Agilent 86145A|HP-86145A 光譜分析儀|OSA|安捷倫
品牌:安捷倫 | Agilent | 惠普 | HP
Description : AgilentPortable 86145A Optical Spectrum Analyzer (OSA)
Specs at a glance for the 86145A
- Wavelength Range: 600 nm to 1700 nm
- Dynamic Range: -70 db
- Wavelength Accuracy: ± 0.5 nm
- Wavelength Linearity: ± 0.02 nm (1525 to 1570 nm)
- Wavelength Repeatability: ± 0.003 nm
- Polarization Dependency: ± 0.12 db (1310 nm)
Additional Information
- option 006: Wavelength Calibrator Source.
- Resolution Accuracy: ± 5% (0.2 nm, 1525 to 1610 nm)
- Sweep Time: 1.8 s (-80 dBm)
The 86145A is a Portable Optical Spectrum Analyser for a wide range of applications including light source evaluation, measurement of loss wavelenght characteristics in optical devices and waveform analysis of WDM Systems.
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