2871型直動電磁閥用作控制回路中的調節(jié)單元。 由于彈性座椅密封,閥門關閉緊密(集成關閉功能),達DN特定公稱壓力。 閥的柱塞組裝無摩擦,這導致非凡的調節(jié)特性。 該閥特別適用于苛刻的控制任務(高控制范圍,干燥氣體等)。伺服閥對液壓油液的要求更高,需要經(jīng)過濾才行,否則容易堵塞,比例閥要
The 2871 direct acting solenoid valve is used as the unit in the loop. Due to the elastic seat seal, the valve closes tightly (the integrated shutoff function), DDN special nominal pressure. The plunger of the valve is assembled without friction, which results in remarkable regulation. This valve is especially suitable for stricttasks (high range, dry gas, etc.). The servo valve is more demanding for hydraulic fluid, which needs to be filtered, otherwise it is easy to plug and proportional valve
Lower it.