######################################################################### Release Notes for LabVIEW CAN VIs V5.29 ######################################################################### Preface ======================================================================== The Kvaser LabVIEW CAN VIs implement the LabVIEW interface to the Kvaser CAN runtime library. These VIs provide the same functionality as is present in the library. The VIs are all named kvCanXXX, where "XXX" is the name of a CAN library function. Requirements ======================================================================== The VIs require the CANlib SDK. They use functions defined in the CANlib DLL (CANlib32.dll), which must be present in the execution path for the VIs to run. The execution path is the current working directory, a directory specified in the PATH environment variable, or the standard Windows System32 directory. The CANlib SDK install program automatically installs the DLL into the path by copying it into the standard windows System32 directory. Installation ======================================================================== 1. Install LabVIEW 2. Install the Kvaser CANlib SDK 3. Copy the Kvaser LabVIEW CAN VIs and llb to any directory. Usage ======================================================================== The VIs are used like any LabVIEW VI. They may be installed in any directory. Read the CANlib SDK documentation, which lists the available functions and provides examples on their usage. Open the kvCanTree.vi VI. It contains additional details on the VIs and their usage. Look at the kvCanTree.vi diagram for a list of all VIs. Look at the kvCanExample1.vi. This VI is a VERY simple example that writes a single message to the CAN bus, and reads a single message from the bus. Known Problems and Limitations ======================================================================== Unfortunately, the basic kvCanExample1.vi that is inside the llb file shows the Vis in an improper use. The handle from canOpenChannel is split into parallel wires. This is equivalent to allowing the handle to be used in multiple threads in LabView 8 and greater. This may have been repeated in the kvCanStatExample.vi. New Features and Fixed Problems in v19.3.0 (25-SEP-2019) ========================================================================= * Collected llb for the following LabVIEW versions: - 6.0 - 8.2 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2016
Kvaser LabView VI Library for CAN 產(chǎn)品信息
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