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      KN1116v ATEN 宏正 1個遠程控制 16口 CAT5 遠程IP電腦切換器
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      訪問次數(shù):190更新時間:2022-03-06 14:16:13






      KVM Over the NET™遠程電腦管理方案






      監(jiān)控架構下各設備的運行狀態(tài)也十分簡單,其所提供的自動掃描功能按用戶的時間間隔以端口到端口自動切換掃描。而畫面分割功能(Panel Array Mode),可將多臺電腦的視頻畫面在同時一起顯示。

      KN1116v也支持進階的虛擬媒體功能,可將USB儲存媒體,包括USB DVD/CD光驅及其它儲存媒體連接至遠程服務器;此功能可讓管理人員從遠程輕松地執(zhí)行檔案傳輸、安裝應用程序與修補操作系統(tǒng)以及診斷問題;同時,管理員也可于世界任何角落從單一遠程控制端,升級整體安裝架構。此外,KN1116v提供雙IP及雙電源,因此當組IP或電源無法作用時,第二組IP或電源會自動接替作業(yè)。

      通過這些強大的功能,KVM Over the NETTM切換器提供了快速、可靠及高成本效益的遠程訪問方式,以管理多服務器的系統(tǒng)架構。


    1. 硬件
    2. 高密度連接端口-16個RJ-45接口的連接端口,僅占1U機架空間
    3. USB筆電控制端(LUC)-提供一組專屬USB連接端口可直接連接筆記型電腦以方便控制端操作
    4. 一個獨立的通道,可供KVM Over IP遠程管控
    5. 內建兩組10/100/1000 Mbps網(wǎng)絡適配卡可提供局域網(wǎng)絡備援或雙IP操作能力
    6. 支持刀片服務器
    7. 支持PS/2、USB、Sun Legacy(13W3)及串口(RS-232)連接
    8. 本地控制端支持PS/2及USB鍵盤與鼠標
    9. 支持跨平臺服務器環(huán)境:Windows、Mac、Sun、Linux及以VT100為架構的串口設備
    10. 支持音頻
    11. 虛擬媒體可讓本地端系統(tǒng)的DVD/CD光驅及其它儲存設備映像至遠程服務器
    12. 支持雙電源
    13. 高視頻分辨率-本地及遠程控制端視頻分辨率可達1600x1200@60Hz/1920x1200*(減少閃爍)
    14. 單一層級可監(jiān)控多達16臺服務器,或通過兩層堆疊串聯(lián)方式,可管理多達256臺服務器**

      *僅KA7175、KA7176及KA7177等品項支持1920x1200(Reduced blanking)分辨率
      ** 可兼容堆疊串聯(lián)的KVM多電腦切換器包括:CS9134、CS9138、CS88A、KH1508、KH1516、KH1508A及KH1516A。

    15. 提供多達64組用戶賬號-支持多達32位用戶同時分享控制
    16. 支持中止聯(lián)機功能-管理員可中止正在運行的連線作業(yè)
    17. 支持事件日志及Windows操作系統(tǒng)的日志服務器
    18. 通過SMTP 及SNMP trap通知重要系統(tǒng)事件;支持SNMP trap與Syslog
    19. 支持固件更新
    20. 支持頻外(OOBC)調制解調器撥進/撥出/回撥功能
    21. 電腦端模塊ID功能:可儲存連接端口信息,讓管理人員將服務器重新連接到不同連接端口時,無需重新設定電腦端模塊及KVM多電腦切換器
    22. 連接端口分享模式支持多位用戶共同管控一臺服務器
    23. 可與ALTUSEN CC2000管理軟件整合使用
    24. 電源組合功能可讓切換器的KVM連接端口與ATEN/ALTUSEN PDU電源分配器的插座進行組合,以從切換器的管理接口上進行遠程電源控管
    25. 可與Power Over the NETTM遠程電源管理設備進行整合,并支持第三方電源分配設備(PDU)
    26. 選擇瀏覽器管控方式(Browser,http,https)
    27. 支持IPv6

    28. 本地控制端、browser-based及AP GUIs提供統(tǒng)一的多國語言界面,減少用戶訓練時間及提高產(chǎn)能
    29. 支持多平臺的客戶端系統(tǒng) (Windows,Mac OS X,Linux,Sun)
    30. 多種瀏覽器支持:IE,Chrome,F(xiàn)irefox,Safari,Opera,Mozilla,Netscape
    31. 基于純網(wǎng)頁技術的圖形化瀏覽器操作面板,管理員無需先安裝Java軟件包即可進行管理工作
    32. 用戶可在同一個登入期間啟動多個虛擬遠程桌面以管理多臺服務器
    33. 魔術面板設計(Magic Panel)-可隱藏并自訂功能圖標
    34. 支持全屏幕或可調整虛擬遠程桌面的窗口尺寸
    35. 畫面分割模式可同時讓本地控制端操作人員與遠程訪問者使用
    36. 鍵盤/鼠標廣播功能-鍵盤與(或)鼠標的信號可同時廣播到所有連接的服務器
    37. 與本地控制端視頻同步功能-本地控制端屏幕的EDID信息可儲存于電腦端模塊以利影像分辨率優(yōu)化

    38. 支持遠程認證機制:RADIUS,LDAP,LDAPS及MS Active Directory
    39. 支持128位SSL數(shù)據(jù)加密及1024位RSA認證以確保瀏覽器登入的安全性
    40. 彈性化加密設計,用戶可分別為鍵盤/鼠標,屏幕及虛擬媒體數(shù)據(jù)選擇56位DES、168位3DES、256位AES、128位RC 4的任何組合或隨機的加密方式
    41. 支持IP/MAC過濾功能,強化安全保護
    42. 可對用戶及群組設定訪問與控管服務器的權限
    43. 自動化CSR產(chǎn)生功能與第三方CA認證

    44. 虛擬媒體提供檔案應用,操作系統(tǒng)修補、軟件安裝及診斷測試
    45. 可使用于支持USB的服務器操作系統(tǒng)及BIOS層級
    46. 支持DVD/CD光驅、USB儲存設備、個人電腦硬盤及ISO影像

    47. 可調整視頻質量及視頻公差(tolerance)以化數(shù)據(jù)傳輸速度;單色色深設定,臨界值及信號干擾設定,
    48. 可讓用戶在低頻寬的情況下壓縮數(shù)據(jù)流量大小以達到的傳輸量
    49. 支持全屏幕顯示或可調式窗口顯示
    50. 遠程用戶間可通過信息板功能溝通
    51. 鼠標動態(tài)同步顯示技術(Mouse DynaSyncTM)-可自動同步本地與遠程鼠標移動位置
    52. 支持鍵盤信號通過
    53. 支持Exit Macros
    54. 支持多國語言屏幕鍵盤
    55. BIOS層級管控



      最多256 (堆疊串聯(lián))
      連接端口選擇按鍵 、GUI 、熱鍵
      接口控制端連接端口鍵盤1 x 6-pin Mini-DIN 母頭 (紫)
      1 x USB Type A 母頭 (白)
      屏幕1 x HDB-15 母頭 (藍)
      鼠標1 x 6-pin Mini-DIN 母頭 (綠)
      1 x USB Type A 母頭 (白)
      KVM連接端口8 x RJ-45 母頭
      電源2 x 3叉交流電源插座
      網(wǎng)絡2 x RJ-45 母頭
      PON1 x RJ-45 母頭
      調制解調器1 x RJ-45 母頭
      串口2 x RJ-45 母頭
      USB3 x USB Type A 母頭 (白)
      筆電USB控制端(LUC)連接1×USB Mini Type B 母頭 (黑)
      音頻2 x 音頻插孔 母頭
      切換開關重置1 x 半嵌式按鍵
      電源2 x 翹板開關
      連接端口選擇2 x 按鍵
      LED指示燈上線16 (綠)
      電源1 (藍)
      10 / 100 / 1000 Mbps
      1 (綠 / 綠 / 橘)
      模擬方式鍵盤/鼠標PS/2 / USB (PC, Mac, Sun) / Serial
      視頻分辨率近端1600 x 1200 @ 60Hz; 1920 x 1200*@60 Hz DDC2B
      遠程1600 x 1200 @ 60Hz;1920 x 1200*@60 Hz DDC2B
      掃描區(qū)間1-255 秒
      輸入額定值100-240VAC; 50-60Hz; 1.0A
      耗電量單一電源120V/15W; 230V/15W
      雙電源120V/16W; 230V/17W
      作業(yè)環(huán)境操作溫度0 - 50?C
      儲存溫度-20 - 60?C
      濕度0–80% RH, 無凝結
      重量3.60 kg
      ( 長 x 寬 x 高 )
      28.78 x 43.36 x 4.40 cm

    56. 1-Local/1-Remote Access
      16-Port Cat 5 KVM over IP Switch (1920 x 1200)

    57. Aten′s new generation of KVM over IP switches - KN series allows local console access and remote over IP access for operators to monitor and access their entire data center over a network using a web-based browser. In addition, they offer out-of-band access with external modem support for BIOS-level troubleshooting when the network is down.

      To help you manage and control an entire data center, our KVM over IP switches support blade servers and chassis. With powerful new features such as Power Association – KVM ports can be associated with ATEN PDU power outlets for power management of servers from the KVM over IP switches user interface.

      KVM over IP switches now support the new Control Center Video Session Recorder (CCVSR) software. The CCVSR records all operations made on servers accessed through KVM over IP switches. Every operation and change from the BIOS level to logging in, from running software applications to configuring the operating system- is recorded and saved to a secure video file as evidence, without exception.

      The Virtual Media function lets you map to storage media on USB, hard disk and DVD/CD drives located on remote servers – allowing administrators to conduct file transfers, install applications, run O.S. updates, or perform diagnostics across a network with ease.

      Enhanced capabilities of KVM over IP switches also include: a Message Board, Panel Array Mode™, Mouse DynaSync™, Adapter ID and Secure Serial Server Access. The secure access to serial-controlled devices includes network equipment, UNIIX servers, Linux servers, Sun servers and many more serial consoles. It provides installation without needing expensive serial dongles.

      With dual on-board NICs and dual power supplies, the KVM over IP switches are built for reliability, to ensure 24/7 availability of remote access to all server room computers.

      With Aten KVM over IP switches IT administrators can manage their server rooms and data centers from practically anywhere – minimizing travel costs and MTTR (Mean Time to Repair)  – ensuring the highest availability of data center services possible.
    58. High port density – RJ-45 connectors for up to 16 ports in a 1U housing
      Laptop USB Console (LUC) - A dedicated USB port directly connects to a laptop for easy Console operation
      Simultaneously share access to one local console and one remote KVM over IP switches
      Two 10/100/1000 Mbps NICs for redundant LAN or two IP operation
      Blade server support
      Supports PS/2, USB, Sun Legacy (13W3) and serial (RS-232) connectivity
      Local console provides PS/2 and USB keyboard and mouse support
      Supports multiplatform server environments: Windows, Mac, Sun, Linux and VT100 based serial devices
      Audio enabled
      Virtual Media support lets you map DVD-CD-ROMs and other storage media to a remote server
      Dual Power Supply
      High video resolution - up to 1600 x 1200 @ 60Hz(40m with KVM Adapter Cable KA7000 series) /1920 x 1200* @ 60Hz(30m) for local and remote sessions
      Monitor and control up to 16 computers on a single level, or control up to 256 computers in a two-level cascade **

      * 1920 x 1200 (Reduced blanking) only supported by KA7175, KA7176, and KA7177
      ** Cascade-compatible KVM Switches include the following: CS9134, CS9138, CS88A, KH1508, KH1516, KH1508A, andKH1516A

      Up to 64 user accounts - up to 32 users simultaneously share the control
      End session feature - administrators can terminate running sessions
      Event logging and Windows-based Log Server support
      Critical system event notification via SMTP ; SNMP trap and Syslog support
      Firmware upgradeable
      Out-of-Band Access-Modem dial-in/dial out/dial back support
      Adapter ID Function: Stores port information allowing administrators to relocate the servers to different ports,without having to re-configure the adapters and switches
      Port Share Mode allows multiple users to gain access to a server simultaneously
      Integration with ALTUSEN CC2000 Management software
      Power Association enables the switch′s KVM ports to be associated with an ATEN/ALTUSEN′S PDUs power outlets for remote power management of the servers from the switch′s interface
      Power Over the NET™ integration for remote power control, plus support for 3rd party power distribution units (PDUs)
      Manage browser access methods (Browser, http, https)
      IPv6 capable

      Ease-to-Use Interface
      Local Console, browser-based, and AP GUIs offer a unified multilanguage interface to minimize the user training time and increase productivity
      Multiplatform client support (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Sun)
      Multi-browser support: Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Mozilla, Netscape
      Browser-based UI in pure Web technology allows administrators to perform administrative tasks without pre-installed Java software package required
      Magic Panel - a special hideaway control panel with configurable function icon
      Full-screen or sizable and scalable Virtual Remote Desktop
      Panel Array Mode available to both local console operators and remote access users
      Keyboard/Mouse Broadcast - keyboard and mouse inputs can be duplicated on all the attached servers
      Video syncing with the local console - local console monitor′s EDID information stored on the KVM Adapter Cables for display resolution optimization

      Advanced Security
      Remote authentication support: RADIUS, LDAP, LDAPS, and MS Active Directory
      Supports SSL 128-bit data encryption and RSA 1024-bit certificates to secure users log in from browser
      Flexible encryption design allows users to choose any combination of 56-bit DES, 168-bit 3DES, 256-bit AES, 128-bit RC4, or Random for independent KB/Mouse, video, and virtual media data encryption
      IP/MAC Filter for enhanced security protection
      Configurable user and group permissions for server access and control
      Automated CSR creation utility and third party CA certificate authentication

      Virtual Media
      Virtual media enables file applications, OS patching, software installation and diagnostic testing
      Works with USB enabled servers in operating system and BIOS level
      Support DVD/CD drives, USB mass storage devices, PC hard drives and ISO images

      Virtual Remote Desktop
      Video quality and video tolerance can be adjusted to optimize data transfer speed; monochrome color depth setting, threshold and noise settings for compression of the data bandwidth in low bandwidth situations
      Full screen video display or scalable video display
      Message Board for communication among remote users
      Mouse DynaSync™ - automatically synchronizes the local and remote mouse movements
      Keyboard pass through support
      Exit Macros support
      On-screen keyboard with multilanguage support
      BIOS-level access

    59. 成立于 2004年,擁有十年KVM行業(yè)經(jīng)驗,為您提供完整的行業(yè)解決方案。HDMI DVI VGA、視頻分配、切換、 延長、及高清信號轉換接口。公司現(xiàn)已成為四川地區(qū) Aten 宏正 代理商  














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