partlow recorder mrc7000
Standard Features
Functionality: Digital; Available in four configurations: Record only, High/Low limit optional, Controlling Recorder, Profiling Controlling Recorder.
Display: One digital display (std.); 2nd display with 2 pen (optional); 0.56? high, red, seven segment LED; 3 button keypad; automatic and decimal point positioning. Two alarm indications possible per pen.
Status Indicators: 7 LED status indicators – Out 1, 2, Man (Ramp, Soak or Seg 1–6 for profiler option only), one green LED pen 2 indicator, ALRM1/ALRM2 with red LEDs.
Chart: 10? circular chart; 100 charts furnished with each instrument. Unless otherwise specified, charts shipped with instrument are 0–100 range. 24 hour rotation default setting.
Chart Drive: DC Stepper Motor.
Chart Rotation: User configurable from 0.1 and 999.9 hours per revolution.
Chart Range: Bottom and top of span –9999 to 9999 units.
Pen Type: One or two disposable fiber tip pen.
Pen Color: Pen 1 (red); Pen 2 (green).
Memory Backup: Battery; 5 year normal life.
Construction/Enclosure: Structural foam enclosure with plastic cover standard.
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