SCONI - 3000 - □ □ - □
Output signal
Power supply
Name of each part
Type Range Display
R(PR13%) 0 ~ 1750 TC- R
K(CA) -200 ~ 1350 TC- K
E(CRC) -200.0 ~ 700.0 TC- E
J(IC) -200.0 ~ 800.0 TC- J
T(CC) -200.0 ~ 400.0 TC- T
mV Vol -50 ~ 50mV MV
t Volt -10 ~ 10V V
mA mA 4 ~ 20 mA MA
Pt100Ω -200.0 ~ 800.0 PT
JPt100Ω -200.0 ~ 500.0 JPT
A Indicator
B Indicator & 2 Alarm
C Indicator & 4 Alarm
1 DC 0 ~ 10V
2 DC 1 ~ 5V
3 DC 0 ~ 20mA
4 DC 4 ~ 20mA
5 RS - 485
R Other
N Not used
It can be accepts various input signals.
It is improved reliability by use of high
resolution 16 bit A/D converter.
It has various function such as peak hold which
can be use of various purposes.
It can be install RS 485 communication function
which can be use of various purposes.
It can be install 4 alarm point for alarm output
which can be set up upper limit alarm, lower
limit alarm and dead band respectively.
It can be install isolated current, voltage output
and it is possible output scaling.
AC 85 ~ 265V
(45 ~ 65Hz)
Y DC 24V (Option)
① Bar display
② Alarm status display
③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ : Data set up
and changing key
⑦ Display measuring