


      • 公司名稱東莞市海威智能裝備股份有限公司
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      • 更新時間2021/5/17 16:47:18
      • 訪問次數(shù)181

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      聯(lián)系我們時請說明是 智能制造網(wǎng) 上看到的信息,謝謝!

      海威智能是集設計、研發(fā)、生產、銷售及配套服務于一體的專業(yè)經營沖壓自動化設備的生產企業(yè),位于中國東莞。主要產品有用于卷料上料的開卷校平送料三合一、各類分體的開卷機、校平機、送料機;用于片料上料的二次元、三次元多工位傳送機械手,獨立傳送機械手;以及各類依據(jù)客戶需求而定制的各類解決方案,包括剪切線,落料線,偏擺落圓線等。海威產品廣泛應用于汽車行業(yè)、家電行業(yè)及其它各類五金制品制造行業(yè)。海威智能有超過70%的設備應用于汽車行業(yè),客戶包括大眾、豐田、現(xiàn)代、吉利等品牌一級供應商以及宇通客車主機廠等等。在汽車行業(yè)強度效率要求越來越高的環(huán)境下,海威不斷提升自身研發(fā)能力,不斷升級完善產品性能及結構,為客戶創(chuàng)造價值。海威智能積極開拓市場,擁有自主進出口經營權,在汽配制造企業(yè)也有大量成功案例,包括捷克、意大利、葡萄牙、愛爾蘭、西班牙、加拿大、墨西哥、南非等以及韓國、馬來西亞、印尼、印度等廣大東南亞市場。海威智、服務的原則,配備了一批高素質、化服務團隊,充分發(fā)揮企業(yè)專業(yè)、迅速、便捷的服務特色,以誠信、創(chuàng)新、合作、共贏為企業(yè)宗旨,竭誠為廣大用戶提供更優(yōu)質的產品、更完善的服務為客戶創(chuàng)造價值。HAIWEI INTELLIGENT,a professional punch automation equipment manufactu rer,is a collection of designs,research&development productions and se rvices that are based on ou r business located in Dongguan China The main products are 3 in 1 uncoile r straightener feede r to load coiI material automatically;free—standing uncoilers straighteners,and feeders;2D transfe rs,3D transfe rs,and free—standing transfe rs Besides,va riety of tech solutions,including cut to length line,press blanking line,zigzag ci rcle plate blanking line,meet customers’demands our products have been widely applied in auto,appliances and hardware products industries .More than 70 percent p roducts are used in auto parts manufactu ring industry We are hono red to have earned preferred—vendor status with many of the leading auto pa rts SUppliers for Volkswagen,Toyota,Hyundai,Geely,Yutong Bus and more G rowing demand fo r high productivity and quality in auto industry u rge HAIWEI INTELLIGENT continue to improve R&D ability and machines pe rformance It is ou r goal to create value fo r customers.HAIWEI INTELLIGENT has been active in international ma rkets with the pe rmit for import and export We have run lots of successful p rojects in auto parts manufactu rer in The Czech Republic,Italy,Po rtugal,I reland,Spain,Canada,Mexico,South Africa,as well as Asian markets,such as South Korea,Malaysia,Indonesia,and India.It is OUR principie to supply superior products and excellent services Top—quality international teams provide professional,swift and convenient se rvices HAIWEI INTELLIGENT aims to supply SUperio r products and excellent services to create value for custome rs on the basiS of integ rity,innovation,and win—win cooperation.
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