CLS-211 Camera Link Simulator - Our high-performance video test pattern generator supporting all Camera Link configurations (base/medium/full) plus 80-bit modes. Fully programmable video timing enables the CLS-211 to mimic the characteristics of cameras with video clock rates up-to 85 MHz. Makes a great tester too.
CLS-211 Connections |
CLS-212 Camera Link Simulator - NEW PRODUCT- Based on the CLS-211 simulator, the CLS-212 adds features for testing and exercising Power Over Camera Link (PoCL) interfaces. Incoporates the Miniature Camera Link (miniCL) connectors widely used in PoCL applications. Particularly useful for testing PoCL cables and PoCL frame grabber SafePower functionality.
CLS-212 Connections |
CLS-221 Camera Link Simulator - The CLS-221 Camera Link Simulator is an affordable, high-performance video test pattern generator that supports all video formats including those introduced in the new version 2.1 specification. Fully programmable video timing enables the CLS-221 to mimic the characteristics of almost any camera. New features include enhanced timing performance, bayer color support, and additional video patterns. Control is via an RS-232 port, USB, or frame grabber COM port. The CLS-221 also incorporates the AIA validation test pattern.