⑴ 能實現三相三線,三相四線、單相全自動測量;
⑵ 使用工程塑料機箱,結識耐用,有效保障測試人員及系統(tǒng)安全;
⑶ 有量程自動切換功能,保證測試精度;
⑷ 采用電子式原理線路結合DSP技術是使測試穩(wěn)定性好,抗*力強;
⑸ 測量完畢,自動計算和負荷相關的各項參數,便于客戶分析和試驗。
南澳電氣NAYJFH型PT二次壓降負載在線測試裝置NAYJFH PT secondary load on - line testing device
⑴ 能實現三相三線,三相四線、單相全自動測量;
⑵ 使用工程塑料機箱,結識耐用,有效保障測試人員及系統(tǒng)安全;
⑶ 有量程自動切換功能,保證測試精度;
⑷ 采用電子式原理線路結合DSP技術是使測試穩(wěn)定性好,抗*力強;
⑸ 測量完畢,自動計算和負荷相關的各項參數,便于客戶分析和試驗。
⑹采用大屏幕中英文液晶顯示,所有操作均由中英文菜單提示; 數據具備掉電存貯及瀏覽功能,能與計算機聯機傳送數據。
⑺ 采用大容量7.2V11Ah鋰電池供電,對測試回路不產生任何影響,避免系統(tǒng)出現保護的情況。同時在現場無供電電源的情況下使用。
⑻ 二次壓降負載測試,采用鉗型電流表采樣電流,不需要斷開二次回路??梢詫崿F不停電在線測量。自動切換量程:測量過程中可以根據測試對象數值的不同切換到不同的位置,使測量精度和顯示位數得到保證。
⑼ 工作時間可以長達24小時(zui長)。
⑽ 南澳電氣NAYJFH型PT二次壓降負載在線測試裝置附有輕巧充電器,方便測量,在電池電量不足的情況下可以外接充電器測量。
⑾ 儀器體積小,重量輕。
⑿ 寬闊的二次工作電流/電壓范圍。在50mA的工作電流下,能分辨1mΩ的電阻和電抗,能測試二次額定電流為5A的S級電流互感器的在線實際負荷;在5V的工作電壓下,能分辨0.001mS的電導和電納。
⒀ 能存儲480組測量數據,斷電后能保持十年。
⒁ 中英文界面大屏幕顯示,帶有RS-232通訊接口。
1. 環(huán)境條件
1). 溫度:-5°C~40°C
2). 相對濕度:<95%(25°C)
3). 海拔高度:<2500m
4). 外界干擾:無特強震動、無特強電磁場
2. 二次壓降負載測試時儀器主要技術指標
1). 測量范圍:比差:0.001%~19.99% 角差:0.01’ ~599’
2). 分 辨 率:比差:0.001% 角差:0.01’
3). 儀器基本誤差
4). 電壓表頭準確度:0.5%
5). 工作范圍
6). 儀器指示動作值(提示錯誤)
3. PT二次負荷測試時儀器主要技術指標
1). PT二次負荷測試
2). 電壓表頭:0.5%
4. CT二次負荷測試時儀器主要技術指標
Main Features
⑴ to achieve three-phase three-wire, three-phase four-wire, single-phase automatic measurement;
⑵ use of engineering plastic chassis, get to know durable, effective protection of test personnel and system security;
⑶ instrument has a range of automatic switching function to ensure that the test accuracy;
⑷ the use of electronic principles of the line with DSP technology is to make the test stability, anti-interference ability;
⑸ measurement is completed, the automatic calculation and load-related parameters, to facilitate customer analysis and testing.
⑹ using large-screen LCD display in English, all operations by the Chinese and English menu prompts; data with power-down storage and browsing capabilities, can send data with the computer on-line.
⑺ 7.2V11Ah lithium battery with high-capacity power supply, the test circuit does not have any effect, to avoid the system appears to protect the situation. While in the field without power supply in the case of use.
⑻ second load test, using clamp-type ammeter sampling current, do not disconnect the secondary circuit. Can achieve non-blackout on-line measurement. Automatic switching range: the measurement process can be different according to the test object to switch to a different location, so that measurement accuracy and display digits are guaranteed.
⑼ working hours can be up to 24 hours (the longest).
⑽ with a lightweight charger to facilitate measurement, in the case of battery power can be an external charger measurements.
⑾ equipment, small size, light weight.
⑿ wide secondary operating current / voltage range. In the 50mA operating current, can distinguish 1mΩ resistance and reactance, can test the secondary rated current of 5A S-class current transformer on-line actual load; 5V operating voltage, can distinguish between 0.001mS conductance and susceptance .
⒀ can store 480 sets of measurement data, power can be maintained for ten years.
⒁ Chinese and English interface large screen display, with RS-232 communication interface.
Main Specifications
1. Environmental conditions
1). Temperature: -5C ~ 40C
2). Relative humidity: <95% (25C)
3). Altitude: <2500m
4). External interference: no special strong vibration, no special strong electromagnetic field
2. Secondary pressure drop test equipment, the main technical indicators
1) Measuring range: difference: 0.001% to 19.99% Angle difference: 0.01 'to 599'
2) Resolution: Difference: 0.001% Angle difference: 0.01 '
3) Basic error of the instrument
- X = (1% X + 1% Y2 words);
- Y = (1% X + 1% Y2 words).
2 words - quantization error of the instrument
4). Voltage meter accuracy: 0.5%
Scope of Work
- Voltage: (50 to 120) V
6). Instrument indicates the action value (prompt error)
- Error: the difference is greater than 20% or the difference is greater than 600 '.
- Voltage: Voltage <2.0V.
3. PT secondary load test equipment, the main technical indicators
1). PT secondary load test
- Admittance measurement range: 0.1ms-50.0ms
- Admittance Measurement Accuracy:
- Secondary voltage (50V-120V)
X = (1% X + 1% Y2 words)
Y = (1% X + 1% Y2 words)
2 words - quantization error of the instrument
Note: When the measured value is less than 0.2mS, the test voltage should be kept above 50V, and pay attention to the centripetal wire of the clamp. At this point the instrument quantization error of 5 words
2). Voltage meter head: 0.5%
4. CT secondary load test equipment, the main technical indicators
- Impedance measurement range: 0.1Ω-50.0Ω
- Impedance measurement accuracy:
X = (1% X + 1% Y2 words)
Y = (1% X + 1% Y2 words)
2 words - quantization error of the instrument
Current meter head: 1%