Four CL base camera
Supports both PoCL and non-PoCL cameras
PoCL with Safe Power
x4 PCI Express
- Supports four Base CL cameras
- Provides Power over Camera Link (PoCL) for all cameras
- Support both PoCL and non-PoCL cameras
- Provides Safe Power - full protection from all CL power line faults
- All cameras can be independently synchronized
- Separate I/O for each camera
- Support simultaneous serial communications to all four camera
- The Neon-CLQ appears to Windows as four separate frame grabbers
- Fully backwards compatible with non-PoCL cameras and cables
- Half-Size x4 PCI Express Board
- Acquire up to 24 bits at 85 MHz
- FlowThru technology means that no on-board memory is needed
- Supports images up to 256K x 128K
- No frame rate limit
- Triggers and encoders for external control of acquisition
- Programmable signal generator for camera control (independent for each camera)
- Quadrature encoder support including sophisticated triggering schemes
- Encoder divider/multiplier
- Drivers, utilities and examples for Windows XP/2003/Vista/Windows 7
- Supported on both 32-bit and 64-bit platforms
- Drivers for most 3rd party processing environments
- Acquire variable length frames with line scan cameras
- Acquire image sequences well beyond the 4GB barrier
- RoHS compliant
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