卓 杰 電 子
努力成為*秀的團隊,給客戶提供真誠、*的服務。同時,我們也積極、努力的開拓新市場,用心了解客戶需求,通過便捷迅速的供貨作業(yè)、優(yōu)質的技術服務以及價格競爭力來滿足客戶的需要。 我們有*的設備、高效率的開發(fā)工具和豐富的經驗,Z重要的是有優(yōu)秀的經營團隊。
我們專業(yè)于LAN、WAN 、IA以及PC相關領域,我們是這一領域的核心供應商,主要在局域網產品線、廣域網產品線以及電腦周邊元器件。我們致力于給客戶提供全套解決方案,這將使我們的業(yè)務不斷增長。 *器件的應用上,我們精于以下領域:
WAN-外置式56Kbps/V.90及V.92Modem控制芯片,內置PCI 56Kbps/V.90及Modem控制芯片,TCP/IP w/ Modem單芯片 USB界面控制芯片,7口USB 集線器控制芯片。
Fiber Optical Transceiver光纖一體摸塊,OSD屏幕顯示控制芯片。
S5141 Dual Serial 產品信息
S5141 Card specifications
Technical Specifications
Primary serial V.35/X.21/RS232 port to 4Mbps.
Secondary serial V.35/X.21/RS232 port to 512kbps.
Power: 550mA at +5v, 60Ma at +-12v.
MTBF: > 1 Million hours (measured).
PCI 32 bit (5v and 64 bit (3.3v) compatible.
Temperature range: 0 - 45C.
All set-up and configuration is in software or by machine BIOS.
Dimensions: 144mm x 99 mm.
Features added to support Datascope applications
All modem control lines are monitored.
Detection of the presence or absence of TX and RX clock signals, and measurement of the clock rates.
Either monitoring only or simulation (transmit and receive).
Monitoring or simulation of ATM or HDLC at line speeds above 2Mbps, BSC at line speeds to 128kbps, Asynch to 256kbps, and raw unformatted bit streams to 2Mbps.
Time stamps with a resolution of 100 microseconds or better to allow accurate sequencing of events. Each character can be individually time stamped.
Serial interfaces
RS232, V.35, X.21, RS422 EIA530 supported on Primary and Secondary ports.
Clocking: Internally generated or external at line speeds to 2Mbps.
NRZ, NRZi, FM0, FM1, Manchester encoding.
Both ports are RS485 capable, supporting multipoint lines.
Line protocols
ATM, Frame Relay, X.25, HDLC, PPP, SS7, BSC Point-to-Point, BSC 3270,
SDLC, Transparent bit-stream.
Operating systems
Windows® 2000, Windows® XP, Windows® 9x, Windows® ME, Linux (all versions,
releases and distributions from 1.0 up), FreeBSD, Open BSD, NetBSD.
Higher level protocols
IP/IPX over Frame Relay/ PPP/ HDLC/ X.25, X.25 over Frame Relay (Annex G),
BSC over X.25 (DMT and TCOP), SNA over X.25, PPPoE, PPPoA, IP over ATM.
Three years parts and labour.
FCC Part 15 Class A, CE.
Diagnostic Tools
WANPIPEMON, SNMP, System logs.
Production quality
ISO 9002
Technical Specifications
Primary serial V.35/X.21/RS232 port to 4Mbps.
Secondary serial V.35/X.21/RS232 port to 512kbps.
Power: 550mA at +5v, 60Ma at +-12v.
MTBF: > 1 Million hours (measured).
PCI 32 bit (5v and 64 bit (3.3v) compatible.
Temperature range: 0 - 45C.
All set-up and configuration is in software or by machine BIOS.
Dimensions: 144mm x 99 mm.
Features added to support Datascope applications
All modem control lines are monitored.
Detection of the presence or absence of TX and RX clock signals, and measurement of the clock rates.
Either monitoring only or simulation (transmit and receive).
Monitoring or simulation of ATM or HDLC at line speeds above 2Mbps, BSC at line speeds to 128kbps, Asynch to 256kbps, and raw unformatted bit streams to 2Mbps.
Time stamps with a resolution of 100 microseconds or better to allow accurate sequencing of events. Each character can be individually time stamped.
Serial interfaces
RS232, V.35, X.21, RS422 EIA530 supported on Primary and Secondary ports.
Clocking: Internally generated or external at line speeds to 2Mbps.
NRZ, NRZi, FM0, FM1, Manchester encoding.
Both ports are RS485 capable, supporting multipoint lines.
Line protocols
ATM, Frame Relay, X.25, HDLC, PPP, SS7, BSC Point-to-Point, BSC 3270,
SDLC, Transparent bit-stream.
Operating systems
Windows® 2000, Windows® XP, Windows® 9x, Windows® ME, Linux (all versions,
releases and distributions from 1.0 up), FreeBSD, Open BSD, NetBSD.
Higher level protocols
IP/IPX over Frame Relay/ PPP/ HDLC/ X.25, X.25 over Frame Relay (Annex G),
BSC over X.25 (DMT and TCOP), SNA over X.25, PPPoE, PPPoA, IP over ATM.
Three years parts and labour.
FCC Part 15 Class A, CE.
Diagnostic Tools
WANPIPEMON, SNMP, System logs.
Production quality
ISO 9002