● Travel to 300 mm
● Crossed-roller bearings
● Three drive-screw choices and accuracy levels
● Low height profile
● Large tabletop mounting area with both metric and English mounting hole spacing and threads
Flexible Options
With a range of drive-screw options, the ATS1500 can be configured to meet the needs of any application. Three levels of drive-screw accuracy grades are available ranging from a low-cost lead screw to a high precision, ground ball-screw. Screw pitches can be either 4 mm/rev or 0.2 in/rev.
A fail-safe brake is available for vertical applications to prevent the stage from backdriving during a power-off condition. Standard brackets simplify configuring the ATS1500 for use in multi-axis configurations.
Construction Features
The ATS1500 features a large moving carriage that provides the user with a large area to mount fixturing. All table mounting holes are fitted with Helicoil™ stainless steel inserts to permit multiple screw insertions without thread wear. Both metric and English bolt-hole and mounting patterns are available.
Accurate optical limit switches and cushioned end stops protect the stage and motor from overrun.
Motors and Drives
Aerotech BMS series brushless rotary motors are included with all ATS1500 series stages. This motor has all of the advantages of a brushless motor – high acceleration and no wear – at the price of a stepper motor. Both DC and stepping motors also are available.
Aerotech manufactures a wide range of amplifiers and controllers to provide a fully integrated and optimized motion solution.