Biorad Mini-PROTEAN Tetra MP4 伯樂小型垂直電泳槽165-8001
Biorad Mini-PROTEAN Tetra Electrophoresis System 伯樂小型垂直電泳槽165-8001
Biorad Mini-PROTEAN Tetra Cells 伯樂小型垂直電泳槽165-8001
凝膠數(shù) 1-4塊
預制膠 Ready Gel預制膠
手灌膠 用Mini-Protean長玻板制膠
玻板尺寸(W x L) 短玻板10.1 x 7.3 cm 帶封邊墊條的長玻板10.1 x 8.2 cm
凝膠大小(W x L) 手灌膠:8.3 x 7.3 cm; 預制膠: 8.6 x 6.8 cm
2塊膠緩沖液體積 700 ml
4塊膠緩沖液體積 1,000 ml
典型SDS-PAGE電泳時間 35-45 min (200V恒壓)
建議電源 PowerPac Basic或PowerPac HC
大?。↙xH) 12x16x18 cm
Components of the Mini-PROTEAN Tetra system:
A, electrophoresis module, companion running module, tank, lid, and buffer dam
B, glass plates and combs
C, sample loading guides
D, casting stand and casting frames
The Mini-PROTEAN Tetra system is available complete with combs, plates, and casting accessories for 10-well, 0.75 mm and 1.0 mm thick gels (catalog #165-8000 and 165-8001, respectively). For other electrophoresis cell configurations, purchase the Mini-PROTEAN Tetra cell (catalog #165-8004) and a casting module with the appropriate well type and thickness.
For Ready Gel precast gel applications, order only the Mini-PROTEAN Tetra cell (165-8004).
Accessories and Replacement Parts:
Combs — A variety of comb styles are available, including 5, 9, 10, and 15-well formats. The prep/2-D comb contains a reference well, and the IPG comb is designed to accommodate a 7 cm ReadyStrip IPG strip. These combs fit both Mini-PROTEAN Tetra and Mini-PROTEAN 3 cells.
Plates for Hand Casting — To hand cast a gel, you need a short plate and a spacer plate. You do not need to order spacer separay; simply select the spacer plate that has the spacer width you need. (Spacer plates contain spacers already joined to the plate.) The short plates and the spacer plates fit both Mini-PROTEAN Tetra and Mini-PROTEAN 3 cells.
Replacement Parts — Replacement parts are available for the Mini-PROTEAN Tetra cell, should you ever need them. Also available are casting accessories and sample loading guides.
165-8000 Mini-PROTEAN Tetra Cell, 10-well, 0.75 mm thickness; 4-gel system includes 5 combs, 5 sets of glass plates, 2 casting stands, 4 casting frames, sample loading guide, electrode assembly, companion running module, tank, lid with power cables, mini cell buffer dam
165-8001 Mini-PROTEAN Tetra Cell, 10-well, 1.0 mm thickness; 4-gel system includes 5 combs, 5 sets of glass plates, 2 casting stands, 4 casting frames, sample loading guide, electrode assembly, companion running module, tank, lid with power cables, mini cell buffer dam
165-8002 Mini-PROTEAN Tetra Cell, 10-well, 0.75 mm thickness; 2-gel system includes 5 combs, 5 sets of glass plates, casting stand, 2 casting frames, sample loading guide, electrode assembly, tank, lid with power cables, mini cell buffer dam
165-8003 Mini-PROTEAN Tetra Cell, 10-well, 1.0 mm thickness; 2-gel system includes 5 combs, 5 sets of glass plates, casting stand, 2 casting frames, sample loading guide, electrode assembly, tank, lid with power cables, mini cell buffer dam
165-8004 Mini-PROTEAN Tetra Cell for Ready Gel Precast Gels, 4-gel system includes electrode assembly, companion running module, tank, lid with power cables, mini cell buffer dam Mini-PROTEAN Tetra Systems
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