深圳灣邊貿(mào)易直接進(jìn)口美國 Computerized Imaging Reference Systems 公司模體,*,歡迎選購!
CIRS 052A 模體 ,穿刺體模,用于穿刺驗(yàn)證;
廠家:美國Computerized Imaging Reference Systems, Incorporated (美國CIRS)
The Model 052A accuray mimics the ultrasonic character is tics of tissues found in an average human breast.The size and shape of the phan tom simulates that of an average patient in the supine position.A special holding tray fa cil itates proper hand position
during the training pro ce -dures.Protected by a mem brane,the phan toms fl esh-like con sis ten cy, (Zerdine? )(1)simulates needle resistance.Each cystic mass may be aspirated once while each solid mass may be biopsied multiple times. Cyst material is stained green and solid masses are black for easy identifi cation.The Model 052A Ul tra sound Needle Biopsy Phantom was developed by those skilled in the art of ultrasound guided needle biopsy pro ce dures and is the ideal training device.
web :http://www.coastbuyer。。com(English)
:0755-8621 6601