Release Notes ==================== The firmware can be used for devices with the following part numbers: * USBcan Rugged (including OEM versions) P/N 00180-0 (one HS channel) P/N 00181-7 (two HS channels) * USBcan II P/N 00158-9 (one HS channel) P/N 00159-6 (two HS channels) P/N 00174-9 (HS/LS) P/N 00231-9 (HS/SWC) P/N 00412-2 (HS/HS with RJ45 connectors) * Kvaser Memorator P/N 00175-6 (two HS channels) P/N 00170-1 (HS/LS) P/N 00234-9 (HS/SWC) * PCIcan II P/N 00156-5 (one HS channel) P/N 00157-2 (two HS channels) P/N 00162-6 (one HS channel, low profile) P/N 00226-5 (PCIcanII HS) P/N 00227-2 (PCIcanII HS/HS) P/N 00228-9 (PCIcanII low-profile HS) * PCIcanx II P/N 00343-9 (PCIcanx II HS/HS) P/N 00344-6 (PCIcanx II HS) * PC104+ P/N 00336-1 (PC104+ HS/HS w/ IDC) P/N 00352-1 (PC104+ HS/HS w/ DSUB) * The following OEM products P/N 00197-8 P/N 00222-7 P/N 00178-7 P/N 00179-4 Part numbers with the format nnnnn-n are identical to part numbers with the format 733-0130-nnnnn-n. This firmware can NOT be used for the obsolete versions of USBcan, P/N 00134-3 and 00135-0. Required driver version =========================================================================== If you upgrade the firmware, we strongly recommend that you also upgrade the driver. At least CANLIB 3.8 is recommended. For PC104+ and PCIcanx II, you will need driver version 3.9 or newer. Check our web site for more information or support. =========================================================================== | IMPORTANT UPGRADE INFORMATION | =========================================================================== o When updating from firmware version 2.4 or earlier: A) Users of Kvaser Memorator, USBcan II and USBcan Rugged please note: when you upgrade from firmware 2.4 or earlier, Windows will display the "Found New Hardware" wizard immediately after the update is applied. Just press the "Next" button to complete the wizard. Note that this procedure requires administrative privilegies. B) Users of Kvaser Memorator: you MUST also use at least driver 3.7 (or later; 3.8 or later is strongly recommended) and the Kvaser Memorator setup program available on our web site. You should not use Kvaser Configurator although it should work. The really old setup program that worked with firmware 2.4 will not work with firmware version 2.5 or later. o When updating from a firmware version older than 2.9: If you upgrade from a firmware version older than 2.9 to version 2.9 or later, you will not be able to downgrade again to a version earlier than 2.9. =========================================================================== | NEW FEATURES AND FIXED PROBLEMS | =========================================================================== Version 3.3.650 (Release 18-MAR-2007) =========================================================================== * (Kvaser Memorator) Fixed a trigger bug that happened when "on state change" and "on reception" triggers were used at the same time. Version 3.3.603 (Release 19-DEC-2006) =========================================================================== * This release is only for the OEM product with part number 00222-7. Version 3.2.583 (Release 30-OCT-2006) =========================================================================== * (PCIcan II, PC104+): Try to program the FPGA repeatedly if the motherboard doesn't provide 5V and 3.3V simultaneously to the PCI bus (it's not a very common problem but on some systems where this happend the card wasn't properly detected) Version 3.1.560 (Release 25-JUL-2006) =========================================================================== * (PCIcan II) Fixed an one-off pointer problem in the DPRAM handling. This could cause a computer crash when several boards were simultaneously running at very high bus loads on a slow computer. Version 3.0.513 (Release 12-APR-2006) =========================================================================== * Added support for the PC104+ and PCIcanx II devices. Version 3.0.500 (BETA Release 14-FEB-2006) =========================================================================== * Kvaser Memorator: Support for "counting pass filters" - will require the very latest setup tool, and please note that Kvaser Configurator 1.x can NOT be used. * Kvaser Memorator: the maximum number of pass filters per channel is now 20 instead of 25. Version 2.9.410 (RELEASE 10-FEB-2006) =========================================================================== * All devices: this firmware has support for slightly revised hardware with M16C/N4 CPUs. It is fully compatible with older hardware with M16C/NA CPUs. Note: if you have a device with a /NA CPU (you can see that on the firmware version: if it's older than 2.9, then the CPU is a /NA) and you upgrade to a new firmware with version 2.9 or higher, you will _not_ be able to downgrade the firmware to a version earlier than 2.9. For more information, please see /support/technote/m16na_vs_n4.htm * All devices: when upgrading from a firmware with version 2.8 or older, the bootstrap code is automatically replaced. The new boot code has no new features compared with the old one except that it starts faster than the previous version. * Kvaser Memorator: disk erase routines have been rewritten to cope with disks that don't support blockwise erase. * Kvaser Memorator: fixed bug where the external trigger, when activated, could cause the time stamps to become corrupted. Version 2.08.353 (RELEASE 7-NOV-2005) =========================================================================== * All devices with SWC transceivers: fixed problem where the WAKEUP flag could be reported also for the CAN message arriving immediately after a wakeup (high-voltage) message. * Kvaser Memorator:increased the size of the write queue so conditions with high busloads and large pretrigger buffers are handled correctly. * Kvaser Memorator: the configuration is now always erased when formatting the disk. In earlier versions the old configuration could remain intact on some SD memory brands. Version 2.7.324 (RELEASE 29-JUL-2005) =========================================================================== * Kvaser Memorator: fixed problem with long startup times that happened sometimes when the logging was interrupted by removing the power. * Kvaser Memorator: corrected problem where a complex trigger expression combined with posttriggers was not always calculated correctly. For example, an expression like T0 || (T1 && T2) || (T3 && T4) could be erroneously calculated if the posttrigger times were non-zero and a particular sequence of message was received. * Kvaser Memorator: corrected two different problems both resulting in the configuration not being written to the disk when the "Download Configuration" button in the Configurator was pressed. The Memorator would then not start logging but flash the red LED instead. * All devices: fixed a problem that caused certain buffers to become unaligned in memory, thereby reducing the performance (although the device still worked correctly) * Kvaser Memorator: the max number of files is now 2687 (which corresponds to 16 directory sectors) Version 2.6.296 (RELEASE 23-APR-2005) =========================================================================== * Kvaser Memorator: Corrected problem that caused disk formatting to fail under some circumstances. Version 2.6.293 (RELEASE 30-MAR-2005) =========================================================================== * Kvaser Memorator: the maximum number of files has been raised from 336 to 1680. * Kvaser Memorator: now reads the disk id and disk manufacturing date correctly; so Kvaser Configurator, but not the old setup program, will display them correctly. These numbers are used for informational purposes so this fix doesn't affect the function of the device. * Kvaser Memorator: the LEDs will now flash less irregularily even under heavy load. * All devices: corrected timestamp problem that happend if the device sat idle for a long period of time (several hours) * USBcan II/Rugged: will now reset when the USB connection is suspended or removed. This improves behaviour when the device is powered from the CAN connector. * USBcan II/Rugged, and Kvaser Memorator in CAN interface mode: The LEDs will now flash for a shorter time when messages arrive. Previous versions would light the corresponding LED for around 0.5 seconds when a mesage arrived. This version shortens that time to 0.25 seconds. * All USB devices: Removed reinstallation feature introduced in 2.4.206/207 (see below). Unfortunately it caused problems in Windows XP when several devices were used simultaneously, although it was perfectly in accordance with the USB specification. 11-NOV-2004 =========================================================================== * Corrected a problem in the firmware update script (update.bat) for PCIcan II. The firmware didn't change so the version numbers are not updated. Version 2.5.260 (RELEASE 18-OCT-2004) =========================================================================== * Kvaser Memorator: Extensive changes to clock overflow handling. This change means that the KME files generated from now on are no longer compatible with the old KME format. * PCIcan II: Improved LED flashing. LEDs are now on by default and are briefly turned off when a message is received or transmitted. If the built-in self test fails, both LEDs will flash with some 5 Hz. * Kvaser Memorator: The f/w can now tell the driver if the flash disk is there or not. * Added support for SWC transceiver on USBcan II. Version 2.5.213 (RELEASE 29-SEP-2004) =========================================================================== * This release is only for VCI2. * VCI2: Suppress error frames for VCI2 if the CAN power isn't present. Version 2.5.207 (RELEASE 21-JUL-2004) =========================================================================== * This release is only for VCI2. * All USB devices: improved firmware so reinstallation is not needed when a device with a different serial number is used on a computer where it has not been used before. Version 2.4.206 (RELEASE 21-JUL-2004) =========================================================================== * All USB devices: improved firmware so reinstallation is not needed when a device with a different serial number is used on a computer where it has not been used before. Version 2.4.198 (RELEASE 5-JUL-2004) =========================================================================== * All USB devices: fixed USB negotiation problem that happened on certain Windows XP computers, causing the device to show up as an "Unknown Device" in the Device Manager. Version 2.5.204 (RELEASE 31-MAR-2004) =========================================================================== * This release is only for VCI2. * Fixed the routine that retrieves a parameter value so it always terminates even if the flash is corrupt. Version 2.5 (BETA RELEASE 05-MARCH-2004) =========================================================================== * Kvaser Memorator: Trigger expressions like "(A && B) || C" can now be used. * Kvaser Memorator: Specification of channel possible for each trigger. * Kvaser Memorator: Specification of signal state (reception or state change) possible for each trigger. * Kvaser Memorator can now be used as an USB interface without removing the MMC card. * Kvaser Memorator can flash all LEDs on command from the application. * Support for new hardware revision of PCIcan II (PCB-07 + PCB-08). * PCIcan II : FPGA configuration is now included in the .img files so this is why these are much larger than before. * PCIcan II: firmware upgrade now detects the difference between old and new PCIcan II and acts accordingly. * Support for automatic transmit buffers (but there's no driver support yet.) * Flash parameter area can now accomodate up to 6 KB parameters instead of previous 256 bytes. Version 2.4.176 (RELEASE 12-MAR-2004) =========================================================================== * All USB devices: USB configuration code is now more robust when things don't happen in the expected order. Some hosts were apparently dropping a few acknowledgement packets from the device, thereby confusing it profoundly. This happened in particular on Window XP. Version 2.4 (BETA RELEASE 01-DEC-2003) ====================================== * This firmware includes changes that effects only the Memorator. * When removing the power supply for the Memorator during logging to disk, Memorator has to close the still open disk file when restarted. Closing a file involves scanning the file to find the end it. For a large file this could take a considerable amount of time. By using RAM to write the current position in the file the time is decreased dramaticly. * During scanning the file to find the end of it, the Memorator was giving no indication what was going on. The Memorator seemed "dead". Now it flashes the read LED. * The posttrigger value for the external trigger was not stored correctly. * Memorator in J1939 mode now support PDU1 and PDU2. * Memorator in J1939 mode: It's now possible to trigger and filter on parts of the id field, independent of each other. For example the source or the destination address. * Bug resulting in parts of an old file appearing at the end of a newly logged one, fixed. (Appeared under certain circumstances) Version 2.4.162 (24-NOV-2003) ============================= * This firmware is NOT intended for Kvaser Memorator because we haven't tested it with this hardware. There will be a new release within a few weeks that supports Kvaser Memorator. * Improved USB bus reset handling to handle a problem that occurred on a certain computer running WinXP * The PWR LED now flashes slowly when the device is waiting for the host to select a USB configuration (instead of just being totally dead) * Fixed problem where the device seemed to hang after stress conditions involving high busloads and many error frames for a prolonged time. * Changed Plug-and-play ID so Windows won't ask for the drivers each time the same device is plugged into a new hub port. * Firmware update batch scripts are now more verbose and robust. Version 2.3.146 (RELEASE OCTOBER 2003) ====================================== *) Bug fix: In some rare cases when Memorator was shut down during logging, the logged data was not possible to retrieve. The Memorator Configuration Tool crashed. *) Maximum number of triggers increased to 8 (eight). *) Two Signal Modes introduced. The modes affect the trigger conditions on signals. "Signal Reception Mode": each reception of a signal is considered a possible trigger activator. "Signal State Mode": The change of the signals state/value is considered a possible trigger activator. * Fixed problem where the device could hang if the computer was power cycled (seen on Compaq platforms) * Fixed problem with Memorator locking up when writing in FIFO mode and reaching the end of the disk. Could happen when logging for a long time. Version 2.2.000 (BETA RELEASE July 2003) ======================================== * Memorator firmware now handles up to 25 pass filters. * USBcan, PCIcan now limits the number of error frames reported within a given time, so the PC isn't overloaded if many error frames are generated. * Memorator firmware can now see the difference between error frames on channel 1 and error frames on channel 2, and will log them correctly. * Memorator: J1939 support. * PCIcan, USBcan: Fixed several instances of clock reading before a queue entry is allocated, causing the clock to go backwards when things were getting stressy. * PCIcan, USBcan: Fixed flawed chip state reporting. * Memorator: improved triggers; more trigger types available (see logger_tools) Version 2.1.079 (21-MAY-2003) ============================= * Fixed bug in VCI2 where the error led wasn't turned off if there was also CAN traffic at the same time. * PCIcan II: firmware can from now on be updated via the PCI bus. Updating from a firmware earlier than this release will still require updating via the CAN bus. * PCIcan II: bus load is now calculated on-board instead of in the driver. * PCIcan II: changed to 32-bit pointers in the DPRAM to avoid a race condition. This makes this firmware release incompatible with older releases, and driver version 3.5 is REQUIRED. * USBcan II, Rugged, Memorator: fixed problem with bus load reporting. Version 2.0.054 (12-MAY-2003) ============================= ********************************************************************* * IMPORTANT: this firmware release REQUIRES driver 3.4 or later. It * * will NOT run with 3.3 or older. (If you have an older driver * * installed, you can still upgrade and downgrade the firmware.) * ********************************************************************* * The on-board clock is now used to make the time stamps of the CAN messages. * Bus load is now calculated by the firmware (previous release used an approximation calculated by the driver.) * Memorator: software filters ("accept only these messages") now works as intended. * Firmware updating program now warns if wrong type of hardware is detected * Memorator: will now refuse to go on-bus in CONFIG mode. Previous versions would happily go on-bus but things didn't work very well after that. Now CANLIB APIs like canBusOn() will return 'Access denied'. * USB SetFeature and ClearFeature requests will now be stalled if they are illegal. This was needed to pass latest USB 2.0 compliance tests from * Periodic timer events are now implemented in the firmware instead of the driver. Needed to support the CANalyzer. * Fixed mysterious problem where CAN messages disappeared a la Bermuda triangle when bus load approached infinity. Version 1.7.039 (30-APR-2003) ============================= * Startup power consumption reduced; this should solve several instances of the problem where the USBcan/Memorator turns up as "Unknown Device" in the control panel. * "USBcan Rev B" is now known as "USBcan Rugged" * CAN Transmission Requests are implemented (needed for CANalyzer) * Memorator: Fixed bug where messages were lost when a posttrigger expired. * Memorator: fixed rare case of lost data * VCI2 now has hardware revision 0x7n. * Memorator: now supports NERR flag from TJA1054. * Support for generating error frames. * Memorator: Triggers on Signals of any length and motorola byte order. * Memorator: Fixed bug introduced in 1.7.038 where all timestamps were written as zeroes. Version 1.7.038 (21-MAR-2003) ============================= * Support for TJA1054 (lowspeed) transceivers. Requires special hardware and CANLIB 3.3b or later. * Fixed USB buffer overrun problem. * All devices: extensive speed optimizations. Memorator now works much better as a CAN interface (i.e. in USBcan mode) and there's no difference between a USBcan and a Memorator in USBcan mode. * Memorator uses more memory buffers to buffer disk data so we should see fewer overruns. * Scania VCI2: we can now read user input pin #4 to get the status of the CAN power. * Memorator: Now it is possible to have AND contitions between signals (and only signals) that doesn't exist in the exact same CANmessage. Version 1.6.026 (4-FEB-2003) ============================ * Memorator: read times (disk to USB) 10 times as fast, but this requires driver 3.3, and will not work at all with driver 3.2. * Memorator: fixed bugs that caused corrupt disks when repairing or verifying a disk from the setup program. * USBcan II, PCIcan II : no significant changes. Version 1.5.021 (19-DEC-2002) ============================= * Completely new firmware for Kvaser Memorator. If you have an older revision you should upgrade. * PCIcan II: this revision is not compatible with older f/w revisions in that the maximum size of a command packet in the DPRAM now is fixed to 32. If you have written your own driver, you should recompile it. The prodocol is unchanged so a recompilation is sufficient. * USBcan (any revision): this versions fixes a bug in RTR handling. A received message contained garbage if a special sequence of data and rtr frames was received. * Kvaser Memorator: The firmware will AUTOMATICALLY format the disk when it is inserted. This will probably go away in the next version (but it seems practical to keep it for now. If you have opinions, plase tell us.) Version 1.4.x, 1.3.x ==================== Internal versions. Version 1.2 or older ==================== Beta releases.
公司簡介 廣州智維電子科技有限公司是一家專門從事汽車測控設(shè)備行業(yè)的高科技公司。公司以“用科技做貢獻(xiàn)”為宗旨,以專業(yè)技術(shù)為核心,以優(yōu)質(zhì)產(chǎn)品為先導(dǎo),為我國汽車測控設(shè)備領(lǐng)域的發(fā)展做貢獻(xiàn)。智維電子科技依靠國外汽車測控領(lǐng)域多家化大公司的雄厚技術(shù)實力,代理專業(yè)汽車測試測量及控制設(shè)備,開展CAN培訓(xùn),自主研發(fā)汽車測控設(shè)備,并提供Z有效的系統(tǒng)解決方案. 智維代理瑞典Kvaser、德國Gantner、德國IPETRONIK、英國Warwick等多家大企業(yè)的產(chǎn)品,主要包括CAN總線分析儀、CAN總線數(shù)據(jù)記錄儀、汽車測試測量系統(tǒng)、過程控制系統(tǒng)等汽車測試領(lǐng)域*的軟硬件產(chǎn)品。我們還為各個行業(yè)提供基于CAN總線技術(shù)的系統(tǒng)開發(fā)和技術(shù)培訓(xùn),分享測試和診斷*的技術(shù)和知識。專注于測試測量和控制,我們已經(jīng)成為優(yōu)秀的供應(yīng)商和合作伙伴。智維開發(fā)和提供創(chuàng)新的全面的解決方案,用較早的高技術(shù)手段和我們的客戶一起完成這些方案。隨著系統(tǒng)開發(fā)的綜合性和廣泛性不斷提高,我們的經(jīng)驗和專業(yè)技術(shù)也有很大成長。我們也將開發(fā)國內(nèi)自主品牌的測控產(chǎn)品,不斷滿足國內(nèi)汽車測控行業(yè)發(fā)展的需要。
Kvaser Memorator firmware 產(chǎn)品信息
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