Device name :Apparatus for autogenous strain of cement paste and mortar in a corrugated PE-tube
Purpose:To measure automatically the autogenous strain of cement paste and mortar
The product is developed according to ASTM C1698 and is superior to the standard requirement. The main components include three dilatometer benches, a reference bar, three length measuring gauges and some corrugated plastic tubes. The volume deformation of the sample can be transformed into linear deformation, which can avoid water loss in the test process. It is mainly used to automatically measure the autogenous strain of cement paste and mortar.
Maximum aggregate size:4.75mm
Purpose:To measure automatically the autogenous strain of cement paste and mortar
The product is developed according to ASTM C1698 and is superior to the standard requirement. The main components include three dilatometer benches, a reference bar, three length measuring gauges and some corrugated plastic tubes. The volume deformation of the sample can be transformed into linear deformation, which can avoid water loss in the test process. It is mainly used to automatically measure the autogenous strain of cement paste and mortar.
Maximum aggregate size:4.75mm