SMC LLB1吹氣模塊
使用SMC LLB1這款產品時需要注意:我們的產品必須由經過適當培訓的操作員來完成和有經驗的。 .項目不服務或嘗試移除產品和機器/設備安全確認。工作機器/設備的檢查和保養(yǎng)只應是在采取措施后,防止墜落或失控對象已確認。當產品被移除時,確認安全措施為以上所述均已實施,并有適當?shù)臋嗔?/span>源碼被剪切,并閱讀和理解具體的產品預防措施在所有相關產品中小心謹慎。
SMC LLB1吹氣模塊
The inspection and maintenance of the work machine/equipment should only be done after the measures are taken to prevent the falling or out of control objects from being confirmed. When the product is removed, recognized safety measures as described above have been implemented, and with the proper power source was cut, and read and understand the specific product preventive measures in all related products carefully.