


      • 公司名稱中山市泰倫特電子科技有限公司
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      • 型       號
      • 所  在  地中山市
      • 廠商性質(zhì)經(jīng)銷商
      • 更新時間2024/11/6 8:27:06
      • 訪問次數(shù)99

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      中山市泰倫特電子科技有限公司代理韓國工控工業(yè)自控元器件、儀器儀表、開關按鈕、HANYOUNG(韓榮電子)  AUTONICS(奧托尼克斯) KOINO建興  KACON(凱昆) YONGSUNG (韓國龍聲) METRONIX DAEYANG(大洋)QLIGHT(可萊特-警報燈) HEDSS(海德)WOONYOUNG(云永)  DAEYANG(大洋電機) 、EOCR(三和) 、POWNIX(普力士) 、LG 、METRONIX(脈超尼斯)、PATLITE(派特萊)WERMA(偉馬快德)EOCR(韓國三和電機保護器) TEND(天得電機) FOTEK(陽明工控) MOUJEN(中國臺灣茂仁)  SUNX(日本神視)  SICK(德國施克)  韓國MENICS  韓國KONICS  美國HONEYWELL(霍尼韋爾)  LG低壓電器  SAMYOUNG(韓國三榮)  SUNGHO(韓國成浩)  SUNKWAN(韓國鮮光)  FOX(DAESUNG韓國大成)  韓國FAS、  DongA(東亞機電)  Daeil大一  CHANTO(中國臺灣長拓)  日本SMC氣動  中國臺灣HIWIN直線導軌  法國高諾斯(Crouzet)  日本和泉(IDEC)  德國P+F倍加福(PEPPERL+FUCHS)  中國臺灣ANLY(安良機電)  中國臺灣SAMD(山電電機)  HIBOX(韓國海博開關盒/接線盒)ELECSON(韓星)電壓、電流、功率、頻率數(shù)顯表、計數(shù)器、計米器、時間繼電器,轉(zhuǎn)速表,線速度表、 溫控表、接近開關 光電開關,旋轉(zhuǎn)編碼器、光纖開關、液位控制器、按鈕開關、指示燈、光字牌開關、急停開關、選擇開關、 微動開關、行程開關、多層信號燈,警示燈,層燈,塔燈,旋轉(zhuǎn)報警燈、蜂鳴器、保險絲座、接線端子、腳踏開關、天車開關、凸輪開關、十字組合開關、開關盒等、中間繼電器 固態(tài)繼電器、功率調(diào)節(jié)器、 腳踏控制器,腳踏調(diào)速器 電子踏板 黃玲
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      •  EOCR-SS固態(tài)過電流繼電器

      • EOCR-4E固態(tài)過電流繼電器 • EOCR-SP固態(tài)過電流繼電器• EOCR-ST固態(tài)過電流繼電器• EOCR-SE固態(tài)過電流繼電器
      • EOCR-SS固態(tài)過電流繼電器

      ProNET-µRTU通信轉(zhuǎn)換器HYOSUNG曉星電機 產(chǎn)品信息
        - It is an electronic device, realizing less mechanical noise; the power source and
          signaling line are internally insulated; adoption of both hardware and software filter
          provides strong resistance to noise and surge; and the digital type ensures high
          operational reliability.
        - Adopts high precision converter, which converts the analog input to a 12-bit digital
          signal to ensure accurate analog-digital conversion (max error of about (+,-) 0.5%),
          and outputs linear signals out of 4~20mA analog input.
        - ProNET-µRTU alone can collects diverse information from the switch board since it provides 16 digital input
          contacts, 8 digital output contacts, and 8 analog input channels.
        - Supports setting of 1-255 for ID units of access devices, and provides the various communication rate choices of
          9600, 19200, 38400, and 57600[bps] to be suitable for the system.
        - The front of the micro-RTU includes the LED module (red) for the 16 digital input contacts and for the 8digital
          output contacts, and there are separate LEDs for transmission (yellow) and receipt (yellow) allowing for on-the-
          spot checking of the communication status.
        - Available for both DC and AC power, supporting wide range of voltage.
        - Micro-RTU was designed to support attachment not only by back but also by sides, so panel installation is simple
      Item Comm. Spec. Speed Distance Comm. cable
      Media Protocol Max Regular Max Regular
      ProNET-µRTU RS-422/485 Modbus 57.6kbps 9.6 kbps
      ~ 57.6 kbps
      1.2km 1.2km EIA RS-422
      Item ProNET-µRTU
      Display unit LED (16 digital input contacts, 8 digital output contacts, communication Tx / Rx)
      Input & output Digital input 16 contacts
      Digital output 8 contacts
      Analog input 8 channels
      Protocol Modbus
      Communication RS422/485 (4/2 Wire) : 1 port
      Product Size (WxHxD) 105 x 238 x 182
      Item ProNET-µRTU
      Input type Number of AUX. contacts : 16
      Input voltage, current 100 ~ 130 VDC / 10 ~ 15 mA / point
      Output type AUX. contacts : 7   /   1 contact for output of unit's own trouble
      (Contact b for self trouble, contact a for others)
      Rated Output Resistive load : AC 250V,10A   DC 30V,10A   COSØ=1.0
      Inductive load : AC 250V,7.5A   DC 30V,5A   COSØ=0.4   L/R=7ms
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