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      QE65000-Roman科研級光譜儀  QE65000-Roman科研級光譜儀  用于拉曼測量  TheQE65000-RamanScientific-gradeSpectrometerisapreconfiguredcombinationofdetector





        The QE65000-Raman Scientific-grade Spectrometer is a preconfigured combination of detector, optical bench, electronics, probe and laser technologies that provides users with a remarkably sensitive system for demanding low-light level Raman spectroscopy. The QE65000-Raman can achieve up to 90% quantum efficiency with high signal-to-noise and rapid signal processing speed. The QE65000-Raman Scientific-grade Spectrometer is available for .

        Quantum Efficiency to 90%

        Increased System Sensitivity

        Excellent UV Response

        Available as a Complete Raman SpectraKit

        Demanding Low Light-level Applications

        Onboard Programming

        Plug-and-Play USB Operation




        New! Optical Bench Enhancements

        The great performance of our QE65000-Raman Spectrometer has been enhanced to provide even more value: lower stray light, improved efficiency in the UV and Shortwave NIR, and better unit-to-unit reproducibility.

        We are also offering a proprietary low BRDF bench coating to improve stray light performance and provide better reproducibility in unit-to-unit performance.

        Quantum Efficiency to 90%

        The QE65000 is the most sensitive spectrometer we have ever developed. The Hamamatsu FFT-CCD detector used in the QE65000-Raman provides 90% quantum efficiency (defined as how efficiently a photon is converted to a photo-electron). Most of our other detectors are linear CCDs but with this ?D?area detector, we can bin (or sum) a vertical row of pixels, which offers significant improvement in the signal-to-noise ratio (>1000:1) and signal processing speed of the detector compared with a linear CCD, where signals are digitally added by an external circuit.

        Increased System Sensitivity

        In our spectrometers with linear CCDs, the slits width, not its height, regulates the amount of light entering the bench because linear CCDs cannot efficiently collect the light from the entire height of the slit. But in the QE65000, the 2D area detector can better take advantage of the height of the slit and the additional light, greatly improving system sensitivity.

        Excellent UV Response

        Because the detector in the QE65000-Raman is back-thinned (or back-illuminated), it has great native response in the UV and does not require the additional coatings that we typically apply to other detectors for UV applications.

        Demanding Low Light-level Applications

        The QE65000-Raman Spectrometer is a great option for low-light level Raman spectroscopy. The TE-cooled (down to -15 C) detector features low noise and low dark signal, which enables low-light-level detection and long integration times (analogous to the shutter speed of a camera) from 8 milliseconds to 15 minutes, with virtually no spectral distortion.

        Onboard Programming

        The QE65000-Raman also has an onboard programmable micro-controller for controlling the spectrometer and accessories. You have access to 10 user-programmable digital inputs/outputs and a pulse generator for triggering other devices. You can use the I/Os to flash a lamp, stop/start a process, and send a message/alarm during the spectrometers integration period. The spectrometers operating parameters can be controlled through software. In fact, wavelength calibration coefficients unique to each spectrometer are programmed into a memory chip right on the spectrometer.

        Plug-and-Play USB Operation

        The QE65000-Raman interfaces to a computer via USB 2.0 or RS-232 serial port. Data unique to each spectrometer are programmed into a memory chip on the QE65000; our SpectraSuite Spectroscopy Operating Software reads these values for easy setup and hot swapping among computers, whether they run on Linux, Mac or Windows operating systems.

        QE65000-Raman Configuration

        The QE65000-Raman is preconfigured with the following, along with SpectraSuite spectrometer operating software, probe (RIP-Probe-785), laser (Laser-785-IP), and our Annual Service Package (ASP) to extend the warranty from 1 year to 2 years:

      GratingH6 (starting at 780 nm)



      Dimensions:182 mm x 110 mm x 47 mm
      Weight:1.18 kg (without power supply)


      Hamamatsu S7031-1006

      Detector range:200-1100 nm


      1024 x 58 (1044 x 64 total pixels)

      Pixel size:

      24.576 μm2

      Pixel well depth:

      1000 Ke-

      Sensitivity:~0.065 counts / e-
      Quantum efficiency:90% peak; 65% at 250 nm
      Optical Bench
      Design:f/4, Symmetrical crossed Czerny-Turner
      Focal length:101.6 mm input and output
      Entrance aperture:50 m wide slit
      HC6 grating:provides 123-170 nm range
      Detector collection lens option:None
      Collimating and focusing mirrors:Standard only
      UV enhanced window:No
      Fiber optic connector:SMA 905 to 0.22 numerical aperture single-strand optical fiber
      Wavelength range:780 - 1100 nm (Grating dependent)
      Optical resolution:~0.14-7.7 nm FWHM
      Signal-to-noise ratio:1000:1 (at full signal)
      A/D resolution:16 bit
      Dark noise:3 RMS counts
      Dynamic range:7.5 x 109 (system), 25000:1 for a single acquisition
      Integration time:8 ms to 15 minutes
      Stray light:<0.08% at 600 nm; 0.4% at 435 nm
      Corrected linearity:>99.8%
      Power consumption:500 mA @ 5 VDC (no TE cooling); 3.5 A @ 5 VDC (with TE cooling)
      Data transfer speed:Full scans to memory every 7 ms with USB 2.0 port, 18 ms with USB1.1 port, 300 ms with serial port
      Inputs/Outputs:10 onboard digital user-programmable GPIOs (general purpose inputs/outputs)
      Analog channels:No
      Auto nulling:Yes
      Breakout box compatibility:Yes, HR4-BREAKOUT
      Trigger modes:4 modes
      Strobe functions:No
      Gated delay feature:Yes
      Connector:30-pin connector
      Power-up time:<5 seconds

      Dark current:

      4000 e-/pixel/sec @ 25 C; 200 e-/pixel/sec @ 0 C

      Operating systems:Windows 98/Me/2000/XP, Mac OS X and Linux with USB port; Any 32-bit Windows OS with serial port
      Computer interfaces:USB 2.0 @ 480 Mbps; RS-232 (2-wire) @ 115.2 K baud
      Peripheral interfaces:SPI (3-wire); I2C inter-integrated circuit
      Temperature and Thermoelectric (TE) Cooling
      Temperature limits:0 C to 50.0 C; no condensation
      Set point:Software controlled; lowest set point is 40 C below ambient
      Stability+/-0.1 C of set temperature in <2 minutes

      關鍵詞:光譜儀 CCD


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