德國(guó)CASCO-Schoeller GmbH傳感器
Sun Load Sensor 3D
Perfect comfort for all: the Sun Load Sensor 3D
The 3D sunlight sensor extends the comfort offered by the dual sunlight sensor: passengers in the rear seats also enjoy the convenience of individual climate control. The 4 diodes are installed to left and right, to the front and rear. Depending on light intensity, they transmit signals to an electronic control unit which initiates the appropriate settings for the climate control system.
Ambient In-Car Temperature Sensor
Climate control made easy: Ambient In-Car Temperature Sensor
The temperature sensor contains a high-precision thermometer which measures the ambient temperature at intervals of less than 10 seconds. The signals are used inside the vehicle for climate control. If the outside temperature falls below a certain level, it also operates the ice warning system. The sensor is fitted in a plastic housing, with different designs to suit the individual application and is provided with snap-in clips for easy installation.
Ambient Light Sensor
The right light, day and night: Ambient Light Sensors
Ever driven at dusk or through a tunnel and forgotten to turn on your lights ? This safety lapse is covered by the ambient light sensor. It determines the ambient light level and automatically controls the vehicle’s internal and external lighting systems. The sensor is installed behind the windscreen and reacts over the same light spectrum as the human eye.
Fluid Level Sensor (2 Types)
For safety's sake: Fluid Level Sensors
No more messy checking of water and oil levels. The optical fluid level sensor uses an infra-red LED to provide constant monitoring of the angle of refraction in the fluid. If the fluid level drops too low, the infra-red beam is reflected onto a photo-transistor. The change in voltage in the transistor is measured and a signal is transmitted to the associated warning indicator light. Special units can be supplied for all types of connections.
· Verbesserung von Betriebssicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit
· Eliminierung bekannter und systematischer Störquellen
· Vereinfachungen in der Fahrzeugherslung, verbesserte Montage
· Größen- und Gewichtsreduzierung auf ca. 100 g pro Sensor
An elegant balancing act – the Inductive Distance Sensor
If the vehicle is not properly loaded, it can become unbalanced and the headlights will be incorrectly aligned. The inductive distance sensor provides automatic correction of xenon headlights or will enable the vehicle to be levelled up. It is attached to the vehicle’s axles and carries out constant distance measurements to detect vertical movement.
The distance sensor has a wide range of other applications – for example, logging the position of the accelerator or monitoring the operation of an automatic gearbox.
Rain/Light Sensor
A space-saving combination of rain sensor and ambient light sensor in a single housing
Rain Sensor
Relaxed in all weathers: the Rain Sensor
The 8 optical sensors making up the rain sensor system detect when the light refraction through the windscreen changes as a result of rain droplets on the windscreen. Signals are transmitted to an electronic control unit which activates, de-activates or changes the speed of the windscreen wipers as required.
Rain/Light Sensor
A space-saving combination of rain sensor and ambient light sensor in a single housing
Relative Humidity Sensor
Guaranteed clear vision: Relative Humidity Sensor
Never again put up with misted windows ! The digital sensor chip detects the relative humidity in the vehicle passenger compartment and combines with the temperature sensor to set the air-conditioning system to prevent the windscreen from misting up. The sensor can also be fitted to the carburettor as support for the engine management system, to ensure an optimum fuel/air mix.
Seat Occupation Sensor
Safety for all, big and small: Seat Occupation Sensor
The weight sensor measures the weight on the front passenger seat, with the signal being used for airbag control. The sensor detects whether the occupant is a child or adult, or if the seat is empty, and initiates the associated settings. This prevents airbag malfunctions and ensures optimum safety.
Sun Load Sensor 2D
Perfect temperature adjustment: Dual Sun Load Sensor
The solution for dual zone climate control in the vehicle: the dual Sun Load Sensor measures precise sunlight conditions to provide differential control of the air-conditioning system. Depending on sun intensity, individual climate control can be achieved for the driver and front seat passenger. The sensor consists of two independent photo-diodes, installed in the instrument panel, directly below the windscreen.