防爆控制箱 防爆斷路器 防爆照明開關(guān) 防爆轉(zhuǎn)換開關(guān) 防爆行程開關(guān) 防爆控制按鈕 防爆電磁起動器 防爆綜合電磁起動器 防爆自耦減壓電磁起動箱 防爆星三角起動箱 防爆軟起動器 防爆變頻調(diào)速箱
產(chǎn)品名稱: CBYD-9/20系列防爆標(biāo)志燈(ⅡB) |
<style type="text/css"> 適用范圍Application | | - 20區(qū)、21區(qū)、22區(qū)危場所。
- 含有爆炸性或可燃性粉塵環(huán)境.
- Can be used in Zone 20 zone 21Zone 22 dangerous places.
- Can be used in explosive or flammable dust atmosphere.
| | 型號含義Model implication |  | 產(chǎn)品特點 Features | - 鑄鋁合金外殼,表面噴塑。
- 透明標(biāo)志牌可由用戶自由選配
- 電子發(fā)光板式,采用*的壓電
效應(yīng),在正常工作時幾乎不耗電, 應(yīng)急時間在2小時以上,且免維護(hù), 降低了運行費用。 - 內(nèi)裝免維護(hù)鎳鎘電池組,在正常供
電下自動充電,事故或停電時應(yīng) 急燈自動點亮。 - 鋼管或電纜布線均可。
- 符合GB12476,IEC62141要求。
- Diecasted aluminiumalloy shell with plastic-sprayed surface.
- The transparent mark-plate can be chosenmatched to user’s requirement.
- The electronic uminescence boardtype,uses special piezoelectricityeffect.
under the normal,it hardly consume the fime it can last several hours in the emergency meanwhile,need no maintenaincereduce the operation cost use. - Under the normal power-supplying condi tionm the inner nickel-cadmium can
recharge automatically,so that,the emergency lamp will tum on automatically when the power lose because of accident or power failure. - Suitable for both steelpipecable wiring.
- Suitable for GB12476,IEC61241 standard request.
| 主要技術(shù)參數(shù) Main technical parameters | | 產(chǎn)品型號 Type | 額定電壓(V) Rated voltage | 額定功率(W) Pated power | 光源 Luminous source | 應(yīng)急照明時間(min) Emergency lighting tme | 防爆標(biāo)志 Ex-mark | 進(jìn)線口螺紋 (G") Inlet’s thread | 質(zhì)量(Kg) Mass | 正常照明 Normal lighting | 應(yīng)急照明 Emergency lighting | 正常 Normal | 應(yīng)急照明 Emergency | 正常 Normal | 應(yīng)急照明 Emergency | CBYD-P | 220V/50Hz | 6 | 9 | 20 | U型熒光燈管 UFluorescent lamp tube | 碘鎢燈 lodin-tung-stem lamp | 90 | Exd II BT6 | 3/4 | 8.6 | CBYD-T | ≤3 | 電子發(fā)光板 Electronic luminescence board | 120 | 6.6 | | | 標(biāo)志牌代號(可根據(jù)用戶要求特制)Marks code (can be custommed to user’s requirement) | | 護(hù)欄式(h)Fence tpe 法蘭式(f)Flamge type | | 壁式(b)Bracket type 吊桿式(g)Pendant type | | 彎桿式(w) Bend-rod type 吸頂式(x) Ceiling type | | |  | | 吊桿式(d)Chain type | 外形及安裝舉例 Outlineexample |  | 壁式(b) Bracket 吸頂式(x)Ceiling |  | 吊桿式(g) Pendant 電子發(fā)光板式(吊桿式)Electronic luminescence board(Pandant) | | | |