K23JSD-L25 K23JSD-L20 K23JSD*40 53
供應K23JSD-L25 ,公司:.www.qdjt.cn.alibaba.com 無錫市氣動元件總廠.無錫市氣動集團公司 Q24DH系列二位四通換向滑閥 Q24DH-6 Q24DH-8 Q24DH-10 Q24DH-15 Q24DH-20 Q24DH-25 Q24DH-32... 截止閥系列K25JD-10W.K25JD-15W,雙聯閥系列:K23JSD-L25,K23JSD-L20.我們相信您對我們目錄中的K23JSD-L25或其他產品也會感興趣,如需要更為詳盡的資料,www.afzhan.com/products/ermulu/28078.asp 125K請與我們.期待收到您的*份訂單!:,傳真:
Safety double relifef valves is(K23JSD-L25) an exclusive pneumatic element controlling the actions of the brake
and cluth of (K23JSD-L25)a press,when the controlling air below the valve itself goes wrong,it makes (K23JSD-L25)pressure of
the brake and clutch drop(K23JSD-L25) starting pressure.there by stopping the (K23JSD-L25)press quickly to ensure safety to the
equipment(K23JSD-L25) and personal. 32
K23JSD 壓力機雙聯閥 mm 鍛壓機用閥
K23JSD系列壓力機用雙聯閥 yy
K23JSD-L10 K23JSD-L15 K23JSD-L20 K23JSD-L25
K23JSD-L32 K23JSD-L40 K23JSD-10 K23JSD-15
K23JSD-20 K23JSD-25 K23JSD-32 K23JSD-40
K23JSD-L10/T K23JSD-L15/T K23JSD-L20/T K23JSD-L25/T
DF3系列正聯鎖電磁閥(壓力機用) uu
供應DF3-20W 供應DF3-25W 供應DF3-40W 供應DF3-32W
供應DF4-20W 供應DF4-25W 供應DF4-40W 供應DF4-32W
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: 高春媛
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