SLB系列 全自動海洋球吹塑機
SLB series
1: the mold head mechanism: the use of the split type of the head, not channeling material, more uniform, more uniform, plating processing, not accumulating material, the material is more smooth.
2: high quality nitride plasticizing system: barrel screw, variable frequency motor hard surface reducer variable speed, high efficiency and energy saving, stable output.
3: electronic control system: the use of PLC man-machine interface, all parameters set, modify, retrieval can be seen, the system runs stable, accurate positioning.
4: application areas: food, medicine, petroleum, chemical, chemical, automotive, tools, toys and other industries.
5: can be equipped with automatic overflow device: supporting cutting device and pull the end device, automatic operation, save labor.
公司自誕生以來,本著“客戶*”的原則,堅持誠信、務實的經營思路,并通過不斷完善,不斷創(chuàng)新使雙利塑 機公司的產品在客戶的使用過程中贏得了良好的口碑,尤其是對客戶的售后服務工作中,我們更是不折不扣地做到“ 急客戶之所急,想客戶之所想”截至目前,本公司產品已被多家大型企業(yè)所采用,如太子奶、維維乳業(yè)、強力集團等等。另【雙利】塑料機械有限公司順利研發(fā)出了針對機油壺、調味品壺、化妝品瓶等使用的模內貼機器。該技術力 量雄厚。雙利塑機全體員工真誠的期待著廣大客戶蒞臨指導與合作!