X100/X100N Fault Recorders [X100/X100N]
The Models X100 and X100N Microcontroller based Fault Recorders/Annunciators are designed to monitor individual dry or live contacts, logic levels, typically wired to individual contacts or to contacts configured in a series string arrangement typical to control or interlock circuit of rotating machinery, boiler control systems, or other process equipment. The X100 and X100N feature excellent diagnostic capabilities for resolving the cause of fault condition and to prevent unexpected shutdown of plant equipment.
Some of the key features of either model are numeric display to show alarm events in consecutive order of occurrence, or window type annunciation for first-out indication with a resolution of better than 1 millisecond, essential for resolve of high speed plant or equipment status changes. The X100N features serial communication to a Host for all real time tagged events, equal to a Sequence of Events Recorder.
The Model X100 Mircroprocessor Controlled Contact Monitor is available with either LED lit windows or LED/Numeric readout. The unit with LED window indication, used as a conventional 8 or 16 point annunciator with integral power supply, features selection of up to 16 different sequences, including first-out, ring back, manual reset, etc. The unit with numeric readout is ideally suited as a Sequence of Events Recorder to indicate, in numeric order, live or dry contact transfers with less than 0.65 msec resolution between events. All units provide audible, reflash or common trouble alarm outputs, integral push buttons, and input filtering.
The Model X100N provides additional features like Serial Communication to a Host, such as a Plant Computer, DCS or PLC System, The following additional features will be available as of September 2009 -real time tagging, non-volatile event storage, real time distribution between units, etc.
The X100N is available in 16 input configuration and allows to daisy chain connect of up to 6 units for up to 96 inputs. It provides for real time tagged events which are stored in non-volatile memory and may be retrieved from a local connected laptop or PC Host. The storage capability is 3,000 alarms per unit. In addition, the unit allows capture of six shutdown incidents, stored in memory and retrievable for display on the numeric front panel displays, as well as by the Host.
Related Support Material : X100/X100N Fault Recorders Key: [L] = Registration Required - [R] = Reps Only |
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