The EasyClone cDNA Llibrary Construction Kit is designed to synthesize full-length-enriched
double stranded (ds) cDNA from total or polyA+ RNA, followed by subcloning into an appropriate library vector and amplification of the resulting cDNA library. The kit is based on a novel technology utilizing the specific features of MMLV-based reverse transcriptase to create full length enriched double stranded cDNA from total or polyA+ RNA samples. cDNAs are amplified by representational PCR and cloned directionally library vectors for use with for use with yeast two-hybrid systems such as Dualsystems' DUALmembrane and DUALhybrid protein interaction screening kits.
No extensive know-how in library construction is needed - the kit supplies all reagents needed for library construction and the detailed manual will guide you through all steps of construction.
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