EUROSWITCH活塞壓力開(kāi)關(guān) PS01
參考價(jià): | 面議 |
- ROTECH 產(chǎn)品型號(hào)
- 品牌
- 0 廠商性質(zhì)
- 北京市 所在地
訪問(wèn)次數(shù):143更新時(shí)間:2022-03-07 14:47:16
手 機(jī):
ROTECH-0002PCR3MVAZ 限位開(kāi)關(guān)
意大利ODE 21A2KJV15-AD 電磁閥
意大利ODE 21A2KJV20-AD 電磁閥
意大利ODE 21A2KJV25-AD 電磁閥
意大利ODE 21A2KJV30-AD 電磁閥
EA RE080303/OS
EA Art. EA300166 過(guò)濾器
EA ZA311025 DN25 球閥
EA ED620702 球閥
EA MGMG2S 132243015 氣壓傳動(dòng)閥
EA AG111027 球閥
EA AM621207 止回閥
EA RE080303 球閥
EA ZA311024 DN20 球閥
EA MGMG2S121641020/B 氣壓傳動(dòng)閥
EA CB111027 球閥
EA AG111025 球閥
EA EZ000004 止回閥
EA MGAG2D132243450 油壓傳動(dòng)閥
EA ZE311064,DN25 球閥
EA KA110026 DN32 球閥
EA KA110025 球閥
EA VDX2D3110015 密封件
EA EDV2100
EA APZ22+DOKUMENT 減壓閥合格證明+出廠證明
EA AG111024 球閥
EA CB111024 球閥
EA AG111025-G1 球閥
EA AG111022 球閥
EAO MD-6102-MN 自動(dòng)控制器
EAO 704.000.2 感應(yīng)傳感器
EAO 704.012.2 感應(yīng)傳感器
EAO 704.012.5 感應(yīng)傳感器
ACM 180 6311.ZZ.C3 6311.ZZ.C3
ACM 200 6312.ZZ.C3 6312.ZZ.C3
ACM 225 6313.ZZ.C3 6313.ZZ.C3
ACM 250 6314.ZZ.C3 6314.ZZ.C3
ACM 280 6314.ZZ.
ACM 315 6317.C3 6319.C3 6317.C3 6319.C3
ACM 355 6319.C3 6322.C3 6319.C3 6322.C3
ACM 400 6320.C3 6324.C3 6320.C3 6324.C3
ACM 450 6322.C3 6326.C3 6322.C3 6326.C3
Technische ?nderungen und Irrtümer vorbehalten./Technical modifications reserved, errors excepted
Seite/Page 40
Schaltbilder / wiring diagram
ROTECH-0002PCR3MVAZ 限位開(kāi)關(guān)
意大利ODE 21A2KJV15-AD 電磁閥
意大利ODE 21A2KJV20-AD 電磁閥
意大利ODE 21A2KJV25-AD 電磁閥
意大利ODE 21A2KJV30-AD 電磁閥
Schaltbilder für polumschaltbare Motoren /
Wiring diagram for speed switchable motors
Niedrige Geschwindigkeit:
(Dahlander) low speed Y: (getrennte Wicklung ) low speed Y:
Hohe Geschwindigkeit:
(Dahlander ) High speed YY: (getrennte Wicklung Y/Y) High speed Y:
Technische ?nderungen und Irrtümer vorbehalten./Technical modifications reserved, errors excepted
Seite/Page 41
Nachschmierintervalle in Stunden / lubrication intervals in hours
Schmierfett / Grease: ESSO BEACON 3 / SKF LGMT3EA RE080303/OS 控制器
Lagertyp 2 polig 4 polig 6 polig 8 polig Fettmenge in Gramm
Bearing type 2-poles 4-poles 6-poles 8-poles Grease in grs.
6312.C3 1400 4000 6000 8000 20
6313.C3 1200 4000 6000 8000 23
6314.C3 1100 3300 5500 7700 26
6316.C3 800 2800 4900 7000 33
6317.C3 650 2600 4600 6600 37
6319.C3 / 2300 4200 6100 45
6320.C3 / 2100 3900 5800 51
6322.C3 / 1700 3500 5300 60
NU 317 / 1300 2300 3300 37
NU 319 / 1100 2000 3000 45
NU 320 / 1000 1900 2900 51
NU 322 / 890 1700 2600 60
Ab Baugr??e 315 sind alle Motoren mit offenen Lagern und Nachschmiereinrichtung ausgerüstet.
Motoren kleinerer Baugr??en sind auf Kundenwunsch mit Nachschmiereinrichtung erh?ltlich.
Die Nachschmierfristen sind aus der oben stehenden Tabelle zu entnehmen.
Technische ?nderungen und Irrtümer vorbehalten./Technical modifications reserved, errors excepted
意大利ODE 21A2KJV15-AD 電磁閥
意大利ODE 21A2KJV20-AD 電磁閥
意大利ODE 21A2KJV25-AD 電磁閥
意大利ODE 21A2KJV30-AD 電磁閥
Seite/Page 42
Sicherheits- und Inbetriebnahmehinweise
für Niederspannungs-Asynchronmotoren
1. Allgemein
Elektromotoren haben gef?hrliche, spannungsführende und
rotierende Teile sowie m?glicherweise hei?e Oberfl?chen. Alle
Arbeiten zum Transport, Anschluss zur Inbetriebnahme und
regelm??ige Instandhaltung sind von qualifiziertem,
verantwortlichem Fachpersonal auszuführen (VDE 0105; IEC
364 beachten). Unsachgem??es Verhalten kann schwere
Personen- und Sachsch?den verursachen. Die jeweils geltenden
nationalen, ?rtlichen und anlagespezifischen Bestimmungen
und Erfordernisse sind zu berücksichtigen.
2. Bestimmungsgem??e Verwendung
Diese Motoren sind für gewerbliche Anlagen bestimmt. Sie
entsprechen den harmonisierten Normen der Reihe EN60034 (VDE
0530). Der Einsatz im Ex-Bereich ist verboten, sofern nicht
ausdrücklich hierfür vorgesehen (Zusatzhinweise beachten). Falls
im Sonderfall – bei Einsatz in nicht gewerblichen Anlagen –
erh?hte Anforderungen geslt werden (z.B. Berührungsschutz
gegen Kinderfinger), sind diese Bedingungen bei der Aufslung
anlagenseitig zu gew?hrleisten.
Die Motoren sind für Umgebungstemperaturen von -20°C bis
+40°C sowie Aufslungsh?hen < 1000m über NN bemessen.
Abweichende Angaben auf dem Leistungsschild unbedingt
beachten. Die Bedingungen am Einsatzort müssen allen
Leistungsschildangaben entsprechen.
Niederspannungsmotoren sind Komponenten zum Einbau in
Maschinen im Sinne der Maschinenrichtlinie 89/392/EWG. Die
Inbetriebnahme ist solange untersagt, bis die Konformit?t des
Endproduktes mit dieser Richtlinie festgeslt ist (EN 60204-1
3. Transport, Einlagerung
Nach der Auslieferung festgeslte Besch?digungen demEA RE080303/OS 控制器
Transportunternehmen sofort mitteilen; die Inbetriebnahme ist ggf.
auszuschlie?en. Eingeschraubte Transport?sen fest anziehen. Sie
sind für das Gewicht des Motors ausgelegt, keine zus?tzlichen
Lasten anbringen. Wenn notwendig, geeignete, ausreichend
bemessene Transportmit (z.B. Seilführungen) verwenden.
Vorhandene Transportsicherungen vor der Inbetriebnahme
entfernen. Für weitere Transporte erneut verwenden. Werden
Motoren eingelagert, auf eine trockene, staubfreie und
schwingungsarme (veff <0,2mm/s) Umgebung achten
(Lagerstillstandssch?den). Bei l?ngerer Einlagerungszeit verringert
sich die Fettgebrauchsdauer der Lager. Vor Inbetriebnahme
Isolationswiederstand messen. Bei Werten <1kΩ je Volt
Bemessungsspannung Wicklung trocknen.
Bei Motoren mit Zylinderrollenlager für erh?hte Radialbelastung
k?nnen durch den Betrieb mit kleinerer Belastung als der
Mindestradialbelastung Sch?digungen verursacht werden. Die
Radialbelastung sollte im Betrieb mindestens 30% der max.
zul?ssigen Radialbelastung betragen (siehe Katalog).
4. Aufslung
Auf gleichm??ige Auflage, gute Fu?- bzw. Flanschbefestigung und
genaue Ausrichtung bei direkter Kupplung achten. Aufbaubedingte
Resonanzen mit der Drehfrequenz und der doppelten Netzfrequenz
vermeiden. L?ufer von Hand drehen, auf ungew?hnliche
Schleifger?usche achten. Drehrichtung im gekuppelten Zustand
kontrollieren (Abschnitt 5 beachten).
Antriebselemente (Riemenscheibe, Kupplung usw.) nur mit
geeigneten Vorrichtungen auf- bzw. abziehen (Erw?rmen!) und mit
einem Berührungsschutz abdecken. Unzul?ssige Riemenspannung
vermeiden (Katalog, Techn. Liste).
Der Wuchtzustand ist im Datenblatt angegeben (H = Halb-, F =
Vollkeilwuchtung). Bei Montage des Antriebselementes auf
Wuchtzustand achten! Bei Halbkeilwuchtung überstehenden
sichtbaren Passfederanteil abarbeiten.
Bei Bauformen mit Wellenenden nach unten wird ein Schutzdach
empfohlen, bei Wellenenden nach oben ist bauseits eine
Abdeckung vorzusehen, die das Hineinfallen von Fremdk?rpern in
den Lüfter verhindert.
Belüftung nicht behindern! Abluft- auch benachbarter Aggregatedarf nicht unmitbar wieder angesaugt werden.
Bei Lagerung über 12 Monate ist eine überprüfung des
Fettzustandes durchzuführen. Falls die überprüfung eine
Verschmutzung des Fettes erkennen l?sst, (Eindringen von
Kondenswasser führt zu Konsistenz?nderung des Fettes) muss das
Fett ausgetauscht werden. Der Fettaustausch muss jedoch
sp?testens alle drei Jahren durchgeführt werden.
5. Elektrischer Anschluss
Alle Arbeiten dürfen nur von qualifiziertem Fachpersonal am
stillstehenden Motor im freigeschalteten und gegen
Wiedereinschalten gesicherten Zustand vorgenommen werden.
Dies gilt auch für Hilfsstromkreise (z.B. Stillstandsheizung).
Spannungsfreiheit prüfen!
überschreiten der Toleranzen in EN 60034-1 / IEC 34-1-
Spannung +/-5%, Frequenz +/-2%, Kurvenform, Symmetrie- erh?ht
die Erw?rmung und beeinflusst die elektromagnetische
Vertr?glichkeit. Leistungsschildangaben sowie dasEA RE080303/OS 控制器
Anschlussschema im Anschlusskasten beachten.
Der Anschluss muss so erfolgen, dass eine dauerhaft sichere,
elektrische Verbindung aufrechterhalten wird (keine abstehenden
Drahtenden); zugeordnete Kabelendbestückung verwenden.
Sichere Schutzleiterverbindung herslen.
Anziehdrehmomente für Klemmplatten-Anschlüsse:
Gewinde M4 M5 M6 M8 M10 M12 M16
Luftabst?nde zwischen blanken, spannungsführenden Teilen
untereinander und gegen Erde >10mm (Un=750V).
Im Anschlusskasten dürfen sich keine Fremdk?rper, Schmutz
sowie Feuchtigkeit befinden. Nicht ben?tigte
Kabeleinführungs?ffnungen und den Kasten selbst staub- und
wasserdicht verschlie?en.
Für den Probebetrieb ohne Antriebselemente Passfeder sichern.
Bei Motoren mit Bremse vor der Inbetriebnahme die einwandfreie
Funktion der Bremse prüfen.
6. Betrieb
Schwingst?rken veff <3,5mm/s (PN <15kW) bzw. veff <4,5mm/s
(PN > 15kW) sind im gekuppelten Betrieb unbedenklich.
Bei Ver?nderungen gegenüber dem Normalbetrieb – z.B. erh?hte
Temperaturen, Ger?usche, Schwingungen - ist im Zweifelsfall
der Motor abzuschalten. Ursache ermitn, eventuelle Rücksprache
mit dem Hersler. Schutzeinrichtungen auch im Probebetrieb nicht
au?er Funktion setzen.
Bei starkem Schmutzanfall Luftwege regelm??ig reinigen.
Vorhandene verschlossene Kondenswasserl?cher von Zeit zu
Zeit ?ffnen!
Bei Motoren ohne Nachschmiereinrichtung Lager- bzw.
Fettwechsel nach Herslerangaben, sp?testens jedoch nach 3
Jahren. Lagerung mit Nachschmiereinrichtung bei laufendem
Motor nachfetten.
Bei Motoren mit Fremdbelüftung muss der Fremdlüfter bei Betrieb
eingeschaltet sein.
7. Weitere Informationen
Informationen über eventuelle Zusatzeinrichtungen sind zu
Diese Sicherheits- und Inbetriebnahmehinweise sind
Technische ?nderungen und Irrtümer vorbehalten./Technical modifications reserved, errors excepted
Seite/Page 43
AC 2014-6
WLAN 802.11
Industrial Wireless LAN
Issue 11 / 2014
Wireless communication – * made in
Germany ads-tec Industrial Wireless LAN
is the optimum solution for creating a
reliable WLAN infrastructure in industrial
environments. Avoid expensive cable routing
and connect participants – with
WLAN components from ads-tec. The best
answer to reliable network security and
maximum transmission rates. * depth of
development is the basis for much added
IT Infrastructure IWL3000 series 3
Industrial Wireless LAN
IWL3000 series
IWL3000 series product benefits
ads-tec Industrial Wireless LAN The optimum solution for creating a reliable WLAN
infrastructure in industrial environments
If expensive cable routing is to be avoided or participants are to be connected, the WLAN
components of the IWL3000 series offer the optimum solution for a stable connection
without interruption and with the highest transmission rates – even under adverse conditions.
The robust design and simple installation make operation possible in rough industrial
environments as well as directly on devices and vehicles.
IWL3000 series Universally deployable
? IEEE 802.11n, a/h, b/g available in one device
? 1 or 2 radio modules 2.4 and 5 GHz (can be
configured individually)
? Sturdy magnesium die-cast case IP20
? Shock- and vibration-proof, no rotating parts
? Environmental temperature -20 °C to +70 °C
? 24 V multi-voltage power supply for a supply
voltage of 6..36 V DC
? 2 x Gbit Ethernet Cu (RJ45) 10/100/1000
? Daisy-chain cabling possible
? 1x USB 2.0
? SIM card reader fitted into the back
(configuration backup)
High Performance One or two WLAN modules
? 802.11n for a maximum data rate of up to 900
Mbit/s gross if using two interfaces
? Transparent for all Ethernet-based (IEEE 802.3)
protocols, even real time Ethernet
? Can be switched between access point or client
mode with seamless roaming in case of 2 radio
? Multi SSID permits up to 2 x 8 virtual access point
instances with different configuration
? MIMO 3x3 with three antenna connections
? WPS wireless protected setup available at the
push of a button
IT Infrastructure IWL3000 series product benefits
Options Always with matching accessories
? 3 x antenna connections per radio module RP-TNC
? Antenna kits and antenna extension cables
optionally available
? Third-party antennas can be connected
? SIM cards for configuration storage
? IDA light – free management software for the
configuration of several IWL
Optimised for outdoor applications
Robust and waterproof
? Optional protective housing with class IP65
? Integrated power supply (230 V or PoE)
? Antenna connections routed to the outside
? Six antennas of protection class IP67
IWL3000 series product benefits
VLAN tagging, QoS and prioritisation Strictly in the right order
? Machine protocols have preference
? Real time Ethernet applications can easily be used in
combination with VLANs
? Even networks under high loads can securely convey
important data thanks to the QoS feature
Event log and monitoring Always informed about what‘s
going on
? Password protected event log with local or remote data retrieval
? Event log transmission to an SNMP server
(SNMPv1, SNMPv2, SNMPv3)
? Client monitoring for supervision of TCP/IP terminals
WLAN monitoring mode Opportunities for professional
? Operation in monitoring mode allows WLAN protocol analysis
by using Wireshark on an 802.11 level
? This way, you can perform in-depth analyses on site without
having to use any additional WLAN analysis tools
IDA light administration tool Central administration
Tool for centralised administration of access clients and
access points in a network
? Automatic detection in corporate networks
? Centralised IP assignment
? Centralised firmware updating
? Allocation to groups and firewall rules can be copied per
drag & drop
? Available free of charge from the download page of the
ads-tec website
Set-up of WLAN access points made easy Roll-out without configuration
It has never been easier to set up a WLAN access point. The Dynamic Virtual Controller with
Inligent Channel Selection functions facilitate the autonomous configuration of an
access-point group including security and SSID settings as a distributed system at the push
of a button. Clients are added by means of the WPS button. Smooth operation as a wireless
bridge on autonomous vehicles is also possible thanks to seamless roaming, even with
time-critical protocols such as Profinet IO.
> Seamless roaming:
roll-out without configuration
IT Infrastructure IWL3000 series product benefits
Installation options Optimised for installation in switching cabinets
? Slim housing for minimum space requirement in the switching cabinet
? Dimensions about 192 x 140 x 37 mm
? Antennas may be placed apart outside the switching cabinet
? DIN rail or VESA 75 installation
? Table operation over feet
Network functions Routing and
real time Ethernet
? Operation in IP router mode or as a
transparent bridge (layer 2)
? Fully compatible with 802.11e and real
time Ethernet protocols
? Definition of up to 10 static routes, as
well as dynamic routing acc. to R*2
and OSPF
Integrated firewall Filtering on layer 2
and layer 3
? Predefined filter rules and rule sets,
e.g. for POP3, ModbusTCP or Profinet
? Filter wizard for simplified creation of
your own rules
Configuration via web interface
Simple control and configuration
? All functions of the IWLs can be
configured via a web interface
? Interface is secured with HTTPS and
? Online help and plausibility checks
for all important parameters in order
to avoid errors in the configuration
IWL3000 series industries and applications
Logistics Various applications with wireless bridge
or access point
ads-tec seamless roaming makes possible wireless
bridges, which smoothly switch from one access point
to another without any interruption in connectivity.
Various operational modes support operation
in combination with access points and wireless
controllers from third-party manufacturers.
Radio link Weatherproof
Thanks to two WLAN modules, each with 3x3 MIMO
at 450 Mbit/s data throughput, the devices of the
IWL3000 series are especially well suited for use
as redundant, high-performance radio-link routers
which operate in parallel on 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz
and are, thus, immune to any interference. Wide
temperature ranges allow the devices to be used
without fans and heaters.
Systems Interference-free communication
for complex set-ups
Large-scale systems such as maintenance
cranes in aircraft hangars require a variety of
distributed control systems. These must
communicate with one another in order to
prevent collisions. Due to constant movement,
networking via communication cables is practically
impossible. Thanks to 802.11n, ads-tec Industrial
Wireless LAN securely transports egrams with
high cycle times in complex set-ups.
Autonomous configuration At the push of a button
Wireless LAN reliably and optimally configured without
coverage setup, specialists and wireless controller.
Where reliability is essential and a simple, costeffective solution is needed, the access points of the
IWL3000 series with their Dynamic Virtual Controller
and Inligent Channel Selection functions offer
optimum coverage and compley autonomous
configuration at the push of a button.
Hardware specification
IWL3000 series
Ethernet connection LAN 1 + 2: RJ45, 1000BaseTx FD
Power supply 24VDC connection (6.36V)
LEDs Power, Link, Activity WLAN, LAN1, LAN2
SIM card reader For saving the configuration on a SIM card
Housing Metal case made of die-cast aluminium, shock and vibration resistant,
without any rotating parts, simple installation
Miscellaneous Wireless Protected Security (WPS)
External dimensions
(W x H x D) 140 x 192 x 37 mm without antennas
protective housing 340 x 320 x 192 mm
Vibration DIN EN 60068-2-6
Shock resistance DIN EN 60068-2-29
Weight Approx. 0.7 kg (depending on equipment)
Temperature -20 °C to + 70 °C (with vertical installation)
Humidity 5 to 90 % non-condensing
Protection class IP20
IWL3000 series 3210 3220
WLAN standard IEEE 802.11 b/g a/h x x
IEEE 802.11 n x x
Radio modules 1 WLAN module x
2 WLAN modules x
Ports 2 x Cu-RJ45 port x x
Power supply 24 V DC 6..36 V 6..36 V
Client mode Wireless Bridge x x
Seamless Roaming Client* x
IWL3000 series technical data
IT Infrastructure IWL3000 series technical data
* Seamless Roaming Clients: From access point to access point
without any packet loss or interruption of data transmission.
Basic WLAN parameters
IWL3000 series
Radio standards IEEE 802.11n, a/h, b/g
Frequency range 2.412 to 2.483 GHz (IEEE 802.11b/g) in ISM band 5.15 to 5.34 GHz and
5.47 to 5.725 GHz (IEEE802.11a/h)
Radio channels 13 with 802.11 b/g, 19 with 802.11a, automatic channel selection or permanently set
Transmission 802.11b (11 Mbit/s), 802.11g (54 Mbit/s), 802.11a/h (54 Mbit/s), 802.11n/g (450 Mbit/s)
bandwidth 802.11n/g (900 Mbit/s, 2 interfaces). The data rates for 802.11n are dependent on the
guard interval
Fully transparent Supports the direct connection of two Ethernet segments using the principle of an
bridge WDS Ethernet bridge. Via different roaming types, the client operation can connect entire
network segments to all 802.11-networks.
Antennas 3 external antenna connections per RP-TNC radio module, antenna kits and cable kits
Operational mode Client or access point, mode can be configured
SSID Network name may include up to 32 characters including special characters,
multi-SSID; up to 16 different SSID/security sets can be set and distinguished by
different VLAN tags
Long distances Distance setup option for long distances to facilitate automatic adjustment of the SIFS
and ACK timeout values
Antenna diversity Antennas are selectable for setups including one antenna or can automatically be
selected for the best antenna with respect to transmission and reception
Transmission power Transmission power can be configured between 0 dBm and 30 dBm
IWL3000 series general data
IT Infrastructure IWL3000 series general data 11
WLAN security
Security modes WEP64, WEP128, WPA/TKIP, WPA2/CCMP (AES), WPA-PSK WPA-Radius
WPA authentication (Enterprise), 802.1x: access point primary and secondary Radius server
access client phase 1: EAP/TLS, EAP/PEAP, EAP/TTLS
phase 2: MD5, MSCHAPv2
Other WPAs GMK and PMK rekeying interval can be configured, WP parameters
Static MAC filter MAC filter in access point mode, up to 500 MAC addresses can be
configured, fast import by using the text-file upload function
Hide SSID Yes
X.509 certificate administration - Separate certificate administration for verification
- Upload function for client, CA and CRL certificates
- Pre-installed demo certificate set to facilitate quick functional tests
IAPP The Inter Access Point Protocol ensures that all access points list a certain
client just once in their internal association tables. It ensures that the MAC
address tables of the switch are automatically updated immediay, even if
the client doesn’t send any data at all. ads-tec IAPP extension: IAPP client
update, for auto-channel function with roaming table
Optimum roaming characteristics thanks to four different methods:
- Standard roaming: Optimised for speed thanks to restricted channel lists,
roaming thresholds and the option to configure active background
- Seamless roaming: Roaming without any interruptions – only in connection
with ads-tec access points and access clients
5 GHz parameters
DFS Dynamic frequency selection
- 802.11h compliant
- DFS can be enabled in client mode for a high radio output power of 1W in
case of point-to-point radio system links
- DFS can be disabled for indoor use with a reduced transmission power
- DFS channel switch announcement support in the beacon for channel
switching without any interruptions for use with radar detection
TPC Transmission power control
- Configuration option for antenna amplification, and as a result, for continuously optimised power within the admissible limits
- Power limitation can be configured incl. the 802.11h power constraint
- Different power and update profiles can be configured for TPC
- TPC can also be used with 2.4 GHz
DZ-HAND-93020-1/F IT Infrastructure IWL Brochure E 11-2014
ads-tec GmbH A Strong Partner
? Products from ads-tec have been developed in-house for more than 30 years
? * depth of development is the basis for long-term and individual solutions
? Services: concept, individual design, development, fabrication and long-term support
? Modern processes for development, supply chain management, production and service
? References and applications, e.g., automation, logistics, medicine and the construction
equipment industry as well as network operators, energy suppliers, public utilities
? International certifications for IT products and battery storage
? In-house laboratory and testing facilities
? High safety standards
? Leading technology and current standards
? Permanent technology transfer in cooperation with universities
? ads-tec is a member of the In? Internet of Things Solutions Alliance,
In? Technology Provider Platinum Partner and Windows? Embedded Gold Partner
? Involvement in networks and associations of the energy storage industry
? Numerous ads-tec research projects funded by the federal and state governments
Technology * made in Germany
The content of this product range brochure was created with utmost care. However, we shall not be held liable for the accuracy, completeness and topicality of any data and figures contained in this publication.
The contents are subject to modifications and illustrations may vary. All product names are trademarks and registered trademarks, and as such are the property of the respective company owning trademark rights, in each case.
ads-tec GmbH
Heinrich-Hertz-Stra?e 1
D-72622 Nuertingen
Phone +49 70 22 25 22-200
+49 70 22 25 22-402
Industrial Firewall,
LTE and VPN Router
Issue 11/2014
Secure communication, well coordinated
IP is the global communication standard
of the Internet of Things. There it is –
one shared language for all components.
A breakthrough, which creates unimagined
potential, but of course also bears a lot
of risks. Communicate specifically, control
communication channels and prevent
undesired access. Within the enterprise,
as well as remoy via the Internet. Security
for industrial networks, made in Germany.
Industrial VPN Router and
Firewall IRF2621
IT Infrastructure IRF2000 series 3
Industrial VPN Router and
Firewall IRF2220
IRF2000 series product benefits
IRF2000 series Product benefits
? Two or six high speed 1 Gbit/s interfaces
provide filter functions with maximum speed
in the Gbit Ethernet
? Integrated VPN technologies such as IPsec or
OpenVPN support a number of remote
maintenance scenarios
? communication support through
quad-band LTE/HSPA+ option enables
wireless Internet access worldwide
? Java?/OSGi? service platform specification
allows you to install your own applications /
apps on the devices
? Slim housing design for minimum space
requirement in the switching cabinet
? Device can be exchanged quickly and
economically without the use of specialists
thanks to the optional memory card
? Alarms and key switches allow the connection
of VPN remote maintenance access or packet
filter rules
Emphasis on IT security Endpoint security solution for systems and machines
The simple and intuitive configuration of the firewalls supports quick and smooth commissioning,
while the industrial router permits flexible solutions for the highest demands in IT security and
scores in deployment as remote maintenance centre or high-speed LTE router in the switching
cabinet. With the best-in-class equipment in CPU power and RAM memory, all models can
be expanded with the Java?/OSGi? service platform and therefore serve as the ideal basis for
applications on the Internet of Things.
IT network
Physical disconnection
Cut signal
Alarm signal
Service Administration
Filter function
IT network
Physical disconnection
Cut signal
Alarm signal
Service Administration
Filter function
IT network
IT Infrastructure IRF2000 series product benefits 5
CUT & S*00% security in critical phases
? CUT & STOP physically disconnects the LAN IN / WAN
port from the network
? CUT & STOP can be triggered per software, or by a
control input or key switch
? This way, the machine can quickly be disconnected
from the network in critical situations, or the
other way round, intentionally be connected to the
network for remote maintenance
Alarms and key switches Integration
in automation concepts
? The IRF2000 series has 24 V DC inputs
and outputs
? The user can simply use a key switch
to initiate remote maintenance – either
by temporary suspension of the
CUT & STOP command or directly via
the VPN key input
? Control systems can control the
entire range of the router's functions
via various software APIs
Suitable for use in industry and easy to use IT security in automation
? The IRF2000 series design stands for robust machine hardware
? Sturdy aluminium die-cast case and simple controls
? LEDs for commissioning and diagnostics
? Connections for key switches are available for control of the VPN
channel or for physical network separation
? Alarm outputs may be used for network monitoring or for status
> IRF2000 series with LTE/4G option
> Integration of current OSGi? technology
Machine and system remote maintenance
Big-LinX? The Remote Service Cloud
The secure remote maintenance solution for machines and plants – customised for
your requirements in the production environment Technology * made in Germany
VPN rendezvous server for secure connections worldwide
Smart card security for maximum data and network security
Big-LinX? Explorer for visualising globally distributed locations and
production facilities
Individual administration of users, privileges and firewall
World Wide Heartbeat (WWH) – condition monitoring of the firewalls
for system stability
Virtual machines – convenient service through preconfigured remote
maintenance workplaces
Fast and easy data collection and processing
eBusiness – direct connection to your company infrastructure
Advantages For providers and end
? Considerable reduction of on-site
? Efficient deployment planning
? Preconfigured firewall ex factory
? Higher system availability
? Minimised costs for service and maintenance
? Extremely straightforward and fast
? No elaborate IT integration on-site
Test Kit Get to know Big-LinX?
? Big-LinX? basic access for 6 weeks
? 1 virtual machine
? Optionally with ads-tec's IRF2220 or
IRF2621 industrial firewall
Big-LinX? The Remote Service Cloud
Big-LinX? is an ads-tec infrastructure / cloud service, an integrated VPN server with web portal.
All remote maintenance queries from globally distributed VPN routers of the IRF2000 series
or PCs collect here. Remote maintenance environments can be fully integrated on the
basis of virtual machines and assigned to the respective machines – as a result, every remote
maintenance query can be isolated and processed in a separate virtual machine.
Security for our customers The foundation of Remote Services
? Data centre and support in Germany
? Provider of trustworthy IT security solutions
? No hidden backdoors for third parties
? IT security research and development in Germany
? Adherence to the German data protection law
IT Infrastructure IRF2000 series machine and system remote maintenance 7
Service technician
Intranet operator
VPN gateway:
Subnet 1
variable IP
Subnet 2
Subnet 3
Subnet 1 with 1:1 NAT
fixed IP
OVPN and
Switch for approval remote maintenance
variable IP
Flexible VPN support The feature for
individualised solutions
? Support for all well-established methods
for connecting machines via the Internet
? OpenVPN connections can be allocated
to individual ports in a flexible way, or be
tunnelled via existing proxy servers
? 1:1 NAT for simple establishment of complex
networks, since each machine can be operated
using the same IP without any conflicts
Flexible remote maintenance via the Internet Increased expert
availability – decreased travel expenses
? Remote maintenance with the IRF2000 series means a high level of
security for both the operating and the manufacturing company
? Based on the “four-eyes-principle”, the operator as well as the
manufacturer are in full control of access to the machine
? Secure and standardised VPN protocols in connection with certificates
and the comprehensive firewall functionality offer maximum protection
? The IRF2000 series is brilliantly suited for integration in provider
? World-wide VPN networks can be established and maintained in an easy
and flexible way
Certificates, encryption and passwords Security comes first
? Each VPN tunnel can be strongly encrypted, and is additionally secured by
certificates or by a password
? Optional safeguarding of the VPN connection with Big-LinX? smart cards securely
protects the access point against misappropriation by unauthorised persons
? Tunnel establishment can be combined with a key switch in order to introduce the
“four-eyes-principle” in remote maintenance – this ensures that unsupervised
access is excluded
? Different tunnels can be provided with different access rights – each subscriber
gets only access to their part of the system
IRF2000 series industries and applications
Versatile For your IT and data security
? Shipbuilding Underway on all of the world's seas and yet the specialists are always
on-site. Thanks to secure remote maintenance using the "four-eyes principle", the
captain can decide at any time whether he would like to grant access. Regardless of
whether by LTE link in the harbour or by salite uplink.
? Energy suppliers The IRF2000 series offers the ideal platform as a flexible feed-in
management router. With serial interface and IOs, direct access can be realised that
can be implemented seamlessly and securely via communication networks.
Thanks to Java? Integration, it is possible to implement software interfaces with
existing control systems – regardless of whether Modbus/TCP, IEC60870-5-104 or
61850, the protocol converters operate as pure software on the devices of the
IRF2000 series.
? Mechanical engineering German mechanical engineering is strong. Globally
distributed series-production machines and systems require fast response times
and proactive maintenance in spite of great distances. Especially in combination
with Big-LinX? , service technicians quickly and securely reach their destination
without needing to first board an aeroplane.
? Networked production plants High availability and safety is also a question of IT
security, because neither can be ensured without secure networks. With their up to
six 1 Gbit/s ports, the firewalls of the IRF2000 series permit maximum security at the
highest performance to block undesired data traffic directly at the system in the
field. The machine operators can thereby influence various filter rules or compley
disconnect the system from the network on-site by means of a key switch and digital
input on the IRF2000 series. Safety and IT security at the highest industrial level.
IT Infrastructure IRF2000 series industries and applications 9
IRF2000 series technical data
Device data IRF2200 IRF2210 IRF2220 IRF2601 IRF2621
3G/UMTS module x
4G/LTE module x x
2 ports x x x
6 ports x x
RS232 serial interface x x
Ethernet connections LAN + WAN als 2x RJ45 1000BaseTx FD (IRF22xx), 6x RJ45 1000BaseTx FD (IRF26xx)
Power supply 1 x 24 V DC (7.36 V) max. 600mA at 24 V DC
SCM card slot For ads-tec memory cards and smart cards
USB 2.0 port External USB 2.0 connection for connecting serial RS232 or RS485 USB converters with
FDTI, CP210x or PL2303 chipsets which can be controlled from Java/OSGi
Housing Robust aluminium die-cast case for VESA 75 top-hat rail mounting
Cut & Alarm The network access side (WAN) is physically separable and corresponds to the
disconnection of the network connector
24 V input – for activation of Cut (external) & Alarm function,
e.g., with a PLC or by means of a key switch
24 V output – alarm output for status indicator for PLC or display (max. 1000 mA)
VPN Key & Up 24 V VPN key input signal – for triggering VPN connections (max. 10 mA) 24 V VPN output
signal – for indicating a working VPN channel (max. 1000 mA)
Configuration Via web interface (HTTP, HTTPS) and SNMP interface for central configuration with IDA
light management software
Operating temperature -20 °C to +70 °C
Storage temperature -40 °C to +85 °C
Humidity 5 to 90 % non-condensing
Protection class IP20 for switching cabinet installation
Vibration DIN EN 60068-2-6
Shock resistance DIN EN 60068-2-29
Dimensions in mm (W x H x D) 140 x 161 x 37 140 x 161 x 37 140 x 161 x 37 135 x 167 x 57 135 x 167 x 57
without 3G/UMTS or 4G/LTE x x x
communication Integrated 3G/UMTS or 4G/LTE module for high-speed Internet access via radio
wireless modules Can be configured as redundant / fail-safe uplink
DynDNS Enables the automatic registration of a dynamic IP address with www.dnydns。。org
service via Internet dial-up
IT Infrastructure IRF2000 series technical data 11
37 57
161 167
37 57
140 135
VPN Supports two different VPN protocols:
OpenVPN:Layer2 (Ethernet) and Layer3 (IP) transport with SSL encryption.
Support for tunnelling via HTTP proxy and packet filtering.
IPsec:standard IPsec encryption with 1:1 NAT support and data filtering
Java / OSGi extension Software license enables the device for a rechargeable JavaVM according to Java
specification 1.3, as well as large parts of Java 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6. incl. Equinox 3.8.2 OSGi
framework. For Java environment and your own application and data, ~110 MB RAM
and ~55 MB SLC NAND flash are available.
Big-LinX? Remote Service Cloud for VPN router and service personnel
Memory card The entire configuration is stored on ads-tec memory cards. This facilitates simple
device replacement. The device reads the configuration automatically.
Big-LinX? smart card Smart card for Big-LinX Remote Service Cloud
UMTS/3G - Integrated UMTS/HSPA/3G modem option
- Peak downlink:7.2 Mbps
- Peak uplink:5.8 Mbps
- WCDMA 850/1900/2100 MHz
- GSM/GPRS/EDGE 850/900/1800/1900 MHz
4G/LTE Integrated LTE/HSPA+ quad-band wireless module (2G/3G/4G) for high-speed wireless
Internet access.
- Peak download rate 100 Mbit/s
- Peak upload rate 50 Mbit/s
- Frequency band:Europe & Australia or North America
- LTE 2100(B1), 1800(B3), 2600(B7), 900(B8), 800(B20) MHz
- WCDMA 2100(B1), 1900(B2), 850(B5), 900(B8) MHz
- GSM/GPRS/EDGE quad-band (850/900/1800/1900 MHz)
DZ-HAND-93010-1/F IT Infrastructure Firewall Brochure E 11-2014
ads-tec GmbH
Heinrich-Hertz-Stra?e 1
D-72622 Nuertingen
Phone +49 70 22 25 22-200
+49 70 22 25 22-402
ads-tec GmbH A Strong Partner
? Products from ads-tec have been developed in-house for more than 30 years
? * depth of development is the basis for long-term and individual solutions
? Services: concept, individual design, development, fabrication and long-term support
? Modern processes for development, supply chain management, production and service
? References and applications, e.g., automation, logistics, medicine and the construction
equipment industry as well as network operators, energy suppliers, public utilities
? International certifications for IT products and battery storage
? In-house laboratory and testing facilities
? High safety standards
? Leading technology and current standards
? Permanent technology transfer in cooperation with universities
? ads-tec is a member of the In? Internet of Things Solutions Alliance,
In? Technology Provider Platinum Partner and Windows? Embedded Gold Partner
? Involvement in networks and associations of the energy storage industry
? Numerous ads-tec research projects funded by the federal and state governments
Technology * made in Germany
The content of this product range brochure was created with utmost care. However, we shall not be held liable for the accuracy, completeness and topicality of any data and figures contained in this publication.
The contents are subject to modifications and illustrations may vary. All product names are trademarks and registered trademarks, and as such are the property of the respective company owning trademark rights, in each case.Big-LinX ?
The Remote Service Cloud
Remote maintenance
and remote diagnostics for
machines and plants
Issue 09/2012
DZ-HAND-93158-1/A Big-LinX Broschure E 09-2012
Big-LinX ?
Securely networked worldwide
VPN rendezvous server Secure connections worldwide
? Web portal with integrated VPN rendezvous server for securely connecting participants located around the world via the Internet
? Secure connections to Big-LinX via OpenVPN with ads-tec's IF1000/IRF2000 series industrial firewalls or via the Big-LinX Client on
any x86-based PCs
? Maximum security through SmartCard technology
? No complicated IT configuration – a simple PC with Internet connection is sufficient for the VPN connection with Big-LinX
(outgoing connections only)
? In the Big-LinX web portal, individual communication partners can be connected to one another quickly and easily
Virtual machines Convenient support for service
? Virtual machines in the Remote Service Cloud support the work of the service technician
? Service software tools can be installed within the virtual machines
? For direct access to the plant – virtual machines can be switched in for service requests if necessary
? Service technician can access the virtual machine via RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol)
? Virus-free, optimally preconfigured service environments that can be centrally maintained
? Service technician can perform work independent of local installations
? Operating systems: Microsoft Windows? XP for Embedded Systems or Windows? 7 Embedded
? Scalable hardware components (CPU / RAM / HDD)
Service technicians
Connected participants
Secure VPN tunnel
VPN rendezvous
Connected participants
Secure VPN tunnel
Access via RDP
Service technicians Firewall
Detailed information and test kits:
Phone +49 711 45894-600
Big-LinX ?
Maximum security for data
and networks
Big-LinX security concept The foundation of all Remote Services
? Architecture of and technologies used by the Remote Service Cloud support the highest requirements
for data security and system stability
? Operation of the Big-LinX Cloud in the German data centre
? Guarantee of secure operation through UPS, security sensors and access controls
? Use of security-compliant hardware for preventing failures
? Separate databases and portal instances are available to every Big-LinX portal customer
? Big-LinX stands for technology * made in Germany
SmartCard security State-of-the-art technology for maximum security
? Use of SmartCards for positive authentication on the Big-LinX Server
? Encryption and signing of communication channels and data
? Big-LinX SmartCards cannot be copied or read
? Additional security by means of PIN (FIPS 140-2 Level3)
? Integrated x.509-based certificate with 1024-bit private key
Database customer A Database customer B Database customer C
Separate instances – maximum security for each customer
Connected participants
Secure VPN tunnel
SmartCard authentication
Big-LinX Client
SmartCard SmartCard
Detailed information and test kits:
Phone +49 711 45894-600
Big-LinX ?
Administration made easy
Big-LinX Explorer The face of the Remote Service Cloud
? Representation of machines and firewalls in clearly organised tree structure
? Visualisation of the customer-specific infrastructure including all locations and production facilities around the world
? Administration structure can be individually adapted and expanded
? Clear assignment of privileges and location accesses for the service technician, should service be necessary
? Integrated comment system for storing information
? Virtual document storage system for storing operating instructions, installation diagrams, data sheets, etc.
Administration of users and privileges Simple and customisable by means of drag & drop
? Individual administration of users and groups as well as of their access privileges
? Creation of any number of users and groups
? Assignment of users to one or more groups by means of drag & drop
? Individual storage of address and contact data, language, password and SmartCard for each user
? Information regarding recent activities and procedures in the portal can be called up
? Assignment of permissions by means of drag & drop
? Mapping of company structures and departments through the creation of groups
Assignment of users to
one or more groups
by means of drag & drop
Detailed information and test kits:
Phone +49 711 45894-600
Big-LinX ?
Reliable data management
WWH signal
VPN activation
Connected participants
Further interpretation and
processing of the data
Data can be called up via
eBusiness interfaces
Preprocessing of data
Storage of customer-specific
data on the firewall
Data securely uploaded to Big-LinX
Connected participants
Secure VPN tunnel
World Wide Heartbeat (WWH) Communication and status reporting made easy
? With World Wide Heartbeat (WWH), ads-tec offers a communication protocol that reports the availability of the firewall to
the Big-LinX Cloud
? Status monitoring and status reporting of the installed firewalls
? Authentication and identification with SmartCard certificate
? Status of all firewalls (WWH and VPN) visible in the Big-LinX Explorer
? Upon activation of the WWH on the firewall, it sends a “sign of life” to the Big-LinX Server in a defined interval
? Interval definition, (de-)activation of VPN connection as well as the ability to call up the history of WWH- and VPN-connections
via the Big-LinX Explorer
Data acquisition and processing Fast analysis with Big-LinX apps
? Integrated interfaces collect data within the firewall for synchronisation with Big-LinX
? Firewall interfaces facilitate the secure storage of database-related values – such as operation-relevant machine data –
directly on the firewall
? Visualisation or export of the collected data via the Big-LinX Explorer
? Configurable, cyclical reconciliation of the collected data with the Cloud
? Optional web services for calling up data in one's own SAP systems or databases
? Encryption of sensitive data directly on the firewall possible with subsequent encrypted provision in the Cloud
? Direct processing and analysis of data on the firewall and in the Cloud via Big-LinX apps
Detailed information and test kits:
Phone +49 711 45894-600
Big-LinX ?
The Remote Service Cloud
The secure remote maintenance solution for machines and plants – Customised for your
requirements in the production environment Technology * made in Germany
Basic packet Options
VPN rendezvous server for X
secure connections worldwide
SmartCard security for maximum X
data and network security
Big-LinX Explorer X
Individual administration of users, X
privileges and firewall
World Wide Heartbeat (WWH) – X
status monitoring for system stability
Virtual machines – convenient service through X
preconfigured remote maintenance workplaces
Quick and easy data acquisition X
and processing
eBusiness – direct connection to X
your company infrastructure
Big-LinX apps – expand Big-LinX X
with your own application*
Reseller-/ OEM option – resell X
Big-LinX under your name*
Industrial PC management* X
Energy Storage management (IEC61850)* X
DZ-HAND-93158-1/A Big-LinX Broschure E 09-2012
ads-tec GmbH
Raiffeisenstra?e 14
70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen
efon +49 711 45894-0
e +49 711 45894-990
Advantages For providers and end customers
? Considerable reduction of on-site costs
? Efficient deployment planning
? Preconfigured firewall ex factory
? Higher system availability
? Minimised costs for service and maintenance
? Extremely straightforward and fast operation
? No elaborate IT integration on-site
Test Kit Get to know Big-LinX
? Big-LinX basic access for 6 weeks
? 1 virtual machine
? Optionally with ads-tec‘s IF1000 or
IRF2000 series industrial firewall
Security for our customers
The foundation of Remote Services
? Data centre and support in Germany
? Provider of trustworthy IT security
? No hidden backdoors for third parties
? IT-security research and development
in Germany
? Adherence to the German data
protection law
*In preparation
The content of this product range brochure was created with utmost care. However, we shall not be held liable for the accuracy, completeness and topicality of any data and figures contained in this publication. The contents are subject to technical modification and figures may differ from reality. All product names are trademarks and registered trademarks, and as such are the
property of the respective company owning trademark rights, in each case.Technology for Professionals
* Made in Germany
Industrial IT
Energy Storage
Issue 11/2015
Tried-and-tested application areas Productive in
industrial environments
? Machine and plant control systems
? applications and vehicle diagnostics
? Forklifts, construction machinery and special vehicles
? Agricultural machinery and in-house conveyor vehicles
? IT systems for medical technology
? Stainless steel systems for hygienic applications in the
pharmaceutics, foodstuffs and beverage industry
Industrial IT
Industrial computers and IT solutions Professional technology for industrial customers
Automated device management, cloud services, security and networking play an increasingly
important role in the ever more prevalent Industry 4.0 architectures. To support this
development, ads-tec offers a wide range of Industrial IT products. Customer-specific applications are implemented in various branches such as medical technology, logistics
and automation.
Added value Competent expertise
? * depth of development at ads-tec
? Long-term availability
? Minimization of dependency on the consumer
market owing to extensive competence and
versatile adaptability
? Reduction in the total cost of ownership
? Security of investment
? Comprehensive range of services
Industrial IT
ads-tec cloud services and software
Energy Storage
StoraXe? battery storage solutions Inligent decentralised energy systems
Volatile generation and distributed energy systems are the future. Dynamic energy storage
systems are the key element of energy management. In the ?Internet of Energy?, IT-based
solutions play a crucial role. Scalable storage solutions and energy management systems from
ads-tec provide scalable solutions up into the multiple MWh range. These solutions and systems
are secure, safe and reliable and can be operated locally as well as remoy via the Big-LinX?
cloud system. Professional solutions ranging from the simple optimisation of personal PV power,
through grid services such as primary balancing power, up to complex hybrid power plants or
off-grid solutions in isolated operation.
Application areas Local, infrastructure and industry
? Optimisation of own requirement in combination with local generation
? Grid services such as primary balancing power, reactive power,
voltage control and intermediate storage
? Power limitation and stabilisation
? Connection to virtual power plants
? Hybrid power plants with diesel, PV, combined heat and power units,
storage systems, etc.
? Isolated solutions, black-start capability and emergency power
Energy Storage Home & Small Business – Industrial & Infrastructure
Technology and experience Reliability, quality
and certification
? Only industrial battery cells from renowned
manufacturers are used
? Safety and durability have top priority
? Certified individual testing by accredited
laboratories instead of simple assessment
? Active involvement in standardisation bodies
and organisations
ads-tec cloud services and software
MMT Machine Mounted Terminals
VMT Vehicle Mounted Terminals
Industrial IT
For more information: Phone +49 70 22 25 22-201
Firewalls and routers Security and added value for industrial networks
Industry 4.0 is inconceivable without appropriate IT security. Firewalls and
routers from ads-tec protect local networks reliably and, if required,
also connect these networks safely to the cloud. Remote services, remote
maintenance, device management and more open up new horizons.
? High-performance firewall
? ads-tec smart card technology for hardware certificates
? communications router, integrated 3G/UMTS or 4G/LTE option
? Integrated Gbit switch and router
? Multi-user capable web interface
? Effective machine and system protection
? Gateway and remote management appliance
Terminal for use in industrial environments Ideal for use
both on vehicles and on machinery
Tried and tested tens of thousands of times under everyday
industrial conditions, ads-tec terminals used as forklift or vehicle
terminals as well as mounted on systems and machinery ensure
reliable multi-finger operation with PCAP multi-touch technology,
even under extremely difficult conditions.
? Convenient operation via five front keys
? Front panel made of glass-fibre reinforced plastic
? Sturdy aluminium die-cast case
? High IP and vibration protection
Machine mounted terminals For high demands on
hygiene and cleanliness for machines and systems
Fully enclosed stainless steel housing without
screws or edges. High demands on cleanliness and
an award-winning design are not a contradiction
in terms. The new terminals from ads-tec combine
state-of-the-art technology, stringent hygiene
requirements and elegant design.Technology and
function in their most attractive form.
? Multi-finger operation thanks to PCAP
multi-touch technology
? Very latest, high-performance processor
? Fully enclosed stainless steel housing
? Optional key module can be added
IPC Industrial Panel Computer
TabX ? Industrial Tablet Computer
Industrial IT
Industrial panel PCs Optimised for installation in the switch panel
Based on the very latest PC technology, panel PCs from ads-tec have
for decades been reliable visualisation and control platforms for many
branches and application areas.
? Multi-finger operation thanks to PCAP multi-touch technology
? Processor performance can be selected according to customer
? IP 65 Front - protection against dust and humidity
? Simple installation in the switching cabinet
NetC@p PC remote operation via Ethernet
Use just one computer and multiply display and operation using the
standard Ethernet network. Wired or wireless – NetC@p enables
complete cross-network remote visualisation and operation in real time.
? High performance without significant latency
? Minimum use of storage and resources at the client
? Connections can be password-protected (optional)
? Token-controlled multiple operation
Big-LinX? The Remote Service Cloud The Industry 4.0 platform for machines and systems
? Secure connection of decentralised machines and systems
? Central gateway and device management
? High IT security and scalability
? Secure connection by means of SmartCard-secured VPN tunnel
? Remote maintenance, condition monitoring, data collection, etc.
? Program and distribute your own apps
? Big-LinX is the central ?point of connection? and platform for
service-based device management
Industrial tablet computer TabX? Indoor and outdoor
industrial PC technology
If high-performance PC technology of the latest generation
is also required in and industrial applications, the
new tablet computer TabX is the professional solution. High
performance, low weight, brilliant Full HD display and the
very latest PCAP touch technology are essential features
for demanding applications in service environments where
availability is an important factor.
? Multi-finger operation thanks to PCAP multi-touch
? State-of-the-art processor performance
? IP 65 Front - protection against dust and humidity
? Long battery life of up to 8 hours
? Wide variety of accessories
VPN rendezvous server
Service technicians
Connected users Secure VPN tunnel
StoraXe? Home & Small Business
Energy Storage Home & Small Business
Big-LinX? The Remote Service Cloud The service platform for decentralised energy
systems and battery storage systems
? Secure IT connection of decentralised energy systems to ads-tec gateways
? Automated monitoring and reporting of the systems and plants
? Interfaces to superimposed IT systems and virtual power plants
? Monitoring of operating parameters, e.g. of battery cells
? Platform allowing the use of the customer's own applications (apps)
? Integration in higher-level backend systems, e.g. SAP
StoraXe? Home & Small Business Battery storage systems
Lithium ion battery storage systems for the optimisation of personal
consumption local energy systems, especially with PV generation.
? Battery storage system from 8 to 25 KWh
? External SMA Sunny Island or integrated 20 KW inverter
? Single-phase, two-phase or three-phase
? Suitable for challenging applications and high power ratings
? Optimisation of personal consumption, power management,
off-grid systems (isolated) and EMERGENCY power functionality
? Also available as a complex system in combination with
hybrid power plants
EMS Energy Management System
For applications starting from the optimization of
self-consumption in combination with PV, up to the
management of complex hybrid storage systems.
StoraXe? Industrial & Infrastructure
Energy Storage Industrial & Infrastructure
For more information: Phone +49 70 22 25 22-201
StoraXe? ads-tec Industrial & Infrastructure
Energy Storage Racks
? Professional battery systems for industrial
? High performance and capacity
? Scalable battery system up into the MWh range
? Voltage can be determined from the number of
series-connected modules
? ?Battery cluster? consisting of several parallel
? Supplied as pure storage components or as a
complete system with power electronics (inverter)
and energy management system
StoraXe? ads-tec Industrial & Infrastructure System solutions for energy suppliers and grid service providers
? Scalable storage solutions for energy suppliers and grid services
? Primary balancing power or other grid services as a turn-key solution
? Individual design of the storage containers according to customer requirements
? Complex control systems and connections to higher-level systems and virtual power plants
? Innovative products such as the ?power bank? as an inligent local storage solution
? Inligent storage systems for use in distribution grids such as swarm solutions
ads-tec GmbH A strong partner
? Products from ads-tec have been developed in-house for 35 years
? * depth of development is the basis for long-term and individual solutions
? Services: concept, excellent design, development, fabrication and long-term support
? Modern processes for development, supply chain management, production and service
? References and applications, e.g., automation, logistics, medicine and the construction
equipment industry as well as network operators, energy suppliers, public utilities
? International certifications for IT products and battery storage
? In-house laboratory and testing facilities
? Highest security standards
? Leading technology and current standards
? Permanent technology transfer in cooperation with universities
? Member of the In? Internet of Things Solutions Alliance,
In? Technology Provider Platinum Partner and Windows? Embedded Gold Partner
? Involvement in networks and associations of the energy storage industry
? Numerous ads-tec research projects funded by the federal and state governments
Technology * made in Germany
Head office (above) Nürtingen near Stuttgart, production site Wilsdruff near Dresden
The content of this product range brochure was created with utmost care. However, we shall not be held liable for the accuracy, completeness and topicality of any data and figures contained in this publication. The contents
are subject to modifications and illustrations may vary. All product names are trademarks and registered trademarks, and as such are the property of the respective company owning trademark rights, in each case.
DZ-HAND-93052-1/G Portfolio Industrial IT / Energy E 11-2015
ads-tec GmbH
Heinrich-Hertz-Stra?e 1
D-72622 Nürtingen
efon +49 70 22 25 22-201
e +49 70 22 25 22-402 Home & Small Business System
? The all-round, carefree storage solution for seamless
integration in existing building installations
? AC battery storage system with integrated inverter
? Integrated ads-tec Energy Management System (EMS)
? Fully fledged emergency power function in the event of power failure
? 3-phase, with up to * unbalanced load in emergency power operation
ads-tec energy storage systems Security in the future
? High-performance lithium-ion technology for a long life cycle
? Selected cells from renowned manufacturers instead of “consumer” cells
? Fulfilment of current and future standards and certifications
EMS The local Energy Management System
? EMS is the local Energy Management System for simple and
inligent control
? Operation and visualisation via PC, tablet or smartphone
Big-LinX? The cloud solution for monitoring from anywhere
? Global access to the energy storage system via smart-card-secured VPN
? Administration and management of all installed systems
KFW subsidies The ads-tec energy storage systems are eligible
for subsidies2
? The StoraXe? Home & Small Business systems satisfy all
requirements of the subsidy programme
Your all-round, carefree complete system
Through AC coupling for new and existing systems
25 kWh nominal system capacity
Integrated inverter
StoraXe? Home & Small Business System
The product portfolio is intended for larger houses, workshops as well as businesses and public facilities.
With these applications, there are usually larger areas available for PV systems and the issue of energy
management goes beyond pure day to night shifting.
Storage Rack System SRS2025
Home & Small Business
The system solution for
professionals with 25 kWh
Technical data
Dimensions / weight
Emergency power
Grid type
Mains voltage
Grid frequency
PV connection
Effective power
Apparent power
Grid type
Mains voltage
Grid frequency
Effective power
Apparent power
Black start capacity
Integration of external
Unbalanced load
Switching time on isolated
Cell type3
Nominal storage capacity
Specified cycles3
Expected lifetime3
Protection class
Temperature range
Local network connection
Operation and visualisation
Energy Management
3 phasig, TN-S
400 VAC
50 / 60 Hz
18 kW (6 kW pro Phase)
20 kVA (6,6 kVA pro Phase)
3-phases, TN-S
400 VAC / 230 VAC
50 / 60 Hz
18 kW (6 kW per phase)
20 kVA (6.6 kVA per phase)
Yes, e.g., photovoltaic systems can be integrated in isolated
Max. * (6.6 kVA between the phases)
Max. 100 ms
Lithium polymer
25 kWh
20 years
+10 ?C to +30 ?C
< 90% non-condensing
Ethernet RJ45
PC; iOS + Android App
ads-tec Energy APPs (Big-LinX? ready)
HxD (in mm) 620 x 1800 x 650 / approx. 390 kg
1 Awards received for SRB1021 2 Subject to legislative changes 3 See data sheet provided by cell manufacturer
Standards EMC: EN 61000-6-2; EN 61000-6-3
Safety (functional and electrical): EN 61010-1; EN 50272-2
Transport: UN38.3 transport directive for lithium batteries
Isolation and fire protection: DIN EN 60664-1, VDE 0110-1, DIN VDE 0298-4, VDE 0471 DIN EN
60695-11-10 and -20
Grid directive: VDE-AR-N-4105
ads-tec GmbH
Heinrich-Hertz-Stra?e 1
72622 Nürtingen
Phone +49 7022 2522-201
+49 7022 2522-402
The content of this product range brochure was created with utmost care. However, we shall not be held liable for the accuracy, completeness and topicality of any data and figures contained in this publication.
The contents are subject to modifications and illustrations may vary. All product names are trademarks and registered trademarks, and as such are the property of the respective company owning trademark rights, in each case.
DZ-HAND-93184-1/E StoraXe Home & Small Business Data Sheet System E 06/2015Storage Rack System SRS0008 / SRS0016
Collaboration between ads-tec and SMA
ads-tec works closely together with SMA to
optimise the high-quality industrial lithium-ion storage systems for high powers and
professional applications. Safety and scalability have top priority.
StoraXe? Home & Small Business Storage
? Possible to connect to all suitable battery inverter systems
? Provides the right power and capacity in storage system
dimensioning for each application
? Highly efficient DC battery storage system
? Energy management system based on the battery inverter in use
ads-tec energy storage systems Security in the future
? High-performance lithium-ion technology for a long life cycle
? Selected cells from renowned manufacturers instead of “consumer” cells
? Fulfilment of current and future standards and certifications
EMS The local Energy Management System
? EMS is the local Energy Management System for simple and
inligent control
? Operation and visualisation via PC, tablet or smartphone
Big-LinX? The cloud solution for monitoring from anywhere
? Global access to the energy storage system via smart-card-secured VPN
? Administration and management of all installed systems
KFW subsidies The ads-tec energy storage systems are eligible for subsidies2
? The StoraXe? Home & Small Business systems satisfy all
requirements of the subsidy programme
New product in the summer of 2015
Flexible scalability for your application
Optimum integration with the SMA Sunny Island product family
Control with ads-tec or SMA energy management
StoraXe? Home & Small Business Storage
The product portfolio is intended for larger houses, workshops as well as businesses and public facilities.
With these applications, there are usually larger areas available for PV systems and the issue of energy
management goes beyond pure day to night shifting.
Home & Small Business
The storage system for professionals with 8 and 16 kWh
Technical data
Emergency power
Grid type
Mains voltage
Grid frequency
PV connection
Rated power
Maximum power
Grid type
Mains voltage
Grid frequency
Rated power
Maximum power
Black start capacity
Integration of external producers
Cell type3
Nominal storage capacity
Specified cycles3
Expected lifetime3
Protection class
Temperature range
Local network connection
Operation and visualisation
Energy Management
3- or 1-phase, TN- or TT-system
400 VAC / 230 VAC
45...65 Hz (configurable)
Per Sunny Island
SI 3.0M 2.300 W
SI 4.4M 3.300 W
SI 6.0H 4.600 W
SI 8.0H 6.000 W
Per Sunny Island SI 3.0M, SI 4.4M, SI 6.0H, SI 8.0H
11.500 W
3- or 1-phase, TN- or TT-system
400 VAC / 230 VAC
45...65 Hz (configurable)
Per Sunny Island
SI 3.0M 2.300 W
SI 4.4M 3.300 W
SI 6.0H 4.600 W
SI 8.0H 6.000 W
Per Sunny Island SI 3.0M, SI 4.4M, SI 6.0H, SI 8.0H
11.500 W
Lithium polymer
8 kWh
20 years
Lithium polymer
16 kWh
20 years
+0 °C to +35 °C
< 90% non-condensing
Ethernet RJ45
PC; iOS + Android App
ads-tec Energy APPs (Big-LinX? ready)
SRS0008 SRS0016
1 Awards received for SRB1021 2 Subject to legislative changes 3 See data sheet provided by cell manufacturer
Standards EMC: EN 61000-6-2; EN 61000-6-3
Safety (functional and electrical): EN 61010-1; EN 50272-2
Transport: UN38.3 transport directive for lithium batteries
Isolation and fire protection: DIN EN 60664-1, VDE 0110-1, DIN VDE 0298-4, VDE 0471 DIN EN
60695-11-10 and -20
Grid directive: VDE-AR-N-4105
ads-tec GmbH
Heinrich-Hertz-Stra?e 1
72622 Nürtingen
Phone +49 7022 2522-201
+49 7022 2522-402
The content of this product range brochure was created with utmost care. However, we shall not be held liable for the accuracy, completeness and topicality of any data and figures contained in this publication.
The contents are subject to modifications and illustrations may vary. All product names are trademarks and registered trademarks, and as such are the property of the respective company owning trademark rights, in each case.
DZ-HAND-93185-1/D StoraXe Home & Small Business Data Sheet Storage E 06/2015Issue 06 / 2015
StoraXe ?
Home & Small Business
Battery storage systems
for professionals
Lithium-ion battery storage systems Home & Small Business
The StoraXe? Home & Small Business product portfolio has been specially developed for the
professional and demanding use of battery storage systems. High-quality battery cells from
the industrial sector ensure higher power output and lower capacity losses throughout their
operational life than is the case for systems with commercially available consumer cells.
The scalable AC-coupled StoraXe? products are available with the SMA SUNNY ISLAND? inverter
family or, in the case of higher power outputs, with directly integrated power electronics.
StoraXe? products from ads-tec allow your applications to grow with your needs. The possibilities
are endless – from local energy management with PV systems, complex hybrid power plants up to
central connection to extensive cloud services via Big-LinX?.
Typical areas of use Efficient energy
? Large single-family houses and villas
? Guest houses and hos
? Public buildings, kindergartens, schools,
? Workshops and commercial businesses
? Farms and isolated properties
? Self-contained systems such as standalone solutions or mountain lodges, etc.
Advantages of professional battery storage
systems Secure investment for the future
? Industrial battery cells instead of ?consumer?
cells from a notebook
? Consistently high level of current carrying capacity
and performance
? Low capacity losses
? Systems are also suitable for harsh environments
? Certified individual testing by accredited
laboratories instead of simple assessment
StoraXe ? Home & Small Business
Scalable battery storage system
for professional use
StoraXe? Home & Small Business System
Complete system with integrated inverter, control system and battery.
? High-performance AC-coupled complete package
? Three-phase inverter with 20 kW power output
? Integrated 25 kWh battery storage system
? Parallel operation with existing PV systems of any size
? Emergency power capability without mains with simultaneous PV
? Up to 100 % unbalanced load in emergency power mode
? Internal or external system protection (GS protection)
? Network formation for self-contained, isolated systems (black start)
? ads-tec energy management system with high-performance apps
? Compact design and easy to install
Awards apply for
StoraXe? Home & Small Business Storage
Battery storage system with control system for connection
to the SMA Sunny Island product family.
? Battery storage system with 8 or 16 kWh
? Control via SMA or ads-tec energy management systems
? Continuous utilisation of the inverter power
? Worldwide SMA inverter service
? Single-phase, two-phase or three-phase
? Professional combination for scalable on-grid or off-grid
For more
visit our website:
Safety through expertise and experience
Technology and processes ?made in Germany?
Safety of high-energy systems Tried, tested and trusted for generations
In extreme cases, high energy densities can always be released in an uncontrolled manner.
Nevertheless, gas, hydrogen and millions of petrol tanks are an accepted part of our dayto-day infrastructure. We trust these ?made in Germany? systems because research, development, safety analyses, standards and continuous quality assurance have maximised the benefits
and minimised the risks.This process also applies for the battery storage solutions from ads-tec.
Lithium-ion batteries Many years of experience
? Since 2004, ads-tec has been developing and
supplying inligent lithium-ion batteries for the
automotive industry and medical technology
? The experience from more than 100,000 battery
packs in operation worldwide is the basis of our
continued development work
100 % depth of development Detailed expertise
? Development of everything from electronics, mechanics
and software to complete systems takes place in-house
? Self-developed cell bonding and cooling are the result
of years of research and development
? Multi-stage and redundant monitoring devices ensure
safe operation at module and system level
Final assembly, logistics and service Under one roof
? Key process steps of module assembly take place on automation lines developed by ads-tec for this purpose
? Final assembly and testing are monitored and documented
with the aid of ?in-line? measurement methods and processes
Quality and certification The basis of all high-end products
? System-guided development,production and testing processes
? Selected technologies from renowned cell manufacturers
? Extensive tests in in-house laboratory facilities
? Each cell is individually measured and tested automatically
prior to installation
? Documentation of all relevant parameters throughout the
entire life cycle of the product
? Safety has top priority
? External tests in accredited test laboratories
? Certification by renowned accredited testing laboratories
? Active involvement in standardisation bodies
System arrangements and applications
Example Storage with PV system
? Integration of the storage system into the private grid
? Connection of a local PV system (AC- or DC-coupling)
? Control of the energy storage system with the ads-tec energy
management system or existing EMS
Other application cases
? Creation of an isolated grid including black start capacity
? Fully fledged emergency power function in the event of power
? Connection of a wide range of local generation systems
(PV, CHP, etc.)
Home & Small Business storage solutions System arrangements and energy apps
Depending on the present application scenario, various features and energy apps are available
for trouble-free operation. With Big-LinX? Simulation, the individual design and function can
be simulated in advance in the cloud.
Grid /
Isolated /
Emergency power
Load profile /
ads-tec energy apps For the optimum control of your energy storage system
The energy apps from ads-tec are an integral component of the Home & Small Business systems.
The simple app control enables the optimum use of your energy storage system for your application.
Personal consumption Our storage system
automatically helps you maximise usage of your
self-produced energy.
Self-sufficiency Do you want to become
independent of your energy provider? Our storage
assures your independence.
Isolated / emergency power Become your own energy provider should your provider not be available.
Our storage system reserves the necessary power.
Power consumption limiting Avoid high power prices.
Our storage system makes power available when you
need it.
Feed-in limiting You are not able to compley feed the
energy you produce back into the public grid? Our storage system prevents the loss of your valuable excess
Solar system without energy storage system
Dependence on grid operators
? Only a small portion of the self-produced
PV energy can be directly consumed
? During periods when no PV power is
available, power must be drawn from the
public grid
Solar system with energy storage
system For your independence
? The StoraXe? Home & Small Business
solutions store excess PV energy
and make it available again when the
PV energy supply is insufficient
? This frees you from rising power prices
PV generation
Charge battery
Load profile / consumption
Drawn from
Drawn from mains
Direct private
PV generation
PV energy
Load profile /consumption
Drawn from mains
Direct private
Local energy management, hybrid power
plants and central cloud management via
Big-LinX ?
Big-LinX? The platform for central and decentralised energy management
From the OFFLINE version of a decentralised individual system to complex,
interconnected ONLINE-coupled systems.
You can download the StoraXe? app free of
charge in Apple's App Store and in the Google
Play Store:
Big-LinX? The cloud solution for monitoring the StoraXe? Home & Small Business system from anywhere
For all dealers and professional users who want to be able to know the current state of their
StoraXe? Home & Small Business system at any time.
? Simple login to the Big-LinX? web portal for full access to the EMS
? Global access to the energy storage system via smart-card-secured VPN
? Maximum security for your data based on hosting in a German data centre
? Administration and management of all installed Home & Small Business
systems via a central Big-LinX? access point
? Determination of the optimum storage size with Big-LinX? Simulation
? Additional inligent storage applications are available in Big-LinX?
Optimum storage design with Big-LinX? Simulation
StoraXe? Home & Small Business with local EMS and central cloud-based EMS
With the ads-tec Big-LinX? platform, the energy management system (EMS) can be scaled for any application type.
? Preinstalled energy apps provide extensive configuration options
? Operation and visualisation via PC, tablet or smartphone
? Priority definition for the optimum control of the StoraXe? system
? Big-LinX? ready for connection to the Big-LinX? energy cloud for unlimited application possibilities
? Recognised and highest IT security standards enable distributed energy systems, swarm applications, the
integration in virtual power plants and complex hybrid power plants
? Thanks to modern OSGi framework technology, applications can be executed locally or centrally in the cloud
? Common tasks such as peak-shaving, self-consumption optimisation or emergency power can be controlled
using standard ads-tec apps
? Individual applications are easy to adapt on the platform
DZ-HAND-93164-1/C StoraXe Home & Small Business E 06-2015
The content of this product range brochure was created with utmost care. However, we shall not be held liable for the accuracy, completeness and topicality of any data and figures contained in this publication. The contents
are subject to modifications and illustrations may vary. All product names are trademarks and registered trademarks, and as such are the property of the respective company owning trademark rights, in each case.
ads-tec GmbH
Heinrich-Hertz-Stra?e 1
D-72622 Nürtingen
Phone +49 70 22 25 22-201
+49 70 22 25 22-402
ads-tec GmbH A strong partner
? Family-run company with 35 years of experience in system development
? * depth of development
? Many years of experience with lithium-ion batteries
? In-house laboratory and testing facilities
? Leading technology and current standards
? International certifications
? Highest safety standards
? Modern processes for development, supply chain management, production and services
? Involvement in industry networks and associations along the entire value chain for
lithium-ion battery systems
? Partner in numerous research projects funded by German federal and regional authorities
Technology * made in Germany
StoraXe? We would be happy to advise you
? Individual design and planning of the system by ads-tec specialists
? Speak with us – together we can specify your solution
StoraXe? Industrial & Infrastructure Large-format storage solutions
? You can find services for applications up to the MW range
in the Industrial & Infrastructure portfolio
? Visit us at
Industrial & Infrastructure
Inligent large-scale storage solutions
Issue 0 6 / 2015
The time is ripe. Change is a chance.
Our energy system is a complex entity. More
so the path towards the necessary change
that affects all levels of the energy industry.
Let's begin with things that lie in our hands.
Decentral storage systems are a key element
for this change.
Storage Rack System SRS0072 / SRS0100
Energy Storage Industrial & Infrastructure 3
Storage Rack System SRS0063
StoraXe? ads-tec Industrial & Infrastructure Applications
Limiting the power consumption from the public grid
? Proportional supply of dynamic loads from storage
? Fixed or dynamic limiting of the power consumption
Limiting the feed-in power into the public grid
? With the help of the storage, the power fed into the grid can be
limited according to a dynamic trend or by a fixed value. In this
way, feed-in directives can be satisfied or personal operating
strategies implemented
Optimisation of own consumption
? The self-produced energy is distributed over time with the aid of
the storage system in such a way that the desired percentage of
produced energy is directly consumed by oneself and is not fed
back into the grid
UPS and isolated function
? Black start capacity and network formation by the system
? Online UPS supply of consumers in the event of power failure
? The storage serves to cover the load curve of the
connected loads with the specified self-sufficiency
rate from self-produced and stored energy
Grid services
? Power bank / local storage
? Frequency, voltage, power factor correction
? Primary and secondary control power
Safety is always in the foreground
? Safety and formal certifications / standards are very
important at ads-tec. This begins with the cell and
continues with the modules and the complete system
? Data security and access protection are also extremely
important. An integrated hardware firewall including
router and a security concept that is based on hardware
certificates offer modern, recognised and tamperproof protection
Lithium-ion battery storage systems Industrial & Infrastructure
The StoraXe? Industrial & Infrastructure product portfolio addresses the area of larger systems
and infrastructures. Powers and storage capacities cover ranges between 100 kW/100 kWh
and multiple MW/MWh. The modular structure and the comprehensive IT management system
provide a system with nearly unlimited scaling.
StoraXe? Industrial & Infrastructure
Scalable turnkey lithium-ion
storage solutions
Energy Storage Industrial & Infrastructure Performance Features 5
StoraXe? ads-tec Industrial & Infrastructure
Energy Storage Racks
? Scalable battery system
? Voltages can be determined from the number
of series-connected modules
? ?Battery string? or ?battery cluster? consisting
of several parallel strings
? Supplied as storage components or as a
complete system with power electronics (inverter)
? Optional: Design support and energy
management software
StoraXe? ads-tec Industrial & Infrastructure
Storage container solutions
? Scalable storage solution with up to 2.4 MWh and 1.8 MVA per container
? Individual design of the storage containers according to customer requirements
? Available as a standard 10, 20, 40 foot container or in special sizes
? Turnkey storage solution including inverter, transformer, climate control
and protective device
? Direct connection of the storage container to low or medium voltage
Power electronics and inverters Various
combinations from renowned manufacturers
Battery systems from ads-tec can be combined
with all common converters. This allows ads-tec
battery systems to be connected directly to lowvoltage and medium-voltage mains networks.
Typical power ranges are 50 kW to 1.8 MW per unit
Safety through expertise and experience
Technology and processes ?made in Germany?
Safety of high-energy systems Tried, tested and trusted for generations
In extreme cases, high energy densities can always be released in an uncontrolled manner.
Nevertheless, gas, hydrogen and millions of petrol tanks are an accepted part of our dayto-day infrastructure. We trust these ?made in Germany? systems because research, development, safety analyses, standards and continuous quality assurance have maximised the benefits
and minimised the risks. This process also applies for the battery storage solutions from ads-tec.
Lithium-ion batteries Many years of experience
? Since 2004, ads-tec has been developing and
supplying inligent lithium-ion batteries for the
automotive industry and medical technology
? The experience from more than 100,000 battery
packs in operation worldwide is the basis of our
continued development work
100 % depth of development Detailed expertise
? Development of everything from electronics, mechanics
and software to complete systems takes place in-house
? Self-developed cell bonding and cooling are the result
of years of research and development
? Multi-stage and redundant monitoring devices ensure
safe operation at module and system level
Final assembly, logistics and service Under one roof
? Key process steps of module assembly take place on automation lines developed by ads-tec for this purpose
? Final assembly and testing are monitored and documented
with the aid of ?in-line? measurement methods and processes
Quality and certification The basis of all high-end products
? System-guided development, production and testing processes
? Selected technologies from renowned cell manufacturers
? Extensive tests in in-house laboratory facilities
? Each cell is individually measured and tested automatically
prior to installation
? Documentation of all relevant parameters throughout the
entire life cycle of the product
? Safety has top priority
? External tests in accredited test laboratories
? Certification by renowned accredited testing laboratories
? Active involvement in standardisation bodies
Networks, associations and research Multifaceted involvement
? For many years, ads-tec has been engaged in
networks and associations that are involved
in intensive and precompetitive activities over
the entire value chain of lithium-ion battery
? Universities, institutes and research facilities
are involved as are renowned specialists
from the areas of basic materials, component
develop-ment, production, testing, certification,
use, market design, risk analysis and disposal
Energy Storage Industrial & Infrastructure Expertise and Experience 7
Partners and networks
Strong together – a good feeling
ads-tec storage systems in action Award-winning flagship project in Weinsberg
A new housing estate in Weinsberg obtains a large part of its power and heating needs from photovoltaic energy. 23 homes, 145 kW of photovoltaic power, one central electrical storage system
and several thermal storage systems:The pilot project impressively demonstrates that supplying
all energy requirements from photovoltaic sources alone is already possible in residential
areas. ?Furthermore, the entire system is packaged in an attractive architectural design which
encourages similar projects to be realised at other locations?, say the project managers of
KACO new energy and Kruck + Partner.
As a result, 97 percent of electricity needs and around half of all heating requirements can be
met by means of the decentralised generation and storage of solar power.
Research projects Investment in the future
? ads-tec is one of the participating partners in numerous research
projects funded by the federal and state governments
? Working together with research facilities and industry partners, new
technologies and processes are developed and tested
? Results and knowledge flow into further product development, into
processes as well as into testing, inspection and approval procedures
System arrangements and applications
Application 1 Storage as grid component
Connection of the storage to the private grid.
Storage serves to
? Stabilise load profiles
? Cover peaks
? Limit the power consumption from the public grid
? Grid service (primary / secondary control power)
? Local storage (power bank)
Available energy apps:
Application 2 Storage with PV system
Connection of the storage to the private grid
incl. DC-coupled PV system.
Storage serves to
? Stabilise load profiles
? Cover peaks
? Limit the power consumption from the public grid
? Limit the feed-in power
? Optimise personal consumption
? Self-sufficiency
Available energy apps:
Industrial & Infrastructure storage solutions System arrangements and energy apps
StoraXe? storage solutions for Industrial & Infrastructure are optimised for use in the following
applications and scenarios. The specially developed tool Big-LinX? Simulation facilitates
the simple design and simulation of your application.
With the aid of the ads-tec energy apps, processes can be prioritised and logically controlled.
Load profile /
heat and
power unit
Grid /
Energy Storage Industrial & Infrastructure Applications
Application 3 Storage with PV system and UPS
Like application 2 with the additional function of an
online UPS.
Available energy apps:
Application 4 Hybrid power plant
Interconnection of various producer structures
on a shared high-voltage DC bus.
Available energy apps:
ads-tec energy apps For optimum control of your particular application
Limiting of
Limiting of
Isolated /
power supply
power supply
EMS Energy Management System
The internet of energy with Big-LinX ?
Big-LinX? and local energy management system
Energy apps for dynamic implementation of your personal
storage management
? Extensive possibilities for configuring and running
predefined energy apps according to requirements
? Arrangement of the energy apps incl.priority definition for
optimum control of the system operating mode on-site
? Operation via PC,tablet or smartphone
? Control of consumers and generating plants
? Interconnection solution for distributed storage systems
Big-LinX? Monitoring & Reporting Always be on guard and
know what's going on
? Monitoring and reporting around the clock, 365 days a year
? Notification via , text message or similar services
? Alarm and message system for critical system states or
predefined conditions
? Evaluations and statistics on results,processes and
Big-LinX? Cloud solution for central and decentralised energy management From the
OFFLINE version of a decentralised individual system to complex, interconnected
ONLINE-coupled systems
With the ads-tec Big-LinX? platform, the energy management system can be scaled for any
application type. Recognised and highest IT security standards enable distributed energy
systems, swarm applications, the integration in virtual power plants and complex hybrid
power plants. Thanks to modern OSGi framework technology, applications can be executed
locally or centrally in the cloud.Various standard ads-tec apps provide the basis for common
tasks such as peak-shaving, self-consumption optimisation or emergency power. Individual
applications are easy to adapt on the platform.
Energy Storage Industrial & Infrastructure Big-LinX? 11
Big-LinX? Simulation The tool for system and plant design
? Statements about component scaling and system design
when considering an individual investment
? Simulation and calculation of individual issues such as
personal consumption rate, self-sufficiency, limiting of power
consumption, emergency-power supply, battery or PV system
size under different boundary conditions
? Integration of real or modelled load profiles and production
Big-LinX? Programming Implementation of individual
programs and business inligence
? Your own individual programs can be created on the basis of
an OSGi framework. These may run either in the cloud or
decentrally in the controllers of the battery systems. Build
your own ?individual internet of energy?
Big-LinX? Security Privacy and system security
? Storage systems are sophisticated and complex systems.
Undesired access or even tampering must be prevented not
only for liability-related or privacy reasons.
? Big-LinX? Security with smart card technology offers high
and recognised security standards on the basis of copy-proof
hardware certificates, like those used in bank and
phone cards
StoraXe? energy storage racks
Optimised for a very high number of cycles
2425 mm
1800 mm
Storage Rack System SRS0063
684 mm 1800 mm
684 mm
Scalability Powers into the MW range
? Scalability on string level and with the complete battery
? 19" triple rack yields a ?battery string?
? Parallel-connected design up to the MWh range
? ads-tec string controller
? ads-tec 19" storage rack battery modules each with its
own battery management system (BMS)
? Ventilation modules for optimum control of cell temperature
? Very high cycle number through titanate technology
Awards apply for SRB1021
Energy Storage Industrial & Infrastructure Technical Data 13
Technical data SRS0063
Security / IT Embedded string controller Integrated
Interfaces, external/internal Ethernet / CAN
ads-tec protocol Master or slave
String configuration String format 19" triple rack
Number of series-connected battery modules 15
Number of string controllers per triple rack 1
Number of string shutdown modules ?two-pole? 1
Connection values Battery voltage ?empty? 510 VDC
Battery voltage ?full? 810 VDC
Currents Operating current (up to 2C charge / 2C discharge) 180 A
Maximum string current 300 A
Battery system Cell chemistry (*) Lithium titanat
Cell manufacturer Leclanché
Cell capacity (*) 30 Ah
Nominal system capacity (*) 63 kWh
Specified cycles
1C/1C at 23°C with * DOD (*) 15,000
Expected calendrical life cycle (*) 20 years
Environmental conditions Temperature range (long life < 2C) 10 °C to 30 °C
Protection class IP20
Humidity < 90%, non-condensing
Warranty Period of limitation for
claims for defects 24 months
Function and In combination with a
durability Big-LinX service contract Up to 10 years
Standards EMV:
EN 61000-6-2; EN 61000-6-4
Safety (functional and electrical):
EN 61010-1; EN 50272-2
UN38.3 transport directive for lithium batteries
Isolation and fire protection:
DIN EN 60664-1,VDE 0110-1, DIN VDE 0298-4,VDE 0471 DIN EN 60695-11-10 and -20
*See data sheets from cell manufacturer
StoraXe? energy storage racks
Optimised for high energy and power
2425 mm
1200 mm
Storage Rack System SRS0072 / SRS0100
684 mm
684 mm
1200 mm
Scalability Powers into the MW range
? Scalability on string level and with the complete battery
? 19" double rack yields a ?battery string?
? Parallel-connected design up to the MWh range
? ads-tec string controller
? ads-tec 19" storage rack battery modules each with its
own battery management system (BMS)
? Very high energy density and power
Awards apply for SRB1021
Energy Storage Industrial & Infrastructure Technical Data 15
Technical data SRS0072 SRS0100
Security / IT Embedded string controller Integrated
Interfaces, external/internal Ethernet / CAN
ads-tec protocol Master or slave
String configuration String format 19" triple rack
Number of series-connected battery modules 12
Number of string controllers per triple rack 1
Number of string shutdown modules ?two-pole? 1
Connection values Battery voltage ?empty? 540 VDC
Battery voltage ?full? 750 VDC
Currents Operating current (up to 2C charge / 2C discharge) 220 A 300 A
Maximum string current 300 A 300 A
Battery system Cell chemistry (*)v Lithium-NMC-nano Lithium-NMC
Cell manufacturer KOKAM KOKAM
Cell capacity (*) 55 Ah 75 Ah
Nominal system capacity (*) 72 kWh 100 kWh
Specified cycles
1C/1C at 23°C with * DOD (*) 7,000 7,000
Expected calendrical life cycle (*) 20 years 20 years
Environmental conditions Temperature range (long life < 2C) 10 °C to 30 °C
Protection class IP20
Humidity < 90%, non-condensing
Warranty Period of limitation for claims
for defects 24 months
Function and In combination with a
durability Big-LinX service contract Up to 10 years
Standards EMV:
EN 61000-6-2; EN 61000-6-4
Safety (functional and electrical):
EN 61010-1; EN 50272-2
UN38.3 transport directive for lithium batteries
Isolation and fire protection:
DIN EN 60664-1, VDE 0110-1, DIN VDE 0298-4, VDE 0471 DIN EN 60695-11-10 und -20
*See data sheets from cell manufacturer
SRS0072 / SRS0100
DZ-HAND-93167-1/C StoraXe Industrial & Infrastructure E 06-2015
The content of this product range brochure was created with utmost care. However, we shall not be held liable for the accuracy, completeness and topicality of any data and figures contained in this publication. The contents
are subject to modifications and illustrations may vary. All product names are trademarks and registered trademarks, and as such are the property of the respective company owning trademark rights, in each case.
ads-tec GmbH
Heinrich-Hertz-Stra?e 1
D-72622 Nürtingen
Phone +49 70 22 25 22-201
+49 70 22 25 22-402
ads-tec GmbH A strong partner
? Family-run company with 35 years of experience in system development
? * depth of development
? Many years of experience with lithium-ion batteries
? In-house laboratory and testing facilities
? Leading technology and current standards
? International certifications
? Highest safety standards
? Modern processes for development, supply chain management, production and services
? Involvement in industry networks and associations along the entire value chain for
lithium-ion battery systems
? Partner in numerous research projects funded by German federal and regional authorities
Technology * made in Germany
StoraXe? We would be happy to advise you
? Individual design and planning of the system by ads-tec specialists
? Speak with us – together we can specify your solution
StoraXe? Home & Small Business Storage solutions in compact design
? You can find our products and services for storage capacities of up to 25 kWh
in the Home & Small Business area
? Visit us at
StoREgioIndustrial Panel PCs
Fully focussed on the essentials
Issue 11 / 2015
New panel PCs in widescreen form factor
Tried and tested many times in harsh environments, panel PCs from ads-tec provide
clarity and precision in a new form. Optimised in every detail – with touch-screen
operation and rear service access allowing
safe and simple replacement of all components. Widescreen format in four different
sizes. Reduced without compromise to the
essentials, the devices are powerful with
long-term availability.
Industrial PCs OPC7000 and OPC8000 Series 3
Panel PCs OPC7000 Serie
Panel PCs OPC8000 Serie
OPC7000 Series Product Benefits
OPC7000 series Proven and reliable
in harsh environments
? 5-wire resistive industrial touch-screen
? Front panel made of glass-fibre reinforced
plastic (painted)
? Front USB
? Extended temperature range -20 °C to +60 °C*
? UL-Certification for Information Technology
Equipment (UL 60950-1)**
*Only with mSATA variants with extended temperature range
**Applies to selected variants
Industrial PCs OPC7000 and OPC8000 Series Product Benefits 5
OPC8000 Series Product Benefits
OPC8000 series High-quality design and state-of-the-art technology
? Capacitive multi-touch technology
? Thermally treated front glass – robust and stable
? Extremely low reflection for optimum viewing
? Pleasant feel and non-sparkling effect
? High-quality touch display with extended lifetime
? Bright display thanks to LED backlight
? Modern and high-quality design
Flexible operation State-of-the-art multi-touch technology
? 4-finger operation thanks to PCAP multi-touch
? Simple and intuitive: drag, swipe, rotate, zoom
? Convenient operation of machines and systems
> OPC8000 series panel PCs with the latest
multi-touch technology
> Thermally treated front glass – robust and stable
> Current operating systems with Windows?
Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro
OPC7000 Series and OPC8000 Series
Product Benefits
Technology Reduced to the essentials
? Powerful cooling system permits high processor performance,
even at demanding operating temperatures
? Three (with 8”) or up to five rear USB interfaces, optionally with
fast USB3.0**
? Serial interface (9-pin D-SUB RS232)
? Two (with 8”) or three independent 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports
? 24 V DC power supply
? Industrial FLASH storage system / 2.5” SATA
? CMOS backup battery 1/2AA with 850 mA/h
(4-times higher capacity than the standard)
Panel PCs from ads-tec Reliable in harsh environments
? Screen sizes in current widescreen form factor
8”, 13.3”, 15.4” and 21.5”
? Five tried-and-tested, robust front keys
? Sturdy aluminium die-cast case
? Extended temperature range -20 °C to +60 °C*
? Convenient service access to hard disk, mSATA, RAM, VGA HDSUB 15-pin connector, battery and fan
adsX2 technology High-tech made in Germany
? Long-term system availability
? * in-house development enables * support
? Processors soldered, not socket-mounted
? Latest 4th generation In? processors
* Only with mSATA variants with extended temperature range
** For details, see Technical Data on page 8 and 10
Industrial PCs OPC7000 and OPC8000 Series Product Benefits 7
Panel mounting Quick and easy
? Captive clamping fixtures integrated in the panel
? Simple locking thanks to Quick-Snap
? Retraction of the clamping pieces using finger
or screwdriver
? Easy access even in the case of narrow
installation situations
? Force transmission into robust die-cast housing
Quick mounting of the panel PCs thanks to Quick-Snap**
Step 1 Step 2
Step 3 Step 4
> Latest 4th generation In? Celeron? and Core? i5
> Extended temperature range -20 °C to +60 °C*
> Comfortable access for servicing
Optional aluminium casing All-round protection to IP54**
? IP54 all-round protection against dust and splash water
? Rear service access – cable connections easily
? Mounting suitable for VESA 75 and VESA 100 bracket
* Only with mSATA variants with extended temperature range
** Not applicable for OPC7008 and OPC8008
OPC7000 Series Technical Data
Device data OPC7008 OPC7013 OPC7015 OPC7022
Housing Diecast aluminium, powder-coated
Front panel Glass-fibre reinforced plastic, painted
Display LED backlight 8" TFT 13,3" TFT 15,4" TFT 21,5" TFT
Resolution 800 x 480 pixels 1280 x 800 pixels 1280 x 800 pixels 1920 x 1080 pixels
Display colours Max. 256k Max. 256k Max. 16.2 million Max. 16.2 million
Manual brightness adjustment of the display
Touch Resistive industrial touch-screen
Processor/ In? Atom? In? Celeron? 847E 1.10 GHz In? HD Graphics2
Graphics controller** N2600 1.6 GHz In? Core? i5-2515E 2.50 GHz In? HD Graphics 30002
In? GMA36001 In? Core? i7-2655LE 2.20 GHz In? HD Graphics 30002
In? Celeron? 2002E 1.50 GHz In? HD Graphics3
In? Core? i5-4400E 2.70 GHz In? HD Graphics 46003
Mass storage mSATA SSD 2,5" HDD SATA
mSATA SSD Industrial mSATA SSD
mSATA SSD Industrial
Interfaces 1 x COM 1 (RS232)
Rear: 3 x USB 2.0 Rear: 5 x USB 2.0 Front: 1 x USB 2.0
Front: 1 x USB 2.0 With Celeron? 847E, Core? i5-2515E, Core? i7-2655LE
Rear: 2 x USB 2.0 & 2 x USB 3.0 Front: 1 x USB 2.0
With Celeron? 2002E, Core? i5-4400E
Network 2 x 1 Gbit/s Ether- 3 x1 Gbit/s Ethernet RJ45
net RJ45
Power adapter 24 VDC +/– 20 % (19 to 29 V)
Operating system Windows Embedded Windows Embedded Standard 7 (32 Bit / 64 Bit)
Standard 7 (32 Bit) Windows 7 Ultimate (32 Bit / 64 Bit)
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (32 Bit / 64 Bit)
Protection class IP65 at front
Operating temperature 0 °C to +55 °C 5 °C to +45 °C, –20 °C to +60 °C* 5 °C to +45 °C
–20 °C to +60 °C*
Dimensions (W x H x D) 256 x 192 x 66 mm 353 x 261 x 64 mm 413 x 290 x 68 mm 553 x 355 x 68 mm
Installation depth 50 mm 50 mm 54 mm 54 mm
Installation recess *** (W x H) 240 x 176 mm 332 x 240 mm 392 x 269 mm 532 x 334 mm
Weight 1.9 kg 2.8 kg 4.1 kg 7.5 kg
Vibration DIN EN 60068-2-6
Shock resistance DIN EN 60068-2-27
Humidity 10 to 85% non-condensing
* Only with mSATA variants with mSATA SSD Industrial ** Shared memory *** Tolerance +/- 1 mm
1DirectX 9.0 and OpenGL 3.0 support 2DirectX 10.1 and OpenGL 3.1 support 3DirectX 11.1 and OpenGL 4 support
Industrial PCs OPC7000 Series Dimensions 9