As the product of the ingenious integration between nature and technology, the home elevator needs to have the avantgarde modern concept without losing the traditional charm and Zen. Safety is basic, intelligence is standard, and applicability is conscience.
The hoistway type and space layout should also be considered when selecting the domestic elevator:
First, determine where the elevator is installed. The size of the reserved hoistway directly affects the size of the lift car in the elevator. It should be reasonably selected to ensure practicality and comfort.
Common installation positions include: the middle of the stairs, the side of the stairs, the position against the wall, the existing shaft, the outdoor, etc.
Pre-purchase consideration - size confirmation When installing a domestic elevator, many people also face some confusion about the size of the elevator. Generally, there are reserved space dimensions, hoistway dimensions, car and platform dimensions, door dimensions, etc.

When determining the size of your own elevator, you need to provide the following dimensions to the brand:
Site space size, floor height (including floor), pit size and decoration requirements. Even so, customers often feel a little dizzy. Z is a good way for the installation engineer to conduct field exploration and adapt the installation position and size of the elevator.
How to confirm the driving mode:
According to the previous size and decoration requirements, the later stage is to choose the elevator that is suitable for your home drive mode, choose different drive modes, understand their advantages and disadvantages, and also facilitate customers to determine the brand and find their favorite products.
The hydraulic drive adopts the jacking principle of the hydraulic device to realize the up and down operation of the lift car.
Advantages: low energy consumption, small pit requirements, no overspeed, simple structure disadvantages: easy to leak oil, sensitive to high and low temperature, not environmentally friendly, smelly, loud noise, inconvenient oil circuit maintenance.
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