卓 杰 電 子
努力成為*秀的團隊,給客戶提供真誠、*的服務。同時,我們也積極、努力的開拓新市場,用心了解客戶需求,通過便捷迅速的供貨作業(yè)、優(yōu)質的技術服務以及價格競爭力來滿足客戶的需要。 我們有*的設備、高效率的開發(fā)工具和豐富的經(jīng)驗,Z重要的是有優(yōu)秀的經(jīng)營團隊。
我們專業(yè)于LAN、WAN 、IA以及PC相關領域,我們是這一領域的核心供應商,主要在局域網(wǎng)產(chǎn)品線、廣域網(wǎng)產(chǎn)品線以及電腦周邊元器件。我們致力于給客戶提供全套解決方案,這將使我們的業(yè)務不斷增長。 *器件的應用上,我們精于以下領域:
WAN-外置式56Kbps/V.90及V.92Modem控制芯片,內置PCI 56Kbps/V.90及Modem控制芯片,TCP/IP w/ Modem單芯片 USB界面控制芯片,7口USB 集線器控制芯片。
Fiber Optical Transceiver光纖一體摸塊,OSD屏幕顯示控制芯片。
S515 POS Monitor card 產(chǎn)品信息
S515 Point-of-Sale Monitor card
The S515 card reads POS traffic transmittedbetween registers and store controllers, and filters the data before passing it to a host PC. The S515 can be configured in software to read the loop data of most common store POS systems. It is used throughout the Point-of-Sale industry for coupon printing, store promotion, security systems, and for gathering sales and customer data.
Reads the 2 way data for the IBM 4680/4690/3680, NCR 2126/2127, NCR 1255, NCR 7000, Fujitsu/ICL ISS400/GMS2/GMS3/GMS4 HSI, TEC TDLC and others.
Passive high impedance tap of POS data does not interfere with the normal flow of traffic.
High signal sensitivity and noise rejection: The S515 will correctly monitor any data that can be read by the store controller or cash registers.
On board filtering of loop data eliminates supervisory traffic before passing the data to the PC. The filtering algorithms can be adjusted dynamically in software.
The S515 is compley passive in the PC, operating without DMA or interrupts. The large on-board buffer allows the PC to operate without having to read data in real time.
The S515 is not reset by a warm boot. As there is considerable buffering of data on board, the S515 can continue to capture data through a complete warm boot cycle. Thus data capture can survive a severe system crash.
S515 data monitoring is entirely self contained and operating system independent. Modification of loaders and interfaces to support different operating systems is easy. Drivers are available for MS-DOS, OS/2 and Windows NT.
Dual inligent high speed 2 way asynchronous RS485 ports are included for driving peripheral devices such as printers or modems.
Detailed statistics and diagnostic information can be accessed from the board.
Multiple cards can be run in a single PC.
The S515 card reads POS traffic transmittedbetween registers and store controllers, and filters the data before passing it to a host PC. The S515 can be configured in software to read the loop data of most common store POS systems. It is used throughout the Point-of-Sale industry for coupon printing, store promotion, security systems, and for gathering sales and customer data.
Reads the 2 way data for the IBM 4680/4690/3680, NCR 2126/2127, NCR 1255, NCR 7000, Fujitsu/ICL ISS400/GMS2/GMS3/GMS4 HSI, TEC TDLC and others.
Passive high impedance tap of POS data does not interfere with the normal flow of traffic.
High signal sensitivity and noise rejection: The S515 will correctly monitor any data that can be read by the store controller or cash registers.
On board filtering of loop data eliminates supervisory traffic before passing the data to the PC. The filtering algorithms can be adjusted dynamically in software.
The S515 is compley passive in the PC, operating without DMA or interrupts. The large on-board buffer allows the PC to operate without having to read data in real time.
The S515 is not reset by a warm boot. As there is considerable buffering of data on board, the S515 can continue to capture data through a complete warm boot cycle. Thus data capture can survive a severe system crash.
S515 data monitoring is entirely self contained and operating system independent. Modification of loaders and interfaces to support different operating systems is easy. Drivers are available for MS-DOS, OS/2 and Windows NT.
Dual inligent high speed 2 way asynchronous RS485 ports are included for driving peripheral devices such as printers or modems.
Detailed statistics and diagnostic information can be accessed from the board.
Multiple cards can be run in a single PC.