Codejock Xtreme TaskPanel為Windows提供了一個非常熟悉的任務欄,與Windows資源管理器類似。該任務面板可以像VS.NET工具一樣被運用,利用拖放可以快速、簡單的在任務欄中放置其組織項目,不同的是該控件包含了VS2005, Office 2003, and Windows XP。你不僅可以自定義任務欄的樣式,還可以改變其行為。有效的行為包括:Windwos資源管理器、列表框與工具箱。利用任務欄的特點,你可以很方便的實施對應用程序的管理,也可以作為用戶顯示信息的方法。
Codejock Xtreme TaskPanel provides Windows developers with a sophisticated Office Task Panel similar to what is seen in Microsoft Office and Windows Explorer. The TaskPanel can even be used as a Visual Studio .NET style tool box. Full “drag and drop” support makes organizing items in the task panel quick and easy. Many different themes are available including Visual Studio 2005 “Whidbey”, Office 2003, and Windows XP. Not only can you make your Task Panel look good, but you can change the behavior too. Available behaviors include Windows Explorer, List Box, and Tool Box. With the Task Panel’s grouping feature you can easily manage your application shortcuts and have a unique way of displaying information to your users.
Hot Tracking - Xtreme Task面板的工具箱和任務欄控件允許你增加hot tracking。hot tracking被開啟后,當鼠標經過你的items時,items將變?yōu)闊釁^(qū)。這使你很容易的看到鼠標經過的items效果。有4種不同類型的hot tracking可供選擇,它們是文字和圖片,純文本,純圖片及無文件。
行為 - Xtreme Task 面板的工具箱和任務欄控件允許你改變組的動畫行為。
Office and Explorer Task Panel
Task Panel - Xtreme TaskPanel provides an Office Task Panel similar to what is seen in Microsoft® Office and Windows Explorer. You can easily manage your application shortcuts and have a unique way of displaying information to the end user. Define your own categories and shortcuts to match your applications current theme settings. The TaskPanel can even be used as a VS. NET style Toolbox
Item Types - Xtreme TaskPanel allows you to easily add groups of related items to your taskpanel. You can add text items that allow you to display important information, you can add links, and you can add your own custom controls such as a textbox, combobox, command button, and option button
Group Captions - Xtreme TaskPanel allows you to hide/show the caption bar of your task panel groups giving you more flexibility over how your data is displayed to the user
Special Groups - Xtreme TaskPanel allows you to designate a group as "special." Groups marked as special will be displayed differently than normal groups drawing the users attention to that particular group. This is an excellent way to show the user the "default" or important items
Animation - Xtreme TaskPanel allows you to use animation effects when opening and closing groups in the task panel. You can turn animation on, off, or use the currently set operating system settings. In addition to animation, you have several predefined behaviors to choose from that change the way that groups are opened and closed
Expandable Groups - Xtreme TaskPanel allows you to designate which groups the user can expand and hide. You can specify individual groups or indicate that all group can or can't be expanded
Margins - Xtreme TaskPanel allows you change the margins of the task panel. You can change the margins surrounding the task panel groups, or you can change the margins of each individual task panel group item
VS.NET Style ToolBox Control - Xtreme Task Panel provides you with fully functional ToolBox control
Theme Support - Xtreme Task Panel ActiveX offers a ‘VS.NET Style Toolbox’ which provides a great alternative to the standard menu shortcuts. The Toolbox is incorporated into the TaskPanel so your Toolbox has all the functionality of the TaskPanel. You can easily create and assign toolbox commands
Toolbox Layout - Xtreme Task Panel's Toolbox control allows you to change the layout of your toolbox items with a single line of code. The items can be displayed as Images, Images with text, and Images with text below the icons. You can change the layout of the toolbox at any time in your program
Drag and Drop Items - Xtreme Task Panel's Toolbox and TaskPanel control allows you to change "Drag and Drop" items. You can move items within the same group, or you can drag items to another group. You can also Drag and Drop an entire group. Drag and Drop allows you to easily customize a Toolbox or TaskPanel
Toggle Buttons - Xtreme Task Panel's Toolbox and TaskPanel control offers toggle buttons that allow the user to easily see when items in your Toolbox and TaskPanel are "on" or "off". When a toggle button is clicked, you only need to update the "selected" property of the item
Icon Size - With Xtreme Task Panel's Toolbox and TaskPanel control you always have the choice of selecting either small or large toolbar icons. You can easily set the size of the icons that will be used for small or large icons. Switching between the two can be accomplished with only a few mouse clicks, giving users the satisfaction of controlling the look of the application. With this feature there is no need to worry about running out of space for more icons in using the small icons and there is no need for squinting to determine which icon to use when using the large icons
Hot Tracking - Xtreme Task Panel's Toolbox and TaskPanel control allows you to easily add hot tracking. When you move the mouse cursor over your items, they will become "Hot" when Hot Tracking is enabled. This allows you to easily see which item the mouse cursor is over. There are 4 different styles of hot tracking to choose from, which are, Text and Image, Text Only, Image Only, and None
Behavior - Xtreme Task Panel's Toolbox and TaskPanel control allows you to change the animation behavior of group items as you navigate them