiber
2. 1.12 mm nylon fiber
3. 0.89 mm nylon fiber
4. 0.75 mm nylon fiber
5. 0.54 mm nylon fiber
6. 0.40 mm nylon fiber
7. 0.54 mm simulated micro-calcification
8. 0.40 mm simulated micro-calcification
9. 0.32 mm simulated micro-calcification
10. 0.24 mm simulated micro-calcification
11. 0.16 mm simulated micro-calcification
12. 2.00 mm thick tumor-like mass
13. 1.00 mm thick tumor-like mass
14. 0.75 mm thick tumor-like mass
15. 0.50 mm thick tumor-like mass
16. 0.25 mm thick tumor-like mass